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Lesson Title: Reading and Textual Comprehension in Technical Education

Grade/Level: High School

 Students will understand the importance of reading and textual comprehension in the
context of technical education
 Students will be able to identify the four main processes and strategies for reading and
textual comprehension: active reading, metacognition, strategies for comprehension,
and critical reading
 Students will be able to apply the four main processes and strategies for reading and
textual comprehension to technical texts

 PowerPoint presentation on the four main processes and strategies for reading and
textual comprehension
 Technical texts (articles, manuals, etc.) for practice
 Writing materials for notes

Lesson Outline:
I. Introduction
 Introduce the topic of the class and the importance of reading and textual
comprehension in the context of technical education
 Preview the main points of the class

II. Active Reading

 Use the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the concept of active reading
 Provide an example of a technical text and show how to use active reading to
understand it
 Allow students time to practice active reading using the provided text and questions
 Facilitate a class discussion on the students' experience with active reading

III. Metacognition
 Use the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the concept of metacognition
 Provide an example of a technical text and show how to use metacognition to
understand it
 Allow students time to practice metacognition using the provided text and prompts
 Facilitate a class discussion on the students' experience with metacognition

IV. Strategies for Comprehension

 Use the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the concept of strategies for
 Provide an example of a technical text and show how to use strategies for
comprehension to understand it
 Allow students time to practice strategies for comprehension using the provided text
and prompts
 Facilitate a class discussion on the students' experience with strategies for

V. Critical Reading (5 minutes)

 Use the PowerPoint presentation to introduce the concept of critical reading
 Provide an example of a technical text and show how to use critical reading to
evaluate it
 Allow students time to practice critical reading using the provided text and prompts

VI. Conclusion (5 minutes)

 Summarize the main points of the class and the importance of using the four main
processes and strategies for reading and textual comprehension in technical education
 Provide additional resources for further practice and learning
 Assign homework such as using the PowerPoint presentation to review the main
concepts and applying the four processes and strategies to a technical text of their
 Remind students to come prepared for the next class with the technical text they have
chosen for their homework and any questions they have.

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