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1 Warm up
Match the words to the pictures. Which words are usually related to Easter?

bunny chick chocolate eggs daffodil

Easter basket egg hunt egg roll hot cross buns
kites lamb saucepans witches

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

Now, watch the video. What are the people doing?

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2 Listening 1
Listen to five people talking about Easter traditions in their countries. Match the people to the
country and the tradition.

Speaker 1 a. Greece i. → People fly kites.

Speaker 2 b. Bermuda ii. → People have egg fights.

Speaker 3 c. Germany iii. → People throw things out of their windows

Speaker 4 d. Sweden iv. → People make a tree and put eggs on it.

Speaker 5 e. Bulgaria v. → Children dress as witches.

3 Listening 2
Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Listen again and check.

a. Speaker 1 is Swedish. →

b. Speaker 2 has a friend who lived in Corfu, but doesn’t anymore. →

c. Speaker 3 says that people throw eggs at each other in Bulgaria. →

d. Speaker 4 is married to a German person. →

e. Speaker 5 travelled to Bermuda a few years ago. →

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4 Grammar 1
Read the grammar box with sentences from the listening below.

• ...she and the other kids used to dress up as witches and go to people’s houses to ask for sweets
• thing I used to love from my childhood in Bulgaria were egg fights.
• When I was a child, we didn’t use to celebrate Easter, so it’s great to make the tree with our

We can talk about a past habit with → used to + verb.

The negative is → didn’t use to + verb.

Now, complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in the box.

bake spend travel hide not like

1. When I was little, we always had an egg hunt: my dad eggs in the
garden for my sisters and me to find.

2. I Easter because I can’t have chocolate, but now I love preparing

things for my children.

3. My grandmother hot cross buns for us every Easter. They’re a type

of bread and they’re really nice!

4. I live near Washington D.C., so my family every year to the White

House to see the Easter Egg Roll.

5. My brother and I hours painting eggs when we were children.

5 Speaking 1
Follow the instructions below to play Taboo.

1. Form pairs.
2. One student chooses a card and explains the underlined word without using any of the words
below it (or the word itself).
3. The other student has two guesses, then it is their turn to choose a card.

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6 Speaking 2

In groups, discuss if the sentences below are right (✦) or wrong (X). You can’t search online. Put a
number from 1-5 next to each sentence based on how sure you are (5 = very sure). Then check with
your teacher how many points you scored.

1. The idea for the Easter bunny started in Germany. ✦/ X Right - The Easter bunny, called
Osterhase, delivered treats to children.

2. Most UK chocolate sales happen at Easter time. ✦/ X

3. In the US, 76% of people eat the bottom part of a chocolate bunny first. ✦/ X

4. In 2007, an Easter egg with a lot of diamonds on it was sold for $11 million. ✦/ X

5. People think the name ‘Easter’ is used because of a goddess with a similar name. ✦/ X

6. People sometimes eat special ham at Easter. ✦/ X

7. The tallest chocolate egg in the world was 34.08ft in height and made in Belgium. ✦/ X

8. 900 million chocolate bunnies are made every year. ✦/ X

9. The first “White House Easter Egg Roll” with the US President was over 100 years ago. ✦/ X

10. The first chocolate Easter egg in the UK was produced in the 19th century. ✦/ X

7 Speaking 3

Answer the questions below in pairs.

1. What do you do at Easter in your country?

2. What do you eat at Easter?
3. Do you have the Easter bunny in your country, or do you have something else?
4. Do you like Easter? Why/why not?
5. How did your parents and grandparents use to celebrate Easter? Are Easter traditions changing?

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8 Extension activity 1

Listen to the speakers again and choose the correct words.

Speaker 1: My mom is from Sweden, and she told me that when she was a child, she and the
other kids used to dress up as witches and go to people’s houses to ask for (1)
candies / sweets. So it’s a bit like Halloween here, but the children also give Easter
cards that they make themselves, so that’s (2) nice / kind.
Speaker 2: I have a friend who used to live in Corfu, Greece, and he told me of a very (3)
different / strange tradition they have there: people throw saucepans out of their
windows! They (4) believe / think it makes all the bad things go away.
Speaker 3: I’m half-British, half-Bulgarian, I used to (5) like / love having egg fights at Easter
in my childhood in Bulgaria. The whole family color eggs (the first one had to be
red), then hit them against each other. If your egg doesn’t break, you are the (6)
champion / winner.
Speaker 4: My husband is German so we always make an Ostereierbaum at Easter. It’s a (7)
small / little tree with colored eggs on it. When I was a child, we didn’t use to
celebrate Easter, so it’s great to make the tree with our (8) children / kids.
Speaker 5: I was on (9) holiday / vacation in Bermuda last Easter and do you know what they
do for Easter? They fly kites! They make the kites themselves and it’s really (10)
pretty / beautiful to watch.

9 Extension activity 2

In groups, record a video for social media on Easter traditions around the world.

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1. Warm up

Eli: It’s Sunday. I think we all know what that means. We’re going to play hard, we’re going
to play safe, but we’re going to have fun. Right, who’s with me? I can’t hear you!

Daughter: Ah, Dad!

