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William Jang L6 Thi Cam Nhung ajch Nguyén Phuong Linh hiéu dinh PERFECT IELTS VOCABULARY AWisdom Garden NHA XUAT BAN Spalghabooks" Ygamma @® THE GIO! 1 WEEK TOPIC ENVIRONMENT THE IMPORTANCE OF RECYCLING GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS GLOBAL WARMING AND DISASTER PROTECT ANIMALS FROM DYING OUT THE INCREASING LEVEL OF NOISE POLLUTION WATER SHORTAGE LAWS TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT MON ey IELTS BASIC WORDS habitat tnabrtat) 1. moitrusng séng ENG. the area or natural environment in which an organism normally lives ‘SYS. home, abode Itis important to recycle paper to prevent the cutting down of trees, which is a habitat of many animals. ‘Diu quan trong la ching ta phi ti ché gidy nh ngén chan nan cht phé rung - noi vén la méi trudng s6ng cila nhiéu loai dong vat. += When humans recycle, they prevent the destruction of animal home ground. Khi tai ch&, con ngudi sé ng’ chin duge viec pha hiy mdi trudng séng cla ding vat. + Falling to recycle is indirectly destroying the natural home of thousands of creatures. Vige Kg ti ch dang gn tgp hy hoa méi ruin séng ymin cia Nang nghin fi sin vat 4 Due to people's laziness to recycle, the forest is the most abused among all the places they visit. ‘Do con nguds tr tr trong vige tai ché ma ring 48 trd thanh noi bj hy hoai nhigu nhdt trong s6 nhng ia dm con ngus 68 chin én whole thai} ad. ca ENG. comprising the full quantity or amount sys. complete, total | The whole nation is working on raising money to fund the orderly segregation of recyclable materials. | CAnnube dang nd Ive gay quy dé tai tr cho vige phan logi mot cdch 06 hé théng céc |_-vatliju tai ché, ima = o is o The government provided the sum total of money that will finance the city’s garbage segregation and recycling. ‘Chinh phi da cp toan bd sé tidn du tu cho vigc phan logi va tai ché réc cla thanh phd. ‘The entire amount of money allotted for garbage collection was used very efficiently. ‘Toan bd 86 tién duge c&p cho vigc thu gom rac 44 duge sit dyng rét higu qua. + Usually, recyclable garbage in cities is sold in pieces by garbage collectors, which earn them additional money. “Thong thudng, ning nguil thu gom réc s8 bén réc ta ché cba thanh ph theo ting phan riéng, day ‘Xing a cdch 48 ho kiém thém thu nhép. a 4 1 WEEK TOPIC ENVIRONMENT 2) ee SE »B6 sung tit vung co ban Strategy ['stratodsi) 1. chién tug, ké hoach ENG. an elaborate and systematic plan of action SYS. policy, scheme The government must devise a sound strategy to encourage people to recycle. ‘Chinh phi phai dua ra mt chign luge dling dén nhdm khuyén khich nguts dn ti ché. The grand design presented by the mayor aims to discipline people to recycle. MOt ké hoach quy m6 do thi trudng gidi thigu nham myc dich gido dyc ngudt dan vé viée tai ché. = The city officials had a contrived scheme of making sure everyone will strictly follow the proper recycling procedure. (Céc quan chic thanh phé 48 cé mét ké hoach duge tinh todn nhim dam bao moi ngudi sé tuan thd ‘nghiém ngét quy tinh ti ch ing cach That the officials followed a garbage recycling day was a spontaneous event, initiated by the people. \Vige cd quan chic tham gia ngay ti ché rac la mot sy kin ty phat, sy kign nay do nguét dn kha xung. resistance [rrzistons} 1. sy khang cy, phan d6i ENG. the action of opposing something that you disapprove or disagree with SYS. opposition, aversion a a The company owner's resistance to recycling gave him a disadvantage _ inthe long run. Vigc chi doanh nghiép phan d6i vigc tai ché gay bat igi cho anh ta vé lau dai. The lack of enthusiasm of the workers to recycle is rooted from their boss’ disregard for the environment. ae aan a ie I a ee ae én, The boss’ reluctance to accept responsibilities regarding recycling discouraged investors in his business. ‘Thi 6 mid cung nhs tréch nbigm d6i véi vibe ti ch6 cia chi doanh nghigp G8 Khién cde nha du tu thdt vong. The business owner's total submission to government laws on environment ‘earned him tax exemptions. ‘Chi doanh nghidp 48 duge mién thus nhé tudn theo dy dd quy dinh cia chinh phd vé mdi trudng. 