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6 WEEK TOPIC TRANSPORTATION TRAFFIC JAM PUBLIC TRANSPORT COMPARE CURRENT FORMS OF TRANSPORT WITH THOSE IN THE PAST RIDING BICYCLES IN THE CITY CAR ACCIDENTS THE GOVERNMENT'S DUTY TO IMPROVE THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM FUTURE FORMS OF TRANSPORTATION MON eee IELTS BASIC WORDS Valid tvetra) adj. chinh sang ENG. well grounded in truth or logic, or having legal force 8YS. reasonable, substantial w People usually use traffic jams as their valid excuse for being late for work. gutta thutng ldy vide the dutng lam Ia bdo chda chinh dng cho vige dim mugn, Using traffic jams as excuse for road accidents is recognized as lawful in some states. Vgc lay tinh trang tc dutng lm céi 6 cho cde vy tai nan giao thtng duge coi la hgp php tai mot s6 bang. City traffic jams are a bona fide road accident risk. ‘Ach te giao thdng & thanh phé a m6 hiém hga tal nan glaothéng thy su. Being stuck in a traffic jam is not officially recognized as an excuse for tardiness by the HR department. 8 phi nn sy kg chin thie cng nn vie bi Kp x6 do bao cha hi nr git. retain (tern) v.giaki ENG. to hold back within; allow to remain in place ‘SYS. preserve, uphold ar When trapped in a traffic jam, we must retain our composure at all times. hij Ket xe, ching ta phai ludn gid dugc su binh fnh. In congested traffic, we are to hold back unnecessary anger towards other travelers. “Trong li giao thdng in td, ching ta pha kiém ché vige ni ndng vb cd wéi nhng ngudt di dutng kh. We are expected to hang onto our patience to peacefully go through a traffic jam. Ching ta nn gia kin nnn thodt Kh idm in Se gaothdng mat cach yén bn, We must let go of our frustrations with traffic jams to avoid further stress. ‘Ching ta phai bd qua nhing nfi bic b6i vi t&c nghén giao théng 46 trénh bj cng thang thém. 6 WEEK TOPIC TRANSPORTATION » 86 sung tu vung co ban admit (od'mry_v. tha nhgn | ENG. to declare to be true | SYS. confess, profess We must admit that traffic jams are mostly caused by violators of traffic rules. ‘Chiing ta phai thifa nh@n rng t&c duding chil yéu la do nhiing ngudi vi pham quy inh giao thong gay ra. a The traffic offenders must own up to their faults and change their ways. 'Nhng ngudi vi pham luat giao thong cn phai thi~a nhan céc Ii sai cla minh va thay dt + The traffic offenders must come clean and pay for their traffic offenses to avoid repeating them. hang ngudi vi pham luat giao théng cn phai thita nhan va ndp tién phat dé tranh tai pham. Some traffic offenders deny the police the truth to avoid punishment. Mot sé ngud vi pham luat gio thong phi nhn sy that véi cdnh sét 48 trnh bj phat. gain [gern] v. tang thém ENG. a quantity that is added SYS. increase, addition During a traffic jam, we gain more things to stress over time. ‘Trong lic tc duéng, ching ta cang cé thém nhiéu yu t6 gay nén cing thang theo that gian. Frustrations build up when we are caught in traffic jams during rush hour. Cam gide bic béi ngay cdng tang khi ching ta b] ket xe trong git cao diém. Sometimes, lady drivers get to do their makeup while stuck in traffic, ‘Di ldo, cdc n0 tai xé lai c6 cd hoi trang diém trong luc bj t&c duéng. 4 We should get rid of our quick temper to avoid stress during traffic jams. ‘Ching ta nén ba tinh dé ndi néng dé tran bi Uc ché trong luc téc dung, ar a 905 MON TOPIC | Traffic jam eh the gla thing eee Sere eee Faced with maddening amounts of traffic, most of us simply resort to leaning on the hom or unleashing a string of expletives. But as commute times grow and urban infrastructure gets increasingly overburdened, it may be time for some more avant-garde tactics. Around the world, cities have implemented extreme solutions to their congestion woes, from taxes to tolls to cable cars that soar above the vehicle-clogged streets. Before the 2012 Olympic Games for example, London introduced a new transit corridor to transport amateur sports fans via a cable-car network with the intention of downgrading traffic during the events. To combat traffic congestion in the metropolitan areas, a number of European cities have commenced reducing the supply of parking spots within their core. Whether these radical measures will solve traffic congestion in cities or not remains to be seen. pphdi 461 mat v6ilugng xe 9 nhigu dn mide gay Khé chiu, da s6 ching fa déu don in tim dn céch bm cdi xe hoe tuén ra mot trang ning fai chdi ra, Nhung khi tdi gian di chuyén tang I6n va cd s@ ha téng d® thi ngay cng bj qué i, thi c6 Ié 6 66n lic ching ta cn dua ra mét s6 chign luge c6 tinh tién phong han Trén thé gi ‘cdc thanh ph6 da trién khai nhdng bign phép cyc doan 48 giai quyét nan in t&c, ty thué cho dén phi cdu dung hay cép treo chay phia trén nhing con phé bj thc nghén. Vi dy truéec thém Thé van hi Olympic 2012, London 43 cho ra mat met hanh lang trung chuyén méi d8 van chuyén nhing ngudi ham m6 thé thao nghigp du théng qua. mang ludi xe cp treo nham myc dich gidm tai giao théng trong suét théi gian dién ra sy kign, 8 d6i phé véi un td giao thong tai cd khu vye 46 thi, mt sé thanh phd chau Au da bat d4u gidm