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Sometimes, when in abnormal conditions, you lose the presence of God, and become
unable to feel God when you pray. It is normal to feel afraid at such times. You
should immediately start searching. If you do not, God will be apart from you, and
you will be without the presence of the Holy Spirit—and, moreover, the work of the
Holy Spirit—for a day, two days, even a month or two months. In these situations,
you become so incredibly numb and are once more taken captive by Satan, to the
point where you are capable of committing all manner of act. You covet wealth,
deceive your brothers and sisters, watch movies and videos, play mahjong, and even
smoke and drink without discipline. Your heart has strayed far from God, you have
secretly gone your own way, and you have arbitrarily passed judgment on God’s work.
In some cases, people sink so low that they feel no shame or embarrassment in
committing sins of a sexual nature. This kind of person has been forsaken by the
Holy Spirit; in fact, the work of the Holy Spirit has long been absent in such a
person. One can only see them sink ever deeper into corruption as their sinful
hands stretch out ever further. In the end, they deny the existence of this way,
and are taken captive by Satan as they sin. If you discover that you only have the
presence of the Holy Spirit, yet lack the work of the Holy Spirit, it is already a
dangerous situation to be in. When you cannot even feel the presence of the Holy
Spirit, then you are on the verge of death. If you do not repent, then you will
have completely returned to Satan, and you shall be among those who are cast out.
So, when you discover that you are in a state where there is only the presence of
the Holy Spirit (you do not sin, you hold yourself in check, and you do nothing in
blatant resistance to God) but you lack the work of the Holy Spirit (you do not
feel moved when you pray, you gain no obvious enlightenment or illumination when
you eat and drink the words of God, you are indifferent about eating and drinking
the words of God, there is never any growth in your life, and you have long been
bereft of great illumination)—at such times, you must be more cautious. You must
not indulge yourself, you must not give free rein to your own character any
further. The presence of the Holy Spirit may disappear at any time. This is why
such a situation is so dangerous. If you find yourself in this kind of state, try
to turn things around as soon as you can. First, you should say a prayer of
repentance and ask that God extend His mercy upon you once more. Pray more
earnestly and, quiet your heart to eat and drink more of God’s words. With this
foundation, you must spend more time in prayer; redouble your efforts in singing,
praying, eating and drinking God’s words, and performing your duty. When you are at
your weakest, your heart is most easily possessed by Satan. When that happens, your
heart is taken from God and returned to Satan, whereupon you are without the
presence of the Holy Spirit. At such times, it is doubly difficult to regain the
work of the Holy Spirit. It is better to seek the work of the Holy Spirit while He
is still with you, which will allow God to bestow more of His enlightenment upon
you and not cause Him to abandon you. Praying, singing hymns, serving your
function, and eating and drinking the words of God—all of this is done so that
Satan has no opportunity to do its work, and so that the Holy Spirit may work
within you. If you do not regain the work of the Holy Spirit in this way, if you
simply wait, then regaining the work of the Holy Spirit will not be easy when you
have lost the presence of the Holy Spirit, unless the Holy Spirit has particularly
moved you, or especially illuminated and enlightened you. Even so, it does not just
take a day or two for your state to recover; sometimes even six months may pass
without any recovery. This is all because people are too easy on themselves, are
incapable of experiencing things in a normal way and are thus abandoned by the Holy
Spirit. Even if you do regain the work of the Holy Spirit, the present work of God
still might not be very clear to you, for you have fallen far behind in your life
experience, as if you were left ten thousand miles behind. Is this not a terrible
thing? I tell such people, however, that it is not too late to repent now, but that
there is one condition: You must work harder, and not indulge in laziness. If other
people pray five times in one day, you must pray ten times; if other people eat and
drink the words of God for two hours a day, you must do so for four or six hours;
and if other people listen to hymns for two hours, you must listen for half a day
at the very least. Be often at peace before God and think of God’s love, until you
are moved, your heart returns to God, and you no longer dare stray away from God—
only then will your practice bear fruit; only then will you be able to recover your
previous, normal state.

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