15 MON ee TOPIC | The importance of recycling ee TRAN 16 ‘Tm quan trong cia vige tl ché Most people know how important recycling is for the preservation of our natural environment. Recycling, or making new items from old ones, saves the Earth’s natural resources, thereby helping the environment. For example, we know that paper comes from tees and many trees are being cut down just to produce paper. By recycling our newspapers, we can help lessen the coppice woodland harvested. Then again, the main problem he expenses incurred with recycling programs in most cities i due to the growing population and increasing waste. Collection vehicles for recycling also add to the production of carbon dioxide. All drawbacks aside, we can help preserve the environment by recycling. In addition, by saving energy in industrial production through recycling, the greenhouse gas emissions from industrial plants are lessened and the use of fuels that emit harmful gi during production is also minimized. Finally, recycling non- biodegradable waste will contribute a lot to help reduce air hat deplete the ozone layer. es. pollution and greenhouse g Hu hét moi ngudi déu nhan thie duge tém quan trong cua tai ché déi véi viec bao tén méi trudng s6ng ty nhién cia ching ta. Tai ché, hay vigc tao ra cdc vat phdm méi tw nhding mén 6 ci, gidp tit Kigm tai nguy€n thign nhién cla Trai dat, tu d6 gidp ich ‘cho méi trudng, Vi dy, ching ta déu bist rang gidy duge lam tu cay va rét nhiéu cay ¢6i bj chat pha chi dé san xudt gidy. Baing cach tai ché gidy bao, ching ta c6 thé giup 1am gidm lugng gé bj khai thac trong céc bai tréng cay. Nhung dau vay, vn dé chinh {661 v6i nhng chuang trinh tai ché & héu hét cdc thanh phé ta chi phi phat sinh do sy ‘tng lén vé dan s6 va khdi lugng réc thai. Cc phuong tign thu gom rac dé tai ché cing lam ting thém lugng khi carbon dioxide thai ra. Gat tét c& nhiing bat Igi dé sang mot bén, chiding ta van c6 thé gép phdn bao v6 mdi trudng bang viée tai ché. Hon nda, bling céch tit kigm nang lugng trong sn xuét cdng nghigp nhé tai ché, lugng khi thai nha kinh tis ce nha may cong nghigp sé gidm di va vige si dyng nhOng loai nhién lieu phat thai kh’ dc hai trong qua trinh san xuét cling duge han ché t6i da, Cuéi cing, vide tai ché rac khéng phan hiy sinh hoc sé gop céng Idn trong vige glam 6 nhiém kkhdng ki va kht thai nha kinh - thi lam suy giém téng ozone, 1 WEEK TOPIC ENVIRONMENT) FT een) preservation Lpreze'verjn] environment in’ varronmant] coppice Ckoprs] harvest Cha:vist] industrial [an'dastrial] emit [mat] harmful (ha:mf] minimize [minimax] non-biodegradable [.non,baroudr grexdobl] 1. vigc bao t6n ‘The most important task was the preservation of the wildlife around the lake. 'Nhigm vy quan trong nhl bao t6n céc lol dng, thye vat hoang dé quanh hb 1, mi truding We should protect the fish in their ocean environment from pollution caused by ships. Ching ta ndn bio vp ct lod cA sinh sng tong moi ruéng dai ducng keh nan 6 nid do tau thuyén gt ra 1. bal tréng cay Walk from the water's edge to the small hemlock coppice. Hay db ti b& sing d6n bai cy fn de ahd. v. thu hoach, gait hai, dénh bat The shellfish were harvested from the ocean using nets and traps. "Nhang oti dng vat c6 v6 duge nh batt bién bing ech st dung hiv by * Bong vat c6 vé bao g6m céc loti nhuyBn thé 6 vb, gidp xic va da ga adj. (thudc) céng nghigp China has made industrial progress in recent years having opened up many factories. Trung Quéc da c6 bude tién vé mat cong nghidp trong nhUng nam gain day voi vide sm@ them ahidu nna may v. phat ra, téa ra ‘The sun continued to emit light late into the day during August [Mati vn da sing et mugn trong nhang ngay thang Tam. adj. d9¢ hal, c6 hal, xdu The harmful effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere includes climate change and global warming. 