cung cp cdc diém dé xe & ving trung tm. Ching ta vin phai cha xem ligu nhiing bign phdp trigt dé nay o6 gidi quyét v4n dé in tc giao thong tai céc thanh phé hay khéng, 6 WEEK TOPIC TRANSPORTATION E) ze maddening ['maednin} unleash [an'ti:f] infrastructure [infrestraktfa(r)] overburdened [euve'bs:dn) intention {an'tenjn] downgrade [daun’grerd] congestion Ikon'dgestfon] metropolitan [.metra‘polrten} commence Iko'mens] core Uho:(] adj. gy Kh chia Rick's ceaseless playing of the jukebox was maddening to the people in the room, ‘ige ick cho chay méy hu dag tn ty kin moi gus rong phdng Hn ch. vtubn tt, gi phng Atter unleashing his anger on the litle gil, he felt both relieved and embarrassed, Sau Kitt con gn dca minh fn 6 be, hn a ty vain hm va nica sda ting The existing road infrastructure does not have to be paved over because it is functional. Cosh ng dung b ign ti khong cd ph Wi ahya do vin cin hu dng. adj. qué ti qua sto Many students feel overburdened with homework only days before the winter break. Nhiguhge sinh cdm thy b qu tiv bal pv na chi trong nhang ngay tude Wj ng ng, 1. Gnh, mye dich He had no intention of travelling to Seoul with James. Ann ta thing N66 J nh id ch Seoul cing James. ging efp, gidm bet | gave my aunt advice to begin downgrading her shoe collection. “oi khuyén cb minh nn bit du gidm bat bp sus tp gy 1. side nghén, dong die You must have proper ventilation in a crowded room because congestion makes people sick. Ban pa ob thi thong 6 thich hgp ong mot cn phing chat Kin ngul vi sy dng dc 8 Kin mol ngut met md. adj (thug) 66th The parking officers were responsible for monitoring the entire metropolitan area. (Chom vin idm st vite a xe chi rch aim gid ston bp Khu we 0 vebét déu Please do not enter the room after the meeting has already ‘commenced. Xin ving kéng bude vao cn phing nay sau kh bud hop di bt du 1. phn trung tam, néng cbt The company wants their other branches to concentrate on its core business. (Céng ty mun cc chi hn Ke pha tp tung vo nh vy Knh doanh ndng et ey RCN cies rr 7 collide — a _ Be very careful to not code with the car ahead of you in traffic jams. Hy cn thon 06 khong va cham x tute tong eth avong | saw the red car collide with the black one—an event Which caused the trafic jam. ‘Tid chang kidn chic xo hoi mau 48 va quot voi chidc x0 mau don - sy wie mby dt gy in the gin thing, (@ Abus and a truck collided this morning on Main Street, at the opposite a popular restaurant, creating long traffic jams. Hai chide xo but va x01 4 xy ava chem vo sing nay tn Khu phos Trung tam, tai chd 46% dign voi mot nha hing ndi tiéng, vibe nay da gay ante kb i. Tailgating is a serious problem because this form of road rage can cause vehicles to collide with one another, Creating long traffic jams. ‘Chay bam theo dusi xe phia tude la mét vn 46 nghiém trong vi vibe ‘ng nay Kh tham gia gia thdng nu vay cb thé Khién ede phucng ign va cham véi hau, va iu ny gy in tS Ko di departure 1. sy rb kh, khdi anh [ar pate] Qa _ Many traffic jams are predictable because people's departure trom work is usualy between 4 and 5. ‘Ching ta cb thé dy dn de dug mhidu w in te gio thng do tha ‘ian mol ngu na im vige hung vio Khong 4 gi dn 5 gi. | was stuck in a trafic jam, causing me to be late for my airport departure, (Do bi ket én 168 git chuyn bay Khdi han, (@ By displaying trafic information digitally, drivers can make a deliberate choice: join the traffic jam or postpone the departure for a while and make use of the offered alternative, Voi vie ign th thn in giao tng Kj thut 6, de ai xe 6 thé than trong dua ra Iya chon: tham gia vio tinh trang tde dudng hay hodin chuyén ki hanh mot va tn dung phuong dn thay thé dugecung ep (ithdng tn giao thong) Vehicular traffic leading to the departure area of the airport got snarled to a snail's pace late Saturday afternoon after motorist suffered from heat stroke while driving his van, Xe cb Ivu thong khin cho khu vye Khdi hah cla sn bay da bj the righén va phi nich ting buée chgm chap vao chigu 6i nghy thi Bay ‘sau Ki mt ti x6 bj say ndng trong lic li x tl Su Meee traffic 1. giao thong Tiere ®a_ When heavy traffic prohibits you from being punctual, please call and explain where you are in the traffic jam. hi tah trang the nghén giao thong ngdin ban khéng thé dn ding gi, xin hy gi ign va gil hich ban dang & dau trong dém ket x. Be careful when you're on the road driving your motorcycle and get stuck in a traffic jam. Hay c&n than kh dang ai xo may trdn dung ma bi ke x. (@ Soheavy is the traffic congestion in Brazil's biggest city that residents must find ways of amusing themselves duting the hours they spend in the car. Tinh trang ch tc giao thong tai thanh phé 1én nhét ca Brazil nghiém \ugng dn mi ngus dén pha im edch 4 ty gi tr rong hang gt d6ng ‘hd ng6i trong xe, Some consumers question whether or not electric cars will be able to survive traffic jams as well as a gasoline- powered car can. Mot s6 ngus teu dang dat nghi vin v8 vigcligu xe 616 dign o6 thé vugt «qua doan téc ding nn loa xe chy bang x8ng hay khong. shuttle 1. xe chay gia hal bén, xe dua don Coat) Qa Rather than being