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5 WEEK TOPIC TECHNOLOGY THE EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY ON SOCIETY TECHNOLOGY FOR INDUSTRY MODERN SCIENCE AND OLD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE IN THE FUTURE THE USE OF COMPUTERS AT WORK INTERNET SURFING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT AT YOUR HOME MON eee IELTS BASIC WORDS Fate [rent] n.t6c05, 1/18 ENG. a magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; measure of a part with respect to a whole; speed of progress or change SYS. pace, speed ar With the rate of increasing inventions today, technology will become popular in no time. \Véit6c d6 gia ting cla cde phat minh ngay nay, cng nghé sé nhaanh chéng tr nén phé bién. Technology has sped the society's progress at a fairly measurable pace. ‘cing nghé 4 thic ddy sy phat idm cba x8 ni vei matted kh ng KB The proportion relative to the overall popularity of technology in society is high. “TH/6 tong quan lién quan dén mt bling chung vé mic d9 phé bién cla céng nghé trong xa hdirét cao. The overall speed of popularizing technology is not as fast as desired. “Te 49 t6ng thé cia vige ph cp cdng nghe Khong nhanh nh kj vong Appear [e'pro(e]v. wsthin, o6 v8 ENG. to give a certain impression; come into sight or view ‘SYS. seem, look 246 ar ar Technology appears as a helping hand to today's society. Cong nghé xudt hin nhu mét ctu cénh cho xa hoi ngay nay. ‘The society seems to be working less because of technology's assistance. ni dung nhu dang lam vig than nh 6 sy tg gidp cba cng ngh. As it tums out, we cannot live comfortably without the constant availability of technology. Héa ra la chiing ta khdng thé séng thoai mai ma khéng lién tye c6 cong nghé bén minh, The fact that remains hidden is that we can do away with technology. ‘Sy that v8 vide ligu chiing ta cé thé logi bd céng nghé van cdn la mot diéu b/ én. 5 WEEK TOPIC TECHNOLOGY [3 ¥ »B6 sung tu wing co ban Tink tink) n. syian xét ENG. means of connection between connected links; something that joins or connects ‘SYS. relationship, tie ‘There is a strong fink between advanced technology and progressive ‘Tén tai méi lién két chat ché gia cng nghé tién tién va xa hdi tién bd. + The link-up between technology and progress in society is a direct relationship. ulin ke ida céng ngho va tién bp trong x8 hia mi tuong quan te ti, Advanced technology is a major connecting factor in determining the society's progress. ‘Céng nghé tien tim 18 nhan 16 két n6i quan trong trong vige xéc dinh sy tién bO cia xa hii + The cause of detachment of technology from progress lies in the society's decision to disregard technology. Ly do tach cong nghé khdi sy tién bo ndm 6 quyét dinh col nhe cong nghé cia xa hdl PFeSSUTe [rejoin] n.épWve ENG. force applied; a force that compels; state of demanding notice or attention SYS. difficulty, power Technology releases people from the pressure of performing excellently at work. CCéng nghe gid phéng con ngudi Khai dp lye v8 vide phai lam t6t cOng vige ca minh, ar The expectation of performing well is the compelling force that pushes people to innovate. Kj vong lam vie tt ye dy manh mé thoi thc con ngubi di mél. = Meeting high expectations at work is a powerful influence pushing people to utilize technology in their jobs. ‘Vide d&p ting ky vong cao trong cong viée c6 silc anh hudng manh ma dén vige khuyén khich ‘moi ngudi tn dung ng nghp trong cOng vibe cla minh. + The absence of stress at work may decrease the need for technology to accomplish tasks. Vige khdng cdm thy cing thdng tal no im vibe cb thé lam gidm nhu cd ding cong nghe o ‘hoan thanh cac nhigm vy. 247 MON ——— Eee TOPIC The effect of technology on society ‘Anh huding cia cbng night di vo xa hoi obese ddd dds dddddeds Technology allows us to share our life experiences with people around the globe instantaneously. We choose to write our thoughts on Twitter, detail everything in daily blogs, or combine the two into one great online experience. It expands our horizons - until it starts interfering with our lives. Technology is frequently exploited by the elite to insulate themselves physically and mentally from their fellow man. The tendency