'Nhng nh hung xu eda Kh ana kn len ki quyén bao gm bién 6 Kh nau va ‘sy néng len toan edu. vv. glam thiéu, han ché To minimize the tisk of injury while riding, the cyclist wore a helmet. 16 gidm thiéu nguy co bi chén thuang Khi dang dap xe, ngubi di xe dap 68.401 ma bio him, ‘adj. khong phan hiy sinh hoc Plastic is a non-biodegradable product because it does not decompose over time. 'Nhya la san phém khdng phan hy sinh hoc do né khong bj phan hiy theo that gian. v. am can kigt, lam kiét sil, suy gid A day at home caring for triplets can really deplete your energy. Mol ngay & na cham se nhdng dat sin ba thyc sy c thé kin ban Kp se, 7 AN fo) To MrT UT Ce mm MRO UCD Tarun ULE detergent in. chat tdy ra ee @y_ We should wash and recycle our plastic detergent bottles after using them, CChing ta nn ra sachet eh nhng chai nya dng chdt ya sau ki stl dyng ching. il spill clean-up crews often wash oil off of waterfowl using detergent in recycled bottles. ‘801 don dep du tran thuing wa sach ddu dnn won lng ic ot chim nude bing céch sit dung chit ty a trong chal ti ché (@ Teachers should ensure that their students understand the importance of recycling from a young age and demonstrate how to recycle glass, cardboard and detergents. Gito vin cin dm bo hoe sinh hu duge tm quan rong eda vie ti chs {W khi cnn va chi cho cc om phueng php ti ch thy nh ba hay hop yng cht ty ia, Utilize the abrasive powers of recycled food remnants like ground peach pits, corn cobs and walnut shells to tackle household clean-up rather than using detergent. Hay tn dung 4 nh tu 6 loa bin tha qua a ch nb hat bo, 16 va v8 qua 6c che trong c4c cng vide don dep tong gia nh han ding chit iy a conservation 1 sy bao v6, bao tén Leonse'verfe] 4 Industrial non-hazardous wastes that can be recycled and reused are the key to a successful resource conservation program, (Chai thal cbng nghigp khéng de hal c6 thé ti ch va ta st yng la chia | ‘nda cho mgt chung tinh bo t6n Li nguyén thanh cong, The students learned the importance of conservation and now make a bigger effort to be eco-friendly. Gc he sinh ti hiéu vé tim quan tong oda vibe bio 16a va hign dang 1B Wye han nda 48 rn hd thin v6 i rvng, (@ — Many fashion designers today create couture garments from trash as an innovative way to provide education about conservation and the importance of recycling, gt nay, nhigu nh tit kd ha tang 48 tgo nn nh bo rang phye cao cp tis rc nhy mot phuong phap mdi dé gido dyc vé vén dé bao tén va tim ‘quan trong cia vige tai ché. Recycling is one of the easiest ways for people to practice conservation at home in order to reduce our overabundant use of natural resources. “Tai ché la mgt trong nhng céch don gin nhdt 8 con nguts hye hign vide ‘bdo én ngay tal nha him gid vige st dyng ba bai cdc nguén tai nguyén thién nh, 18 reusable adj. c6 thé tai si dung [risju:zebl] a a Many items around the home are reusable and should be recycled to prevent excess garbage. Nnigu vat dung trong nha cb thé tl st! dyng va nn 6496 ta ché 48 nga ch tin rang qu ti. Let's discover why a tin can is reusable by looking on our city's recycling webpage. Haj im niu ido a sa0 lon thide 6 thé tl si dung bing eéch xem trén trang wob v6 ti ch eda thanh ph6 ching 16 Plastic shopping bags are the best choice for those who like recycling but cannot wash and dry their reusable bags regularly to prevent bacterial build-up. “Ti mua hang rit6ag la su Wa chon tt mht cho nhang a tic ti ché nhung khng thé thutng xuyén gat gid hay phot Khd nhhng chic ti co kha ng tl sil dyng ala minh a8 ngan chan sy sinh sti cla vi khud, We are selling recycled aluminum bottles to promote reusable water bottles and to create awareness about the waste problems associated with disposable plastic water bottles. Cciing 1 dang ban chal e bing hap kim nm ti ché a thd dy vie dling chai dyng nuéc 6 thé tis dyng vat nhgn thie vé fe wn 8 thai lién quan dén chai nhya dung nude ding mét lan. balance 'n. sy cn bang, théing bling [bzlans] & e ‘To maintain a balance in the environment, please recycle most of your garbage dally. 