caught in a traffic jam, itis better to take the courtesy shuttle. ‘Thay vi bj mc ket a diém Un tc giao thong, t6t han hét 14 hay tm cho sinh m6tchi6c xe dua d6n mi phi ‘Shuttle minibuses are the most suitable for a region where ‘there are huge influxes of tourists that cause traffic jams. Xe buyt min cay gida hal diém la phudng tin phi hop nht voi Khu we 6 ldgng Khdch du ich d8 v8 dng dc gy the nghén giao thong, (8 Every casino in town operates shuttle buses from the ferry terminal to collect up prospective gamblers so they won't have to waste time in traffic jams. ‘Tt. c& song bac trong thj trén déu van hanh xe buyt dua dén ty bén pha «6 6 nhng con bec ibm nn, nn vay ma ng ng nay 88 kong ‘phai t6n thoi gian vi t&e duding. Inhabitants waste hours every day siting in traffic, as we did today traveling on the shuttle bus to the conference center, but everyone is used to it, Nguoi dan tidy tén hang git dng hd mBi ngay trong dm ket xe, cong ofngnhu vibe ching ta 48 ng ttn chic xe dua dé 48 din tung tam di nghi ngay hom nay, tuy nién moi nguas du 48 quen vai vide nay. RELATED WORDS encumber ‘gay kh6 khan, cn tra pressurize ‘egy ap Wye ® Oe colt) See impose compel ve ap dat vv. bat bude overburden As commute times grow and urban infrastructure gets [.euve ba:dn] increasingly overburdened, its time for change. Ki thi gian di chuyén tang ln va co 8 ha téng db th ngay céng bj qua ti, thi 6 dn Ke ching ta cn phi thay 4, pressurize The bus system in this urban setting has been ['preforarz] pressurized ever since the local government changed. H@ théng xe buyi trong béi c&nh d6 thj nay da phdi chiu p Ive Ké tl Khi chin quyén dia phuang thay 6 impose Nothing will ever change if we continue to impose {um’pauz] commuting fees on poor students. 8 ching c6 gi thay d6inéu ching ta ip ye dp 43 phi di ai di vei nhng em hee sinh agheo. encumber The roadways in our city are so encumbered with traffic [rn'kambe(r)) that commute time is soaring. 'Nhing con dutng trong thanh phi cia ching tabi tn tc bai giao thong dén 16ilugng ths gan cho vig dl chuyén tang vot. compel Adverse circumstances compelled him to close his {kom pel] transportation business. 'Nhdng tinh cn bat gd bub an Ay phi dng vig knh doanh vgn ti ca minh, ‘a10 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS | cs traffic violation nasal congestion vipa gaothdng get ma SE 8 traffic congestion ch t&c giao thong traffic regulation B6 sung tw vung co ban original [e'radgenl] adj. d4u tidn, ban du ENG. preceding all others in time; first SYS. fresh, initial The original mode of transport to the city was the train. Phung tgn giao théng du tén cia thanh phé chinh la thu ha. The mode of transportation of first importance when travelling with an infant is one with ample space. Phuong tin gao thing quan trong nhdt ki di du ich €6 te sinh di Km La lal cO Kong sian eng The train that has a restaurant and toilet on board is the first of its kind. ‘Chuyén xe ia c6 nha hang va nha vg sinh trén tau ta Jogi dau tién thude dong nay. ‘Secondhand cars are not ideal to drive during long road trips. [Nhing che xe hol 48 qua si! dung Khong hé Ij tuéng 48 sit dung trong nhing chuyéin di dudng dal PUTfy ( pivertta] v. tanh oc ENG. to remove impurities; become clean SYS. filter, refine a a The train's air-condition system purifies the air circulating in the cabins. He théng ciéu hoa trén tau gid thanh loc khéng khi uu théng trong cdc khoang. The positive pressure inside the train cabin makes the air free from contamination. ‘Ap suSt dang (cao han p sudt khi quyén) bén trong khoang tau khién cho khdng khi khdng bi Onhibm The pressurized blower gets rid of foreign matter when people board the train. Myth Kh ibu dp 66 log bS tap cht ki hinh khéch Kn The air pollution outside adds stain to the interior of the train. ‘O nhibm khong khi ben ng iy thém vét ban & bén trong tau. 319 EE ey TUE TOPIC. Public transport | Giao théng ebng cng bbbaad bo8 Public transportation is an essential service for transporting people and commodities. It is a sector of the economy that satisfies the needs of the population and is often the backbone of a city. The foremost means of public transport include rail, aquatic, automobile and air transport. Each of the modes of transport has identifiable characteristics in terms of strengths and weaknesses. For example, the advantages of rail include high frequency of traffic, relatively low rates and swift conveyance of goods over long distances. The disadvantages include limited number of carriers, large capital investments in industrial and technology base and high energy intensity of transport. Taxi transport also encompasses advantages, including door to door convenience and flexibility, but fails in its dependence on weather and road conditions. Whatever the means of transportation taken, we are dependent on its efficiency. ii Giao thdng cong cong 1a mot dich vy thiét yéu 48 van chuyén con ngudi va = hang héa. Né l& mét inh vyc cla nén kinh 1 giip dp Ung nhu cu cla nguai dan va thudng I yu t6 then chét cla mot thanh phé. Cac phung tign giao thong cong cOng quan trong nhét bao gém vén