to refuse to engage with individual people and instead objectify them as if they ‘were numbers on a computer screen with the cold, calculating, impersonal logic of the machines on which ‘developed’ societies appear to have become dependent is concerning. Locked in an escapist world of digital culture, our society is growing dangerously close to denying our essential connection to others and to the natural world. Hj Cdng ngh@ cho phép ching ta c6 thé ngay lap tie chia s8 nhdng tdi nghigm sng cia ban than véi moi ngudi trén khp thé gidi. Ching ta chon viét suy nghT cla minh TRANS [én Twitter, ké chi tiét vé mgi thi trén cc trang blog hang ngdy, hay két hgp c hai thd 46 thanh m@t trai nghigm tryc tuyén tuyét v8i. Cong nghé gidp md rng tém nhin ‘cla con ngudi, cho dén khi né bat dau can thigp vao cudc séng ca ching ta, Tang {6p tinh hoa thudng tan dyng cong nghé dé tach bigt minh ca vé mat thé chat lan tinh thdn khdi déng logi. Hign dang dy lén m6i quan ngai vé xu hudng tu chdi gn b6 vai ccc c& nhan ma thay vao 46 coi ngubi khéc nhu nhing con sé trén man hinh may tinh Vi logic lanh tng, tinh todn thigt hen va thiéu hol &m tinh ngubi eda cdc c8 may ma hing x4 hdi “phat trign” duding nhu dang ngay cang phy thudc vao chung. Bj nhét trong mot thé gidi trSn tranh thyc tai cia nén van hoa kj thuat $6, xa hgi cla ching ta dang tién mot cach nguy hiém dén gén vide phi nhan nhing két néi cén thiét vai moi gut va. vai thé gidi ty nhign, 248 Lansten’terniosii] horizon [ho'raxzn] interfere [ante ‘fro(r)] exploit Lk’ splort] insulate [‘insjulext] tendency [tendensi] objectify [ob dsektrfax] calculating [‘kaelkjulertrn) | logic [lodszk] 5 WEEK TOPIC TECHNOLOGY 2 Ses instantaneously adv. trong giay lat, ngay lap tie My fingers were burned instantaneously when | tried to unscrew the hot light bulb. ‘Toi ngay Ip tue bj bing ngén tay khi dang o6 van chiéc béng dén con néng. 1. tm nin, pham vi higu bist My mom told me not to be afraid to broaden my horizons after high school. Me bao 16i diing sq hai vige phai md rng tm hidu biét cla minh sau khi t6t igh rung hoe. v. gay cn tr, can thigp ‘The approaching storm was interfering with the radio transmission signal. ‘Con bao dang &p d6n da lam can tré tin higu phat s6ng vO tuyén. vIgi dung Khai thé The explorers exploited the indigenous population and their welcoming manner. Ce nha thém hiém 48 oi dung hang nquai dan ban dia va su isp én néng hit cia ho 1. tng 6p tinh hoa, thugng Iu Mr. James was among the elite guests selected to sit at the head table. ‘Ong James 1a mbt tong nhng vi Khach thute ting lop thugng twu duge chen gb d ban du, v.cdch ly, tach bigt Using an ice box is a perfect way to insulate the beer from the sun’s rays. ‘il dyng thing dt cdch hed hbo a8 nga ba fp xi vied tia sng mal 8 ‘xu hung, khuynh huéng When | am nervous, | have a tendency to chew on my fingernails. Kio ling, i xu huéng cn méng tay. v. khéich quan héa, coi ngudi khac nhu dé vat | was offended by his comments which seemed to objectify all women as male possessions. “Toi bi nie pham bai nhdng binh lua cé vb nhu co! tét cd phy nd ta vat s® hu eli dan éng ti anh ta. adj. tinh toan thiét hon, than trong The hypnotist had a calculating look on his face as he watched the crowd. [Nha thd’ mign quan sat dém déng véi vé mat dy than trong. 1 tinh hop Ij, Hap luan My dad said there's no logic in spending money on things you don't need. 16181 cho ring vige tu tén vao nhiang mén a khéng c&n thigt th that v8 Ij. 249 advancement [ed'va:nsment) replace [r’plers) WORD TRAINING Pn nn. sy tién bd, phat tig a With the recent advancement in computer technology, most citizens can now afford a home computer. Vai tfn b cia cng ngh® may tinh trong th gian gan day, naw hét ‘gut dn hign ddu c6 di Kh& nding 48 mua dugc mt chic may tinh dat nha Like most technological advancements, not everyone had ‘access to a television but those who did were special Ging nh hdu hét cdc én bd céng nghe, ngoai tri nhng ngudi dae bigt thi khong pha ai cong duge st dung tv, Prior to the technological advancement of the telephone, news had to travel at a painstakingly slow rate by stage coach, rail road, and postal service. “Trulicicd nhdng bude in v cng nah in tha tn We ing