186 duy ti sy cn bing trong méi truéng, hay tl ch8 phd lan réc thai ra trong ng. ‘Compost is one beneficial use of recycled biodegradable wastes when it is Kept in balance. ‘ich sit dung du ich tard phan hi sinh ge duge tl ch kh n6 avo (06 trang thi cn bang la phn hu co. Biodiesel buses seem to create balance social and cultural needs by providing communal transportation and access, but they are expensive to recycle and repair. “Xe but chay bling diesel sinh hee duing nu go duge cn bing trong nu ‘bu xd hiv vn héa bing vige cung cp phungtgn cho cing ding va a ‘ing 06 kh nding tgp cn, nhung vig ti ch va sacha chung ll dtd. The investors got together to present an eco-balance plan for a recycling plant that treats spent lead-acid batteries in order to assess the potential environmental impacts arising from its daily operations. (Cio nha du td cing nhau dua ra mgt ké hogch cén bing sinh thi cho ‘ha my tl ché chuyén x pin axtch 4 qua si dung nm dénh gia cdc thc dng vé mei tung tém tang phat sinh ti hoat dong hing ngay cba nha may nay. 19 va RELATED WORDS | 8ésu glean ve thu tugm, mot ® harvest vethu Pita 4 garner amass v.thu tha, Kiém dug va tigh tay harvest By recycling our newspapers, we can help lessen the Cha:vest] number of trees that are harvested. Bing céch 8 ché gly bdo, chung ta cb thé gp lam gidm lugng g6 bi kal tha reap We can help lessen the number of trees reaped if we [rip] recycle paper. Ching ta c6 thé gap gidm bet s6 lugng ety b d6n néu ti ché oi. garner Let's recycle our garbage so we won't have to garner ['ga:ne(r) more trees. Hay ta ché re a ching ta khong pha kiém thom g6. * Theo ti aibn Cambridge, dng tga” cé nga skim dug, thu dupe, glnh duge ci gi d6 sau nhidu khd khan vat va. glean We can glean more from the crop if we use less and {olisn} recycle more. IN&u glm ti8u dng va ting ti ch, ching ta 6 thé thu lugm duge nhiéw han ts chy tng. amass How many trees were saved because of the amassed [o'mas} recycled paper used? Bao nhiéu cAy d& duge citu nhd sit dung lugng giy tai ché tch iby duge? USEFUL EXPRESSIONS | natural gas social environment Kitynhign m6 rng x8 hh ® a natural environment Gene a @ | natural disaster working environment | thign tai imi ruéng lam vige natural environment The beauty of the natural environment shown on ['naxtfrol n'varronmont] National Geographic programs impresses many people. ‘V8 dep cia moi tring ty nbién duge chibu tn cde chuong tinh cba enh National Geographic gay dn tugng véi nhiéu nguéi natural gas. Myanmar boasts many natural resources, [inaetfro! gz2s] including natural gas, timber, zinc, lead, petroleum, and coal. Myanmar ty hao vi cé nhiéu tai nguyén thién nhién, bao gém khi ty nhién, gd, kém, chi, du mé va than da, natural disaster The NGO president encouraged member states [natal dr z0:sto(e)] to unite and respond to emergency needs during natural disasters. Chil tich ca 16 chide phi chinh phi nay da khuyén hich cdc nude thanh win doan két va ing phd voi nhing nhu cu khén ep trong tung hep vay a thin tal social environment Citizens were surveyed about three main topics: ['soufl zn’ varranment] cost of living, social environment and residential environment. Nguti dan duge khéo sét vé ba chi dé chinh: chi phi sinh hoat, mdi trudng x8 hoi va moi rating dan cu. working environment Employees unionized to establish a healthy [wa:kan an’ varronment] working environment and minimum wage laws. Nguti lao dng da thanh lap cong don 46 thiét fp mgt mi rung kam vie lanh menh voi nhng quy dinh v8 mc ang 1 thu. a IELTS BASIC WORDS text [tekst] n. van ban, bai vd, i leu ENG. a written passage consisting of graphs, characters, symbols or sentences; a book or other set of writings SYS. publication, print ‘The text authored by the scientist was about greenhouse gas emissions. “Tal iu dug sogn théo bai nha Khoa hige nay o6 noi dung