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Course Syllabus: Educational Technology

Prof. Ayoub Loutfi

Course Information
Meeting day and time: Friday, 16h00-18h00.
Course Contents can be accessed through Google Classroom.
Class Code: vm66co2

Course Description: Educational Technology is a seminar-style course designed for university students in Semester
5. This course explores the intersection of technology and education, equipping students with the knowledge and skills
to effectively integrate educational technology into instructional practices. Through in-depth discussions, interactive
activities, and collaborative learning, students will gain a deep understanding of how technology can enhance teaching
and learning experiences. The seminar format encourages active participation, critical thinking, and the exchange of
ideas among students and the instructor, fostering an environment that nurtures intellectual growth and creativity.

Learning Goals: By the end of the course, students should be able to:
• Understand the fundamental concepts and theories related to educational technology.
• Identify the benefits, challenges, and best practices of e-learning and online platforms.
• Describe the different blended learning models and how they can be used to enhance student learning.
• Explain the flipped classroom model and its benefits and limitations.
• Discuss the use of serious games and gamification in education.
• Explore the applications of artificial intelligence in education and the ethical considerations involved.
• Consider the use of multimedia, simulations, and virtual labs in teaching.
• Analyze how technology can be used to enhance reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in language learning.
• Examine the use of technology for formative and summative assessment, data-driven decision-making, and feedback
• Reflect on the emerging trends in educational technology and their potential impact on education.
• Consider the ethical implications of using technology in educational settings.

• Presentation (40%): Students will conduct presentations based on scholarly articles, demonstrating their understanding
and critical analysis of educational technology topics.
• Participation (10%): Active participation in discussions, peer reviews, and collaborative activities.
• Final Exam (50%): A comprehensive exam assessing students' knowledge of course concepts.
Teaching Modes:
The course will employ a variety of teaching modes to cater to diverse learning styles and enhance engagement:
1. Lecture-Based Instruction:
• Lectures can be used to introduce key concepts, theories, and historical developments in educational technology.
• Multimedia presentations, videos, and interactive elements can enhance the lecture format, making it engaging and
2. Presentations:
• Presentations by students, as part of assessments, can be used to deepen their understanding of specific topics.
• Presentations can be scheduled on a regular basis, allowing students to explore and explain various aspects of
educational technology.

3. Interactive Discussions:
• Interactive discussions can take place during seminars or designated class sessions.
• They provide a platform for in-depth exploration of course materials, case studies, and current trends in educational
4. Group Projects:
• Group projects can be assigned throughout the course, allowing students to collaborate on practical applications of
educational technology.
• Each group can work on designing, developing, or evaluating an educational technology solution.
5. Online Learning:
• Online learning components can be integrated into the course, providing flexibility for students.
• This mode can include recorded lectures, discussion forums, quizzes, and online assignments, allowing students to
engage with course materials at their own pace.

Weekly Calendar:
Week 1: Introduction to Educational Technology Theme Description: This week focuses on establishing
foundational knowledge in educational technology.
Topics and Subtopics:
• Historical Development of Educational Technology
• Theoretical Frameworks in Educational Technology
• Current Trends and Future Prospects
Week 2: E-Learning and Online Platforms Theme Description: Dive into the world of e-learning and online
platforms to understand their benefits and challenges.
Topics and Subtopics:
• Benefits of E-Learning
• Online Learning Platforms
• Best Practices in Online Instruction
Week 3: Blended Learning Theme Description: Learn how to design and implement effective blended learning
Topics and Subtopics:
• Blended Learning Models
• Designing Effective Blended Learning Experiences
• Assessing the Impact of Blended Learning
Week 4: Flipped Classroom Theme Description: Explore the flipped classroom model and its benefits.
Topics and Subtopics:
• The Flipped Classroom Model
• Flipped Classroom Strategies
• Assessing the Effectiveness of Flipped Learning
Week 5: Serious Games in Education Theme Description: Discover the use of serious games and gamification in
Topics and Subtopics:
• Gamification and Game-Based Learning
• Designing Educational Games
• Case Studies of Successful Serious Games
Week 6: Artificial Intelligence in Education Theme Description: Explore the applications and ethical considerations
of AI in education.
Topics and Subtopics:

• Applications of AI in Education
• Ethical Considerations in AI
• The Future of AI in Education
Week 7: Teaching Using Technology Theme Description: Understand how to effectively integrate multimedia,
simulations, and interactive content into teaching.
Topics and Subtopics:
• Multimedia in Teaching
• Simulations and Virtual Labs
• Strategies for Engaging Students
Week 8: Teaching Language Skills Using Technology Theme Description: Discover the potential of technology in
teaching language skills.
Topics and Subtopics:
• Enhancing Reading and Writing Skills
• Technology-Enhanced Listening and Speaking Activities
• Case Studies in Language Learning Technology
Week 9: Assessment and Evaluation in Educational Technology Theme Description: Learn about various
assessment methods and data-driven decision-making in education.
Topics and Subtopics:
• Formative and Summative Assessment with Technology
• Data-Driven Decision Making
• Feedback Mechanisms
Week 10: Emerging Trends in Educational Technology Theme Description: Explore emerging trends, including
augmented reality, virtual reality, and gamification.
Topics and Subtopics:
• Augmented Reality (AR) in Education
• Virtual Reality (VR) in Education
• Gamification and Game-Based Learning
Week 11: Future of Educational Technology Theme Description: Reflect on the future of education in the digital
age and your personal growth during the course.
Topics and Subtopics:
• The Future of Learning Environments
• Pedagogical Shifts in the Digital Age
• Ethical Considerations in Educational Technology
The Philosophy behind Presentations: The presentations serve as a platform for students to delve deeper into
educational technology topics. Each presentation should reflect critical analysis and application of scholarly articles.
It encourages students to become educators who not only understand educational technology but can also communicate
its significance and practicality effectively. Peer discussions following presentations foster collaborative learning and
diverse perspectives, enriching the overall learning experience.
Integration with Advanced Research Techniques: I strongly encourage you to apply the knowledge and skills
acquired in this course to your class on Advanced Research Techniques. The concepts explored here, including critical
analysis of scholarly literature and effective presentation skills, are directly applicable to conducting research and
presenting your findings.

Here is an Assessment Sheet for the Presentations:

Criteria Description Points

The presentation should demonstrate a clear understanding of the

assigned topic. The student should be able to explain the key concepts 7 Points
and theories, and provide evidence to support their claims.

The presentation should demonstrate the student's ability to critically

analyze the assigned topic. The student should be able to identify the
Critical Analysis 5 Points
strengths and weaknesses of the arguments, and propose their own
solutions or insights.

The presentation should be clear, concise, and engaging. The student

should be able to use appropriate language and visuals to communicate 4 Points
their ideas effectively.

The presentation should be well-organized and professional. The

Technical Skills student should be able to use technology effectively to support their 4 Points

Here are some specific examples of what you might look for when assessing each of these criteria:
• Presentation Content: The student should be able to define the key terms and concepts related to
the topic, and explain how they are used in educational technology. The student should also be able
to cite scholarly articles and other sources to support their claims.
• Critical Analysis: The student should be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
arguments made by other authors. The student should also be able to propose their own solutions or
insights to the problems discussed in the literature.
• Communication Skills: The student should be able to speak clearly and confidently, and use
appropriate language to communicate their ideas. The student's presentation should also be well-
organized and easy to follow.
• Technical Skills: The student should be able to use technology effectively to support their
presentation. This includes using PowerPoint or other presentation software, as well as using the
internet to access and cite sources.

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