ph ruyén ndy dBi di 16n gido cling 86 la chuydn khding tudng, ha thuj (tau), bét déu, ra mat (sin phdm) As | was about to Jaunch my boat into the ocean, the trailer broke. Knit chudn bj he thuyn xuéng bidm th toa ma6e bi hing, adj. cé Igi, sinh Igi ‘The investor thought that investing the liquor company would be quite lucrative. [Nha du tu y nghi rng vige du tu vao céng ty rugu nay s® kha €6 18, in. hanh vi cuép bién, vi pham ban quyén Those caught downloading movies they didn’t pay for will be charged with piracy. NhOng ai bj bat qua tang tai phim ma khdng tr phi sé bj bude tdi vi pham ban quyén, adv. db quyén, duy nhét ‘The partygoers had been exclusively invited from a list of a thousand hopefuls. Chi nnng ngudi hich tham gia ie tung minh duge l8i mel tong danh sich im9tnghin ing vien vv. tut lai sau ‘The fat dog was Jagging behind the other dogs during the walk. Chi ché map map 46 tut li pha sau nhdng chi cho kha rong lic db. 1. tién b&n quyén,tién thue mé The gas company had to pay the landowners royalties before they drilled. ‘Céng ty khi d6t dé da trd tién thud mé cho cae chi dat trudc khi tién hanh khoan. v. cach mang héa ‘The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate with one another. Internet 43 cach mang héa phudng thie ching ta giao tiép vi nau. 287 Ao) Sto gy UNL Ce fan ec R reliability 1. dO tin cay { i hee @y_ When buying a new computer, reliability of the brand name iskey. Khi mua mOt chiéc may tinh mdi thi 49 fin cly cla thucng higu la van 06 161 cua eng \We must present a collective voice on maintenance and reliabilty issues, and advance innovative technologies and relbilty practices. Chung ta phd cb tng nb chung tong nang vn a8 én quan dn bho ta ‘tn ey, cing cc cng nah tin in cng nu thdng 6 in cy (8 Asenior member of the technical staff who specializes in dependable systems warns that one cannot test for reliability at ultra-high levels. Mot than vin cao eép trong di ky thudt chuyén vé cde hg théng ding Uimcay dara cinhbéo ng ching ta Khéng th Kim ra mie tn edy ‘dbac sidu cao. (Our company is an international non-profit association for | the advancement and application of safety and reliability technology in all areas of human endeavour. ‘Gg ty cda ching 1118 m9 hidp Nl quéc 16 phi igi nun vi sy tin bo ‘a Ung dung dng céng ng toh an tn va 6 tin ey trong minh ‘ye ma con ng dang nB ue apparatus rn. dyng oy, thiét bi Lampa'rertos] The health care benefits cover advances in technology, ‘methodology, apparatus and auxiliary equipment and ‘modifications of standard techniques. (Cac ii chm ste sic kbs bao gm nhing tién bo v6 cing nghd, he ‘Phsng phép, méy mic va tht bj 8 rg, cing ve €6 la sy ci ibn ce ‘phulong phap kj thuattidu chun, ‘A new portable, multi-purpose combination barbecue and stove apparatus has been developed utilizing state-of-the- att technology. ‘Mo tit ied tay mi a chde ng kt hap gia Ib nung vib suai da ‘ug pt nn si ung eng ng ign (8 Employees must cary out electronic projects and supervise implementation of information technology projects of all administrative apparatus units and electronic services connected therewith. ‘Nn vgn ph ng if fc cn it va ld st vie tn kal nding ‘4 n cng ngh thing rn mp hitb quln i cing dch wy ign dug Knbivl ching, ‘Medical intervention that makes use of technology has been able to help prolong many lives, and several of the innovations work with existing medical apparatus, ‘Vite can tip y 16 cst dyng otng nahi 48 cb thé gp Ko di sy sng ho nhibungut, vi mt scl én dang hog dng hi gud cing nhidng tht hig ob. 258 ‘Speaking training Se Writing training (@ invent ‘v. phat minh, séng ché En'vent] ®_ Understanding why and how social groups invent technology and use itis imperative. CChiing ta bat bugec phai hiéu vi sao va lam thé nao ma cde nhém x8 hol phat minh ra cBng nghé va sit dung né. Technology is a science, as people invent technological innovations to make their lives easier. (Cong ngh@ 18 Khoa hoe, vi con nguti séing ché ra cdc Al tién ky thugt a8 hin cube sng cba minh r8 nén dB ding han (8 _ | want to invent some new software to use at our office to help increase word processing productivity amongst the general office and managerial statf. T6i muén igo ra mdt