vé khi tha nha inh, Ww This matter to be printed discusses the various gases emitted in (greenhouses, Talijundy bin v6 céc loa Kh hind Kn, = His written works are the highlight of the 21st century because of the issues we face today regarding greenhouse gas emissions. [Nhang bai vit cla ng tala diém nh cia thé kj 21 bat nhdng van dé ching ta phai d6i mat ngay nay lién quan dn khi thai nha kinh, + The absence of writing in the newspaper about greenhouse gas emissions proves that people do not care much about it. vide ving béng cdc ba vit trn bdo chi vé kh thai nha kn ching 15 rng con nguéi chua dann nhidu sy quan tém dn vn d nby deadline taediarny 1. thaihen, nan chot ENG. depicts a narrow field of time that some sort of objective or task must be accomplished by SYS. cutoff, limit The mayor gave them a deaalline of one week to sort out the gas emission problems in the city's greenhouse. Thi trudng da cho ho that han mQt tudn 48 gidl quyét cde van 48 vé Ki thal nh kinh trong thanh phé, + The mayor's target date to enforce the new greenhouse gas emission law is next Tuesday. Thot aim gal hj rung dy kin thi han ut moi vk th nha Kn thi Batudn tt, The legislator agreed to author and pass a greenhouse gas emission law with a finish date of April 19. [Nha lap phép 48 d6ng ¥sogn thdo va thong qua lua Kh thi nha kinh voi ngay hodn than a 19 thang 4. ar + The limitless nature of the new greenhouse gas emission law frightens the Public. Tinh vo th han cia ut kh thai nha kinh mal khién cng chang hoang mang, 1 WEEK TOPIC ENVIRONMENT | ET TT »Bé sung tw vyng co ban middle tmzan 1. oiza, ung tam ENG. in-between; an area that is approximately central within some larger region ‘SYS. center, midsection We were told to place all books about greenhouse gas emission in the middle. Ching t6i duge dain xép tat ca séch vé khi thai nha kinh vao gida. + The central area is allotted for current books like the one about greenhouse gas emissions. Khu vuc trung tam la dé danh cho nhdng cuén sdch hign hanh, nhu la sch vé khi thai nha kinh, + The space between the aisles becomes the dividing portion between books on greenhouse gas emission and books about building greenhouses. Khong gian gia cac Ii di ding lam phan phan chia gida sch vé khi thai nha kinh va sch vé xay dung abe inh + The greenhouse emission law is the ending point of authors’ written protests about greenhouse gas emissions. Lat vé kn thai nha kn la mye dich cui cing cho ning phan di bling van ban cba céc tac gi v6 ith nn kin without (wz oaut) prep. ma khong ENG. lacking something SYS. lacking, requiring Building a greenhouse without thinking about gas emissions is just irresponsible. “That v6 trch nhigm Khi xy dng nha kinh ma khong suy tinh dén vn dé Khi thal. + Acity short of money cannot remedy the ill effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Mot thanh phé thigu hyt kinh phi s8 khdng thé gidi quyét nhng anh hudng x4u do Khi ‘thai nha kinh gay ra. 5 Having a greenhouse with the absence of control on its gas emissions is futile. Tn9t vo ich khis@ hu mot nha kinh ma khOng kiém sot duge vén di khi thal + Acity having enough budget to come up with a solution to its greenhouse gas emissions is fortunate. ‘That may mn khi thanh phé c6 di ngan sdch 4 dua ra gidi php cho vn dé khi thai nha kin 23 TUE a TOPIC | Greenhouse gas emissions hi thai nha kinh See esd dd eds dsbsdddsddsede Greenhouse gases are necessary because they keep the planet’s surface warmer than it otherwise would be. As the concentrations of these gases continue to increase in the atmosphere, however, the Earth’s temperature is climbing above past levels. Studies show that the Earth’s average surface temperature has increased by a couple of degrees in the last century. Most of the warming in recent decades is very likely the result of human activities. Other aspects of the climate are also changing such as rainfall patterns, snow and ice cover, and sea level. If greenhouse gases continue to