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Lesson Plan

Topic: How to write report writing

Level: Higher secondary students of social science

40 minutes
Description: Session enables students to understand the criteria of Report writing
through Power Point slide and various samples. The first 10 minutes will
be covered in brainstorming that includes discussion. The next 20 minutes
will be covered the description of report writing mainly includes the
structure, tense and format of Report writing. The last 10 minutes will be
consumed in making the template of report writing and the teacher to take
follow up on report writing. Giving Feedback after the completion of given

Pre-requisites: Complete writing assignment.


1. Brainstorming- Discuss the main theme behind the topic.

Guess the title and ask randomly about the title meaning
2. Power Point slide to help them understand report writing
3. Independent work allotted to make a template outline
4. Group discussions to promote collaborative learning that will be
helpful for less able learners.
Required: 1. Writing assignment.
The main goal of this session is to help learners develop academic writing in the form of Report
writing. Secondly to promote collaborative learning activities that will help less able learners to
understand it more effectively.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Demonstrate academic writing i.e. Report writing
2. To create a report and include its necessary elements
3. Summarize main idea or key notes through report writing
Learning Activities – Pre-session
1. Brainstorming. Predict the topic Report and activity of Q/ As. (5 minutes)

Learning Activities - Session

 Activity after pre- session: introduction through Q/A session of report writing.
Asking what the term Report Writing means to them. • Brainstorm the main
idea to be discussed in introduction section on which the observation part is
based. .Ask to pinpoint ideas to main idea because observation section of a
report includes three paragraphs with three idea. Divide the class in group of 6
students (Collaborative Learning) and ask to discuss the term Report Writing.
 Tell them the tense of the report writing (past tense) and ask them to use
concise and formal academic language.
 • Tell them the use of reporting verbs how to integrate the ideas. A list of
commonly used reporting verbs is provided to learn by heart.
 (states, claims, describes, defines, suggests)
 Tell them the use of Transition words ( therefore, moreover, however)
 Through PowerPoint slide ask each group of students to read report writing.
Show them the slide and help where they need. Ask them to focus more on the
structure/format of report writing.

 Introduce the structure/format of report writing. Explain the format and ask them to
focus on the details of format. Tell them the elements of report writing.
 Tell them the what should be written in the introduction ( the answer of series of
questions asked Who, Why, Where, When, How)
 Tell them what to write in the body paragraph and the use of precise language
 After explanation ask questions to students about the format. Ask them to focus on
the division of paragraphs.
 Explain through the example given in the PowerPoint slides .Keeping in mind the
Report Writing Format and instructions. Write a report on “Pakistan navy has
organized a relief camp for the flood affectees Baluchistan Write a report of about
250-300 words covering the main event as an official reporter of Pakistan
Learning Activities – Post-Session
1- Keeping in mind the Report Writing Format and instructions. Write a report of about
250-300 words on the given topic .Write a report in about 200 words covering t
 Pakistan navy has organized a relief camp for the flood affectees Baluchistan Write
a report of about 250-300 words covering the main event as an official reporter of
Pakistan Government.
Additional Notes and Resources
 file://C:\Documents and Settings\truuser\Desktop\COL\who\module
 PowerPoint slide

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