phén mém méi nao d6 48 si yng trong van phng ching ta adm glp ting ning sust xj vin bn gia png hanh ehinh tng hap va ing qua i. Modern nations pour huge resources into education and scientific research, which form the bedrock of innovation in today's youth who in turn invent new technologies. Ce quée gia hign dei dang 46 nguén lye kndng 16 vao gido dye va rghidn edu koa ye, 4 dt nén ting cho sy di mdi trong ot 8 ngdy nay 66 66 chinh 8 phat minh a cc céng ngh mi. commercialization n.sythusng mei nda, thusng ngigp hoa [ke Nar’ {ke,maifolar2erf0] ©) We are a global organization seeking to provide a special forum for technology commercialization professionals to discuss issues. ‘Ching t6 1a. mot 18 chic ton edu dang tim céch 16 chic din din dBc bgt cho phép nhgng chuyén gia vé thucng mei hda cong nghe théo lug v6 cc vin a, “The public needs to understand the value of commercialization strategies, both locally and globally. CCéng ching cfn higu gid ti aba cc chidn luge thuong mei héa, ai c& dia phuong va trén toan thé gi, (8 Our group has been moving forward with research and development aimed at commercialization of improved robot suit technology through establishing a system for mass production. NNh6m ching 16 dang theo dui vige nghién edu va phat wién nh&m myc dich thuang mei héa robo in Un teh hop cng nghe bang cach tht 1p he théng sn xudt hang loat ‘The commercialization of computer technology will lead to the abandonment of certain Virtues and ideals that are necessary to a moral community. Vibe huang mal héa céng nghg may toh 98 dn én tn rang bd be ede dc tinh va ly tuding nhdt dinh vén cn thiét di vai mot x8 Ndi cd dao duc. 259 LATED WORDS | payment ‘than ton ® 4 rey iag Deore) proceeds profit royalty Crorolti] payment [pexment] proceeds [prousi:dz] share Ueo(r)] profit Uprofst] 260 ‘ndoanh thu igi nh Artists now make money from downloads on iTunes and through royalties from radio stations playing their music. [Nay nay, nghd si Kim tid tc ug tl ng trén Tunes vs qua phi ban quyén {inhing d8i phat thann phat nhac eda, The musician receives monthly payments from radio stations after his hit single is played. [Ngu8i nhac sf 66 nhn duge nhng Khoa thant todn hing thang wi cc di phat tanh sau ki ban ‘hit cla an 4y ge phat sng, Partial proceeds from every iTunes purchase this month will go toward the relief effort in Thailand. "Mot phén dan thu ti m6i uot mua bai ht trén Tunes trong thang nay $8 duge ‘déng g6p cho nb ye ot tg tai Thai Lan. Rather than spending his share frivolously, the drummer donated half to a struggling local radio station. ‘Thay vi sti dyng s6 ¢8 phén ca minh mot céch thiéu suy nghi, anh chang chat tng &y d& quyén aép phn nda s6 65 cho moti phat hanh dia phuong dang ip kno kn. ‘The band took their monthly profits and invested it in efforts to prevent their music from being downloaded illegally. Ban nh fy 68 fy 6 nun hing tng 48 du tu vio nhdng n6 Ne nhdm ng ‘chain tin trang cdc ban nhec cia ho bj thi xudng tral phép. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS tremendous loss t6n that nang né population growth su/tang irudng dn 86 tremendous growth a tremendous impact sustainable growth tac dong manh me ‘sy tang trudng bén ving tremendous growth The EU has made tremendous growth in trade [tre'mendas groué) with Korea in the past few years. bn minh chau Au da c6 sy ting trudng manh més rong finn we thuong ‘mai véi Han Quée trong vai nm qua. tremendous loss All factories in Germany suffered tremendous {tre'mendas ios] losses after the policy of requisition was passed. Tait c& cdc nha may tgi Bue déu phai génh chiu nhdng tén thét nang né sau khi chinh séch vé trung dung duge théng qua. tremendous impact _Scientists warn that there will be a tremendous [tra'mendes ‘1mpzkt) impact on wildlife if the ozone continues to be depleted. CGéc nha khoa hoe c&nh bao ring nu téng ozone vn suy gidm khong ging th vige nay s@ e6 te dng manh 6 nhng lal sinh vt hoang da, population growth —_Family planning constraints have been imposed [.popju'lexjn grav8] by the Chinese government to stop population growth. CChinh phi Trung Quéc da ap dat cdc rang bude trong ké hoach héa gia

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