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Project Development:

This semester I explored different learning theories, teaching strategies, and

Question I asked to determine the direction of the project:
1. What would happen if you took technology A and combined it with
strategy B?
2. Do you think it would be effective?
3. How will you assess its effectiveness?
4. Has anyone tried something similar?
5. What does the research say?
Project Requirements

1. Select an instructional strategy or a blend of strategies.

The Instructional Strategy that I have chosen to focus on is teacher-student

directed style learning such as
a. Lecture
b. One-one instruction
c. One - dimensional Teacher-centered information transfer

2. Identify a technology tool(s) to support the strategy.

I have identified Evernote to be a beneficial technological tool that supports

this type of Instructional Strategy

3. Check the literature to get a sense of what has been done before related to the
strategy and technology.
I have included 6 sources of references to support my reasoning for combining
the instructional strategy and technology together for learning purposes.
4. Develop a product (lesson, web resource, or?) that integrates the technology
with the strategy.
I have developed a Lesson plan for 1st year college undergraduates that
integrates Evernote as a technological tool that will be useful throughout their
college career. Specifically in their course where the teaching style is centered
around the following: Lectures, One-one instruction One dimensional, and
Teacher-centered information transfer.
Project Includes
1. Presentational Method: Power point

2. Actual Product: Wed-resource, Lesson Plan, Rubric, Instructional Guidelines

3. Review of California Common Core State Standards
4. Annotated Bibliography of 6 citations to support the selection of the strategy

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