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Seminar_Presentation tasks and guidelines

Presentation guidelines:
The presentation should include a theoretical framework of the topic and a
description/explanation of applying theory to practice (e.g. by describing/explaining classroom
activities or specific classroom situations).
Feel free to use sources and references from the Reading Task, as well as relevant literature
of your own choice.
It would be a good idea to include the audience by asking questions, giving a short task or
preparing a questionnaire (followed by the discussion of the results).
The presentation should be followed by a discussion prepared and led by the presenters.

 presentation task
 two students prepare and deliver the presentation together
 PowerPoint; tasks; video clips related to the topic
 duration: 15 – 20 minutes
 discussion (5-10 minutes): presenters should prepare questions and lead the discussion
 students prepare questions to ask the presenters

Assessment Criteria
 task achievement: including and addressing all elements of the task, providing explanations
and arguments to support presented ideas
 content: relevance, clear presentation, Ss show understanding of the topic/subject, clear
conclusion, using relevant literature and correct reference conventions (citing resources
 language: correct and appropriate use of vocabulary and grammar, correct pronunciation,
 presenting: speaking about the topic (not reading), engaging the listeners
 leading the discussion: development, encouraging Ss to participate, providing comments,
asking additional questions
 effort invested

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