increase, climate models predict that the average temperature at the Earth’s surface could increase to hazardous levels by the end of this century. Scientists are certain that human activities are changing the composition of the atmosphere, and that escalating the concentration of greenhouse gases will change the planet's climate. That being said, they are irresolute about by how much it will change and the exact effects it may provoke. Cc loai kn! nha kinh [& c&n thiét vi ching gig bé mat hanh tinh &m hon so véi Khi kkhOng 6 hing khi nay. Tuy nhién, vi néng d6 ca cdc loal khi nay trong khi quyén Fras. khong ngiing ting l6n, nhigt dO ca Tréi d&t dang tang vugt nhiing mac tude day. Céc nighién ciu chi ra ring nhigt d9 trung binh ca bé mat Tréi dat da tang khong hai 66 trong thé kj trudc, Da phn hién tugng 4m lén trong nhGng thap ky gan day rdt c6 thé la hau qua tis cdc hoat dong cla con ngudi. Sy thay déi cing dang dién ra & nhdng Khia canh khdc cia khi hau nhu lugng mua phan bé, 49 bao phii cla tuyét va bang, myc nuéc bién. Néu lugng khi nha kinh tiép tye nhiéu len, céc mé hinh khi hau dy doén ring nhiét 46 trung binh cla bé mat Trai dt co thé tng dén mic bao dong vao cudi thé ky nay. Céc nha khoa hoc khang dinh ring nhGng hoat déng cla con ngudi dang lam bién déi cu tric cla bau khi quyén, va sy gia ting néng do clla khi nha kinh ‘88 khién khi hau cia cd hanh tinh thay déi theo. Du vay, céc nha khoa hoc van khong chc chan duge vé mic 6 thay déi va nhitng tac dng chinh xéc ma né cé thé gay ra. 1 WEEK TOPIC ENVIRONMENT) concentration [.konsn'trerfn) atmosphere ['ztmasfro(r)] temperature [temprot{o(r)] decade [‘dekexd] climate [klaxmot] predict [pra dzkt] composition [kompe zrjn} escalate [eskelert] irresolute [rrezolu:t] provoke Ipro'vouk] n. sy tap trung, néng do There were high concentrations of gold particles in the rock we found, ‘Tang d4 ma ching (6i tim thy 66 lvgng byl ving tp tung cao, 1 khi quyn, bau kh quyén The rocket flew high up into the atmosphere before it fell to Earth again. Tén Ida phéng vot vao béu khi quyén trudc khi lal eal xuding Tra dé n.nhigt 4 There is a great temperature difference between inside and outside. 'Nhiot 69 bon trong va bon ngodi cé sy chénh ie rt en, tha ky I saw my friend Joe yesterday for the first time decades. Hom qua la én du tidn 101 nhin thy Joo - ban 61 sau hal thap ki. two 1 khi hau The climate in Antarctica is frigid year-round and sees little rainfall. Nam Gye ¢6 khi hu quanh nim lant io va hiém khi mu, v. dy doan, ude lugng Can you predict what score you will get on the IELTS exam? Ban c6 hé dy don duce 86 aiém ma minh 8 dat duge wong ky th IELTS Khéng? 1. cu tao, thanh phén Please change the composition of the water in the jar by freezing it Hay thay d6i cfu te cba nude tong binh bang cach dng bang m6, vv. mé rong, gia tang The number of trees being cut down yearly is escalating. ‘S6lugng cay bj chat ha hing nam dang ga tng. aj. phan van, khong cha chan, thidu quyét doan | stood irresolute, wondering if | should take the scary path or turn back. “T0i ed dng phan van, ty hb ju bdn than nnd con dung ding sg nay hay quay Wei v. kich dong, khoi day | don't want to anger or provoke the dog into biting anyone. Toi khéng mun choc tic hay kich dong con ch6 A nd cdi ngudi Khiéic, 25 Ao) sto STUN yep Ore eee UA TLR fume i, kh {fu:m] @y_ Exhaust fumes contain carbon dioxide and methane, gases that help create the greenhouse effect. Ki thai c6 chia carbon dioxide va metan- nhng oei Kh gb phan gy ra iu ng na kn Ozone at ground level is often made by vehicle fumes and can cause the weather to get warmer. KKhi ozone @ tng thlpthung dug sinh ra bai ki that phuong tn giao - thdng va cé thé kin ths tit nn 6m ho (8 Exhaust fumes come from the burning of fossil fuels in internal combustion engines that help create the greenhouse effect which contributes to global warming. kh thd! tgo rat vige dt nhién Key héa thach trong dong oo dt trong @6p pn gt ra higu dng nha kinh dn dn