Sean: Welcome to the 2023 Sunday Easter Egg Hunt, live in Eli’s back yard. I’m Sean O’Hara,
alongside the Easter bunny. Always great to see you.

Sean: On offense, we’ve got Eli and the Bunny Hoppers, and on defene, led by Justin Tuck,
we’ve got the Chirping Chickies. Eli’s dropping back, the Bunny Hoppers need a miracle.

Sean: It looks like a Hail Mary ... it’s up ... Caroline catches it in the basket! Touchdown, the
Bunny Hoppers win!

2. Listening 1

Speaker 1 (female): My mom is from Sweden, and she told me that when she was a child, she and
the other kids used to dress up as witches and go to people’s houses to ask for
candies. So it’s a bit like Halloween here, but the children also give Easter cards
that they make themselves, so that’s nice.

Speaker 2 (male): I have a friend who used to live in Corfu, Greece, and he told me of a very strange
tradition they have there: people throw saucepans out of their windows! They
believe it makes all the bad things go away.

Speaker 3 (male): I’m half-British, half-Bulgarian, and I used to love having egg fights at Easter in
my childhood in Bulgaria. The whole family color eggs (the first one had to be
red), then hit them against each other. If your egg doesn’t break, you are the

Speaker 4 (female): My husband is German so we always make an Ostereierbaum at Easter. It’s a

little tree with colored eggs on it. When I was a child, we didn’t use to celebrate
Easter, so it’s great to make the tree with our kids.

Speaker 5 (female): I was on vacation in Bermuda last Easter and do you know what they do for
Easter? They fly kites! They make the kites themselves and it’s really beautiful
to watch.

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1. Warm up

5 mins.
Students match the words to the pictures. When correcting, elicit which ones are usually connected to Easter (tip:
they’ll learn throughout the lesson that all the pictures are related to Easter!).

1. chocolate eggs 2. witches 3. saucepans 4. bunny

5. kites 6. hot cross buns 7. egg hunt 8. Easter basket
9. egg roll 10. chick 11. daffodil 12. lamb
5 mins.
Students watch the video and, in pairs, compare which items from the previous task they saw. Elicit a whole class
(chocolate eggs, egg roll, egg hunt, basket, a bunny).

2. Listening 1

5 mins.
Ask students if they know of any Easter traditions, both from their country and from others. Students listen to
the speakers and match them to the country and tradition. Correct as a whole class.

1 → d. → v.
2 → a. → iii.
3 → e. → ii.
4 → c. → iv.
5 → b. → i.

3. Listening 2

10 mins.
Ask students to read the sentences and try to remember if the sentences are true or false. Students then listen to
the speakers again and check. When correcting, elicit what is wrong about the false sentences.

a. F (her mother is Swedish)

b. T
c. F (They hit one egg against another.)
d. T
e. F (It was last year.)

4. Grammar 1

10 mins.
Read the Grammar box with the students and elicit other examples using used to. Students then complete the
sentences. Ask students to compare answers before correcting as a whole class.

1. used to hide 2. didn’t use to like

3. used to bake 4. used to travel

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5. used to spend

5. Speaking 1

10 mins.
Explain how to play the game, Taboo: in pairs, Student A chooses one of the eight underlined words and has to
describe it to Student B without saying the word itself or any other in the box. Demonstrate yourself, then tell
students to play the game. Monitor and help when necessary.

6. Speaking 2

15 mins.

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In small groups, students decide if the sentences are correct, assigning a score from 1-5 based on how confident
they are. Before correcting, ask students to write two columns, + and -. If they are right, they add the number of
points they chose to the plus column, and if they’re wrong to the minus column. Correct the sentences and find
out which group scored higher.

1. Right - The Easter bunny, called Osterhase, delivered treats to children.

2. Wrong - About 10% of UK chocolate sales happen at Easter. It’s the second biggest chocolate-selling period,
after Christmas.
3. Wrong - 76% of Americans eat the ears first on a chocolate bunny. Only 5% eat the tail first!
4. Right - Between 1885 and 1916, Carl Fabergé created 50 Easter eggs. 7 have disappeared but 43 are still in
5. Right - She was the goddess of spring and was called Eostre.
6. Right - People used to eat a ham that they stored over the winter, and the tradition still continues.
7. Wrong - It was made in Italy.
8. Wrong – It’s 90 million.
9. Correct – The tradition started in 1878.
10. Correct – It was introduced in 1873 by the family-owned company Fry’s.

7. Speaking 3

5 mins.
In pairs, students discuss the questions. Elicit some ideas as a whole class.

8. Extension activity 1

15 mins.
Students listen and choose the words used by the speakers. Remind students the other words are synonyms of
the ones the speakers use. After correcting, ask students to take turns reading from the script. You can also ask
them to write another extract as a person from their country.
1: sweets
2: nice
3: strange
4: believe
5: love
6: winner
7: small
8: kids
9: holiday
10: beautiful

Please note that in this instance "go on holiday" is a British English phrase.

9. Extension activity 2

15 mins.
In small groups, students record a short video on their phones. They could refer to Easter traditions in their own
country, those they learned about in this lesson, or others they know of and/or research. Encourage them to make

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notes, but not write down every single word of what they are going to say. They then present their videos to the
other students, who vote for the best one.

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