ti duing sat, dudng thiy, 6 16 va dudng hang khong, M&i ogi hinh vain tla ¢6 nhang dc tinh nhan bid ring bigt v6 dim manh va diém yéu cla ching. Vi dy, nhing Igi thé ca dung sat ‘bao gém tén suét luu thong cao, chi phi tuong 46i thép va van chuyén hang hoa nhanh chéng véi khoang cach xa. Con nhiing diém bat Igi bao gém han ché vé ‘86 lugng hang van chuyén, cén s6 vén dau tu Ién vao nén tang céng nghiép va ‘cong ngh@ cing cutng 09 si! dyng nang lugng van t8i cao. Van tai bang taxi cciing bao gém cc Igi thé, nhu sy thuan tién va linh hoat khi cé thé van chuyén (66n tan noi, nhung van thét bai & diém phdi phy thude vao thai it va diéu kign ‘dubng sé, Di sit dung loa hinh van t& nao di ching nda thi ching ta eGing dang phy thude vao tinh hiéu qua cila né. 314 essential [esenfll commodity [ko'modati] satisfy [satisfa] identifiable [ar.dentr'farobl] frequency [fr:kwansi] conveyance [kon'verans] capital (keeprtl] encompass [xn'kampos] dependent [dt pendent] efficiency [r'ffnsi) 6 WEEK TOPIC TRANSPORTATION yu, c&n tht Wearing gloves while investigating a crime scene is essential to not contaminating the evidence. Bo ging tay ki kim agi hin tuting vy dl vig im en tit 8 dng fam ‘héng ching cu. nuhang héa Animals are sometimes treated like commodities to be traded on the international market. ‘BOI ie dng vat bj d6i xi! nhu nhdng mon hang dé budn ban trén thj truding quée 18. ¥. dap tng, im thda man ‘She said that taking just one sip of hot chocolate satisfies her sweet tooth. (68 &y tring chi m6t ngym s®-c-la néng cing e6 thé fam tha man sy ho ngot cia min, ‘adj. c6 thé xac dinh, 06 thé nhgn bidt The hydrogen sulfide leak was identifiable by the smell of rotten eggs in the air. Tinh trang rr ki hydro sultua e6 thé nhn bist duge bing mii trdng tho ong hong ki sud, én 56 ‘The more often you test this theory, the greater will be the frequency of success. Ben cng tng auyén kim cng 1 thuyét ny hi tin sud hanh cong s® cing cao. 1. sy van chuyén, chuyén cha Uphill conveyance from the skiing resorts is provided by a tracked snowcat with cozy seating. Vibe i chuyén wu céc Khu ng dudng tru tuyét fon ten di cue thy hign ba xe tut uy voi cS ng6l dm cng. in. tin vn Traditional credit risk models are inadequate because they underestimate the required equity capital. (Céic m6 inh ni 0 tin dung ruyén théng khéng thda dang vi ching dn gi tsp phn win g6p phil. v.bao g6m The classroom challenge he faces encompasses learning difficulties like dyslexia and ADHD. “Thi! théch &lép ma cQu bé phd d6i mat bao gém nhng tr ngal trong hoe top nu ching kn de hay 6 oan ing dng gm cho ad}. phy thude Your being allowed to go to the party tonight is dependent ‘on you finishing your chores. Vig 06 dug phép tham dy ba tig t6l nay hay khéng s& phy thuGe vo chuydn ban Fam xong ht cc cng wit vt. tinh higu qua ‘Anew pair of shears has a higher efficiency than an old, rusty pair, [Métal kéo ct la mal s8 mang ll higu quai cao hon cy Kéo o0 rich va i 96t. 315 els TNL ema tog terminus in. bén cui [ts:mines} Qa M"imest you at the bus terminus, the designated place ‘here the bus starts its scheduled route. ‘To sé gap ban 8 diém cu6i xe buyt, da cidm dn dian ma xo but DAt dau pelo toate In the UK, the public bus terminus is often located near a roundabout. © Anh, diém cusi ca tuyén x0 buyt cOng cong thutng dugc dat gan vbng xuyén. (@ While it may be of prime importance to the passenger, the location of a terminus may be made for reasons other than the public's convenience. [Mge di vi tela dim cusi thé c6 im quan trong bac nt 46 vor hhinh khdch, nhung 6 1 nd duge xBy dyng vi ndng if do khé ngodi sy thud tin oda ngui di, Before exiting the shuttle bus at the central terminus, the public is thanked by the driver for their use of public transportation and encouraged to use it again, “True ki bude ra Kh xe bujt dua don 8 idm cui ku trung ti, nguts dan thudng ng dug cd on it x8 vi dst dung phusng tign cng cg va ho cing dug Khun hich si ng oa phucg ign nay vo I&n ‘ip theo block v. cn, ngan chin Wook] a | cannot see the car because the trees are blocking my view of the street. Toi Khong tn thy che xe hi dob dng icy chin tém nhin dun. ‘The products were not delivered because the landslide blocked all vehicles coming from the city. CC sin phém chua duge glao di do wy sat 8 dt #8 ngdin chan mol hong tend vao tu nan ph, (@ The cisaster that happened last week is so severe that roads are stil blocked and the families living inthe affected areas are still without shelter and electricity. ‘Tham hoa xay ra vao tudn trudc nghiém trong dén mic cdc con duding ‘vin bj chén cing va nhing gla dinh sng trong Khu vue chju anh hudng. ‘vin chua o6 noi td én va didn, The heavy traffic was caused by large trucks blocking the road and by group of farmers congesting the street while they are doing their protest. Un the giao thing xy ra do nnn chide xe tin chdn dong va nhém ig dn tip dng nghit rn dung a bdu nh, 318 ‘Speaking training @z Writing training ( Es mass transit 1h, giao théng cng cng mas ‘trenzt] f & Alack of mass transit results in more traffic congestion, pollution, and road construction to accommodate