ign tugng &m len ton eu, ‘The aim of this research is to get more detailed information about levels of car fumes as part of the next phase of the district council's monitoring programme. [Myc dich cia nghign edu ny la 48 c6 dug thtng tin chi it hon wi ugg khi {hdl ti 6 10 nhu & met phn trong gai doan tiép theo nim tong chong tinh idm sat eda H6i dng qudn, disposable adj. dung mot lin, ¢6 thé bé di 7 H iesspeneel Restaurant owners should refrain from using disposable plastics and other non-biodegradable items. CCéec chi nhs hing nén han ché sit dyng 46 nya cing mot lén va céc san pphdm khng phan hy sinh gc kha. ‘Some companies opt to eliminate the use of disposable products to decrease their waste production. [Mot s6 cong ty ya chin lal bd vig sit dung cdc sén phim ding mot tin a idm thidu rée tha (@ Parent should choose cloth diapers for their infants because they do not produce skin irritations and allergies which usually comes from the chemicals commonly found in disposable diapers. Phy huynh nén la chon v8 cho td so sinh vi ching knéng gay hign ugg ch Ung da hay ong vn hutng sinh rat cc chat nda hoc 6 trong san pdm 8 ding motifn. Disposable items like plastic bags take thousands of years to decay and pose serious environmental problems by bringing death to marine animals that mistake them for food. (Cc sin ph ding mot in nhu ti nb¥ng phim in dng nghin nfm a phn hy va to ra céc vn 48 mo ruéng nghiém trong Ki gy nn ci cht ‘cho ning lal dng vat bién nhém tudng tui ni-¥ong la thd an, 26 Speaking training 2 Witing raining EE drought ‘n.han han, sy kho can [araut) @y_ Our farmers need plenty of water to replenish the soil after a long drought. Inhang nguBi ndng din cn nguén nue dl dio 46 bé sung cho dt dal sav ddgthan hn kéo di Drought prediction will only cause panic among the people in the region. ‘By bo vé dot hen han s® chi gly hoang mang cho nhing nut din tong hu we. (@ Extended drought is a serious national problem since it gives rise to shortage in water and food supply which triggers poverty and social unrest in the region. Han han kéo dai fa m6t vin nan qu6c gia nghidm trong do n6 lam dy Yen {inh trang thi6u nguén cung cp nud va thyc phd, td gay ra db ngheo va bt én xa no trong Khu we. ‘The habitat damage brought by the severe drought should be addressed by the local government because it is already threatening our endangered species to extinction. ‘Sy tan pha moi truéng gay ra do han hin nghiém trong cén duge chinh uyén dja phucng gidi quyét b8i ching dang de doa dén sy s6ng cla cae ‘oai sinh vat eb nguy oo bj tuybt ching. menace in. nguy hiém, hiém hoa, méi de doa [menos] Qa Cancer is a dreaded disease and considered as the number one menace to public health. ‘Ung thu a mt can boat cng 89 vt bj col ml do dga s6 mot a6 vi sue 0 cng dng The side effects of burning biomass are the menace it poses to the atmospheric environment. “Tac dyng phy cia vige d6tnhién igu sinh kn la m6ihiém hoa ma nd gay ra 461 él bu khi quyén, (@ Tracking carbon dioxide and other gases with only surface measurements has revealed that the true menace to the atmosphere is greenhouse gas emissions. \Vige theo di carbon dioxide vi céc logi khi khéc chi bang nhGng phép do bé ‘m§t da cho thdy ring méi de doa thyc sy di véi bau khi quyén chinh i khi thai nha kin. The greenhouse gases released by submerged organic matter as it surfaces and decays in warm climates have become growing menaces to the earth. "Nhng lol kh nha kinh nguy him sin ra bal cdc chat nou oo ki cc chit nity ni én trén bé mat va phn r@ nhng ving khihgu &m dp d td thnh ‘mide dga ngay c&ng iin vel tra St. 27 RELATED WORDS | constitution ‘suc thanh structure ned tric ® composition en 4 i arrangement | 1. su sép xép, b6 ti | composition Scientists are certain that human activities are changing [.kompa ‘zxfn] ‘the composition of the atmosphere. Cc nha khoa he tin chdo rng ning hoat dong cia con nut dang lam thay

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