more vehicles. Vie thidu phuong tign giao thong cdng cong d&n dén tinh trang the rnghén giao théng xdy ra ngay cing nhiéu, cing nhu vige xay dyng duting sé 48 dép Ung duge nhiéu phudng tién hon, ‘Advocates of public transport claim that investing in mass transit will reduce the public's transport costs. ‘hing ngu’t Ung ho st! dyng phyong tign giao théng céng cdng khang inh rang vite du tu vao giao thdng céng cng sé gidm tal chi phi van ‘chuyén cla cOng déng, (@ Some supporters of mass transit believe that the use of ‘taxpayer capital to fund mass transit will ultimately save taxpayer money in many ways, and therefore, improve public transportation. Mat s6 nguti ing gsi dung giao thing cdng cbng tn ring vibe dung ibn vn cia ngvti déng thué 48 tai tr cho gjao théng céng céng cus cig s® gdp t6t kigm tdn cla nguts np thué theo nfidu cach, va nha vay ci then duge nga van ti céng céng Although there is a continuing debate as to the true efficiency of different modes of public transportation, mass transit is generally regarded as significantly more energy efficient than other forms of travel. Mac di xy ra mt cude tranh cdi khndng ngung vb higu qua thye su cia cc lal hinh vant cOng cng Khe nau, nung lao thong cong cong vn thuting duge col nh he st dyng ning lugnghigu qua hon nh 50 ¥8i ng phucng thie i chuyén Khe proscription 1, sy bai xich, cm doan [pro'skrrpfo] a Public transit workers today are confronting the city and its proscription against public-employee strikes. Cc cng nhan van chuyén cong cong hign dang d6i déu vdi thanh phd | -cting nhu sy cém don trudc céc cude dinh ebng cula céng nhan vién chitc, Many users of public transportation are calling for the proscription of animals riding city buses. Nhiéu ngudi sit dung giao théng céng cong dang yéu cu cém dong vat ‘rén cdc tuyén xe buyt cla thanh phé. (8 The city government's proscription against drunk driving is important especialy for young drivers, because it aims to promote responsible driving and decrease alcohol-related accidents, Linh cfm xe trong Kh say ca chith quyén thn ph 5 y ghia quan ‘rong, dc bist la voi céc tai x8 tré, bat vi myc dich cla né fa nh’m khuyén ich vige ld xe c6 tréch nhigm va giém thiéu nhdng vy tai nan lién quan dén_ slayngetn. Fare inspectors on public transportation operate under the statutory proscription outlawing riders from evading fares, and can issue tickets to those disobeying it. CCéc thanh tra soat phi trén phuong tin giao thong cbng cdng thye hin theo cde didu khodn phdp Iugt quy dinh v6 vige cm nhigng ngubi di xe tubn v6, va ho cing c6 thé cp vé phat vai nhdng ai Khéng tuan thi. 317 RELATED WORDS proficiency effectiveness ‘n. sy thanh thao 9, sy higu qua ® “ competence capability 1K ning efficiency [x fr{nsi) proficiency [pro'fxjnsi competence [komprtons] effectiveness [2 fektrvnes] capability [kerpe'brieti) 318 4 ila Dey tinh ning Whatever the means of transportation taken, we are dependent on its efficiency. Dil sit dyng bat ky loai hinh van tai nao thi chung ta ciing dang phy thuge vao tinh higu qua cia nd. It is evident that there is driving proficiency amongst the city bus drivers. [RO rang cc tai x6 xe buyt cila thanh phé cé trinh d6 Iai xe thanh thao. | trust that the taxi driver has competence to navigate the city streets. ‘Ti tin ring ti x8 taxi ob dls Kha nding oi din vi ce con dung trong thnh ps. The effectiveness of a road sign for drivers is purely related to its size, color and placement. Higu qua cia bién béo giao thing di vi ngudi lal xe vén chi lin quan dén Wich te, mau se va ia ed at nd The vehicle is a perfect choice because of its capability, comfort and pollution-free system. Chie x0 nay la mot va chon hodn ho bl tinh nng, sy tho ma va ng thing kndng gay 6 nhigm cda nd. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS | public consultation ground transportation tham vén eéng ching ‘vant dung bo 8 A Pelt el tem Ce-Taks el Cod) Eee) i public enterprise marine transportation doanh nghigp quéc doanh ‘van tdi duding bién fi public transportation People generally walk when public transportation ['pabltk traonspo: terjn] systems are lacking or when the distance to walk is Short. Moi nguti thuting ai ki cdc he tng lao thing ‘céng cong cn thidu hoae khong cach di lai ngan. public consultation —_ After intensive public consultation, it was [‘pabltk kons!'terfn] recommended that the green paper should be launched. ‘Sau budi tham van céng ching day gay gat, ngudl ta da dé xudt ring ‘sch xanh cn phai duge cing b6. + Sich xanb Id ta lifu gidi thich ca a8 én ma chinh phil sé thdo ludin tal Qué hg. public enterprise During the 1980s, new and expensive technology ['pabitk ‘enteprarz] was produced as a result of various public enterprises. ‘Tong suét nhdng nam 1980, cong nghe mdi va d&t 68 d duge t20 ra do sy xuAt hign oda niu doanh nghigp quéc doanh khac nhau. ground transportation The total cost, including hotel, airfare and ground [oraund ,traonspo:texjn) transportation, is $400 per person. én chi phi, bao gém ibn ach san, v6 may bay va di chuyén ag b, 400 dla mot gu marine transportation There are stellar marine transportation services {mo’risn trapnspo:'terfn] in the maritime provinces, particularly those servicing the ports. .céc tinh ven bién cé nhing dich vy van tai bién xudt sdc, dc bigt {a Jogi hinh dich vy cng. 319 WED IELTS BASIC WORDS Several ['sevral] adj. met sé ENG. being of a number more than two or three but not many SYS. some, various. There are several advantages of the old forms of transport over the new ones. (Cé phusong tgn chuyén ché dang cf cé met s6 diém ith han nhdng oal inh me A few benefits of the railway transport back in the days include affordability and practicality. ‘Mot vig ch ca van ti dung trong qua Kh bao gdm sy hop 6 gl cv tinh hit thy. ar The train fares 5 years ago and today differ only by a small amount. Gia vé tau 5 nm trudc véi gia 6 thai diém hign tai chi chénh @ch nhau mét s6 tién nbd. + Alarge number of people can now be moved at one time on trains. 'Ngay nay, nhiéu ngubi cé thé di chuyén cing mét ic rén cdc chuyén tau. conclu: ENG. the close or last part; end or finish SYS. end, termination I {ken’klu:3n] n. sy chém a, phn cusi The conclusion of his journey on the train was at the main station. ‘Biém cub trong chuyén hanh trinh bang tau hda cla anh ta fa 6 nha ga trung tam. The train's stopping point is at the border of this city and the next. ‘Bidm ding cia chuyén tau fa 8 ranh git gia thanh ph nay va thanh ph tgp theo, = The final result of his 3-day train journey is that he saw his family. ‘Thanh qué cusi cing cla chuyén hanh trnh kéo dai 3 ngay trén tau a anh y d8 gap duge gia inh cia min. + The train line starts at the main station next to the city hall, Tuyéhn dutngsAt bt du tl nha gatrung tam nlm ben canh ba th chinh 920 \ 6 WEEK TOPIC TRANSPORTATION 2) — 36 sung tir vyng co ban, proportion tpre'po:in)_n.1j8 ENG. the relation between things SYS. ratio, balance The proportion of commuters taking the train now is less than those taking them before. ‘TV i886 ngudi i iam bang tau hda hign nay thdp hon so vél rude day. w ‘The commuters’ rate with respect to the distance of travel increases over time. ‘TY Ie ngubi i lam lign quan 16i khong cch di chuyén dang tang dén theo thi gian. The ratio between train commuters then and now is far different than expected ‘TYI6 gida s6 nguti di lam bang tau hda trong qué khd va hign nay dang c6 sy khdc biét In han rnhiéu so véi dy tinh. + Thelack of link between trains before was improved now by the construction of train interchange stations. Tinh trang thu kt n6i gia cd chuyéin tau rude dy hign 48 duge ci thign nh vige xdy dung ce nha ga rung chuyén. shift uit n.sythay a6: ENG. a qualitative change ‘SYS. transformation, transmutation ‘There was a substantial shift in the way people get to work then and now. ‘Ba 06 mot sy thay déi dang ké trong céch con ngudi di am 6 thd xua va nay ar ‘rains being the main mode of transport in the 1950s were changed into cars today. (Cc dodn tau v6n tung la huang thie van chuyén chinh trong nhing nam 1950 68 dugc chuyén «Bi thanh nhang chic xe hol @ thd nay. ‘There was a change in position between the Top 1 and 2 mode of transport. 14 cb sy thay di v8 v tri gia phuong thd van chuyén & vt 6 1 va 862. a The development of trains as the main mode of transport in our city remains at status quo. ‘Sy phat trién cda tau hda nhu mat phucng hic van chuyén chinh trong thanh ph caching t6, vin gid duge syn dn, 321 WED a, Compare current forms of TOPIC | transport with those in the past | So sanh cdc phuong thc vin chuydnhign nay v6inhng oa inh trong qua Kh sddddddese ‘Transportation has progressed over the years with astonishing innovations. As countries experience population growth, access to transportation has become increasingly important. This modernization of air, marine, rail and road transportation is critical to economic growth as it unites communities and contributes to the flow of people and goods. Since the first car was fabricated in 1885, a number of improvements have been accomplished. In fact, vintage automobiles look prehistoric compared with today’s streamlined, genteel models. The first car only had three wheels; one at the front, which steered the vehicle, and two at the rear. The first car also didn’t have any equipments for convenient driving. Riding in a car that didn’t have brakes or indicators today would cause bedlam on the roads! Today, cars are much safer and more reliable than they once were. One can only dream of how the transportation designs of the future will enrich our lives iit Giao thong van tai da phat trién trong nhiéu nam qua véi nhiing bude 46i méi dang eee Kinh ngge. Khi céc qué gia dang tri qua tinh trang tang rung dan s6 thi vige tiép TRANS cn véi giao thong van tai ngay cng tr nén quan trong. Vige hign dai héa van t&i hang khong, hang hai, duing st va dutng b6 nay c6 val rd then chét d6i vai sy tang trudng kinh t8 do né hop nht cdo cong déng va déng gdp vo uu lugng ngudi eding nu hang héa. Ké t kh chiée xe hot déu tn duge ché tgo vao nm 1885, con ngudi 48 dat duge rét nhiéu budc cai tién. Trén thyc 18, nhing chiéc 6 16 ¢6 dién tréng 16i thdi so véi cde mu xe tinh 16 va d& duge don gidn héa ngay nay. Chie xe hol déu ‘tin chi 06 ba banh; mot banh @ phia trudc 48 diéu khién phuong tign, va hai banh & hia sau. NO cling kndng c6 bal cl thiét bj no gdp thudn tin cho vigc Iai xe. NEU lai 'm@t chiée xe khnéng cb phanh hay dén xi nhan vao tha nay thi ban o6 thé s8 gay ra cn hn loan trén cdc tuyén dutng! Ngay nay, xe ho d& tr nén an toan va dang tin cay hon nhiéu so véi trude day. Ngudi ta chl c6 thé mo udc vé cach ma cae thiét ké [Phuong tign giao thdng trong tudng lai sé lam phong phi thém cho cugc s6ng. 6 WEEK TOPIC TRANSPORTATION _—————{———— astonishing [o’stonzfrn} modernization [ modenar'zerjn] critical U krntrk] unite Guna] contribute {kon trbju:t] flow {fou} fabricate [fabrkert] accomplish {fe kamplzf] streamlined [stri:mlarnd) bedlam ['bedlom} ‘adi ding kinh ngac, gay nga nhién There were an astonishing number of people inside the tiny house during the hailstorm, {66 mt lugng ngUb ding kinh ngae 48 & trong can nha td bé dy tong subt can bb kom hoo mud rn. sy hign dai hod, sy déi mai Malaysia saw a boom in the economy afer its extensive modernization of the school system. ‘Malaysia da ching kién sy phat trién vugt bdc ca nén kinh t6 sau khi én hanh ign dai hah thing tung hoe tn ain ng aj. then chét, trong dai, c6 tinh quyét dinh The decision he's going to make will be a very critical one. ‘Quydt inn ma dng dy sp dua ra sé la mot didu rt trong dai ‘kt hop én él, hop nt ‘When a person unites with someone else in marriage, it's beautiful Khi mot ngudt hgp Nhat véi al dé trong mot cue hdn nha, diéu do that dep. v. déng 96, gop phén She always contributes to the schoo! musical by painting the stage backdrops for the scenes. C6 bé ludn dong gop vao vd nhac kich cla trudng bing vige vé phong nén san nu cho cdc phan cn rn dong cha, ludng The project will help decrease the flow of people from rural areas to the cities. ‘Dyin nay 8 ip gli higu dng gut cc Khu we ndng thon 66 vi thanh ph. v. ché tao, lip rap. ‘My job isto find flaws in the wood after the table has been fabricated. \Vigc cia 10113 tim ra céc vét g6 nut sau khi chide ban di duge ché tao xong. vthye ign, hoan thant The barista first made the coffee and then accomplished the dificult task of selling it. \Nhdn vign pha ché trudc tién d& pha cd phé va sau 46 hoan thanh cdng vie ofan bn ‘adj. c6 dang thudn, duge sdp xép hgp lj, dan giin hoa Fish are streamlined in order to move through the water with minimum resistance. ‘Cc hla dng tut di chun xuydn qua dong nude vo st cn 6 nd ‘n. sy ndo loan, c&nh hdn don, bai hén chign ‘The Miami Dolphins’ loss caused absolute bedlam on the streets. ‘Tht bai cia d9i bong bdu dye Miami Dolphins 4a gty ra Khung cénh vd cing bn loan rn cdc tuyén ph. 923 Medea ANN Ce mm ito qua vidy DE Trude dy, con dung In ma ga dnh bl xty nha & 46 tng 4b ng cho Ct tl x6 vn tung cb thd 48 xe bn dali, wy nion nga nay 66 Coin phi An chu tech ahi cho vie bdo va quin I giao theng trdn dtng phé cng nhu cdc hah lang dai fia London, va phi cam just as important today as it ever Gao thtng dung bb ngdy nay cing quan trong nh rong qué Khd, tuy nin phn én mang hi hign di bao gm cde con dung Id rong kh avenue 1. con dung én, dal i) [avenju:) : Qy_ Inthe past, the avenue that my house was built on was wide enough for city trafic. vige dll trong thn ph Drivers used to be able to park on the avenue, but that is outlawed today. iby trai phdp ludt, (8 The British government is responsible for maintaining and managing traffic on London's road and avenue corridors, ‘and must commit to repairing any in poor condition. 6t 80 sia cha bat cu thi gl bj xuéng cp. Road transportation is was in the past, yet most of the area's modern network of avenues were constructed before the Second World War. ‘We nay du d duce xay dung ti true Chin tranh thé git lén thd ha canalisation rn, sy dao én, vige md kénh do [keenolar zerjn] 324 Qa Canalisation secures a definite available depth for the navigation of today's freight ships. Vige do Ken cén dm bio su chnh xc c6 thé cing 8 au hung ‘hing con tu cd hang ngdy nay. “The river became more usable withthe canalisation of the lower portion ofthe river. ‘Dong stg dé 6 c6 thé si dyng thud ifn ha nh vigc ma Kanh dao 3 hha lu sg, (@ Many small rivers above thei tidal limit have been rendered navigable by modern canalisation, and several large rivers have thereby provided a good depth for vessels. NNhigu con sng hd vue tren mde gi han thdy tidu 4 gidp cdc tau be 16 thé di ai nh vigc ma Kénh do rt tan tén, theo d6 ma met s6 con. ‘song ln eZing mang dn 6 stu ly tudng cho tau thuyé, It is not clear whether the canalisation of the river, intially started over 25 years ago, is compatible with modern ideas of how to make the passageway navigable. Novo ta vin cua chdc cn v8 chuydn bu mB kénh do rén song, mot vile 6 dt ngubn ti 25 ndm trudc, ob phi hyp v6i ce j tung hign dal v6 cic tg 16 cho tau thuydn qual hay Khong, channel ['tfent) boatload [beutloud) ‘Speaking training &e Writing training (@ in. kénh, eo bién Gy Over time, tourists have marveled at the view on both sides of the channel. Theo that gian, cde du khéch cdm thdy ng@ ngang truée c&nh quan 8 c& hal phia cia con kon, ‘The English Channel ferry transported hundreds of vehicles and thousands of passengers over time. ‘Theo thai gian, chiéc pha 8 0 bién Manche da van chuyén hang trim phuong tign va hang nghin hanh khéch This channel is now used for the tourists to take a ride in the boats designed for one-hour boat rides around these three main canals. Eo bién nay hign dang duge st! dung 48 phyc vu khdch du lich di tn inhing con tau dugc thiét ké cho chuyén di kéo dai mot tiéng déng hé quanh ba kéah dio chinh, Itis obvious that workers needed a walkway to cross between the falls, to provide for transport of materials, and for the inspection and maintenance of the channel. RO rang la cdc cong nhan cén m9t i6i di 46 bang qua gida nang con the, nhm hé try cho vige van chuyéa vat liu, kiém tra cing nhu bdo tr ‘con kan, 'n. tai trong, Iugng hang hay ngubi cé thé chd trén tau thuyén, sé lugng nhiéu © He imported wine by the boatfoad, employing small cargo ae ships to do the work. (ng &y 4 ningp kingu mat s6 lugng lon rugu vang, ndn éng thu nhng con tau cd hang nhd a am vigc nay Digital cameras record a boatload of information every time you take a picture. ‘May dnb kj thudt s6 8 ghi lai mot lugng Ion thong tin mBi khi ban chyp ‘mot bac hinh, When the last boatload of convicts arrived on the river, many had already served their seven-to-fourteen-year terms, whereas today, we do not ship criminal offenders away much. Khi chuyén tau cudi cing ché ta nhan cp bén thi nhigu ngubi da thy an ti ‘duge 7 dn 14 nim, trong khi 8 thas nay, ching ta khdng dua phem nhan di bling tu thuydn nda Indonesian authorities have serious questions to answer about how a boatload of asylum seekers was allowed to wallow in rough seas, without assistance, before sinking last week. (Cc nha chi trich Indonesia dang gp phai nhng cu h8i nghiém trong clin tr v8 vie fam th no ma nhdng ng nan tén thuyén ai kg bj ngn cdn khi dm mi trong céc ving bién dong, Khng mot sy try gid, trade ki thuyén bj chim vao tudn rude: 305 RELATED WORDS | 2%sunc bestow impart \edanh ng vetruydn ruydn dat & A rea el) et "4 donate instill v.quyén gép vtruyén ti, lam cho thm nhun contribute The modernization of transportation is critical to [ken trabju:t} ‘economic growth as it contributes to the flow of goods. ‘Vide hin da héa giao thong vn tai c val ro then ch6t i v6i sy tang trudng inh t6 do n6 déng gép vo lu lugng hang héa. bestow In order to increase traffic safety, the city bestowed [br'stou} street lights to the residents on First Avenue. 1 ting cung an todn giao théng,thanh phé 48 dinh ng nhong chiée dn mdi. + The government prevented the grand protest of bikers nationwide from happening. ‘Chinh phi d& ngain chin mt cudc biéu tinh quy mé lén cla nhdng ngudi di xe dap trén toan quéc. 329 THU SS > TOPIC _ Riding bicycles in the city ‘Bi x0 dap trong thant phd pees a eek k kdb be ) Those who are trapped into driving a car to work every day often have to face a particular misery called gridlock. When cars are bumper to bumper, we sce squandered gasoline, time, and patience. Commuters idle in heavy, blocked traffic while their wages are transformed into greenhouse gases and other pollutants. Many wish they had an economical, more environmentally friendly and much healthier way to get to work. On the other hand, there are many who have opted to rethink the daily grind to the office and are riding their bikes to work instead. These bike commuters hustle past thousands of immobilized cars while traveling to work, getting healthy exercise every day on their commute that will improve their vigour and health. Cycle to work--you’ll appreciate the money and planet you save. Nang nguai bi mc ket vai vige phai li xe di lm mdi ngay thuong d6i mat véi mot nBi kh6 s8 dc bigt mang tén tée nghén giao théng. Khi nhing chiée xe hoi TRANS ci! n6i dubi nhau hang dai trén dung cing lé ke ching ta nan ra sy lng phi vvé x&ng, thai gian va long kién nhin, Nhdng nguai di lam thi cd ngéi khéng gia ‘cn giao théng t&c ngh&n nghiém trong trong Khi tién Ivang cia ho lai bi chuyén hhda thanh khi nha kinh va ce chét 6 nhiém khéc Nhigu nguts thi uéc rng $8 c6 ccéch digi it kigm, than thign véi mai trudng va lanh manh hon, Mat Khe, lai oO kkhéng it ngui chon céch can nhac lai vé vile di lm hang ngay va ho dang sit ‘dung xe dap 48 dén noi lam vigc thay vi xe hdl. Ning ngudi di xe dap nay héi ha vugt qua hang nghin chiéc xe hoi dang nim bat dong khi ho di lam, tap thé dye mot céch lanh manh mi ngay trén dung dn noi lam vige s® giip ho cé thé indng cao thé chat va siic khde cla minh. Véi vige di lam bang xe dap--ban sé bit quy trong d6ng tién va hanh tinh ma minh dang bao ve. trap temp] misery [muzri] squander [skwonda(e] idle Card) transform [trans 'fo:m] economical Like ‘nomrki] opt opt) hustle Chas!) immobilized [x'moubolarzd] vigour [vigor] 6 WEEK TOPIC CULTURE vv. mac ket Many people are still trapped by the collapsed walls from the earthquake. [Nhidu ngudi van bj mac ket trong nhing buc tuting dé sAp do tran dong dat in. ndikhé 8 Debt problems can occur at any time of the year and cause misery. \Vén a6 ng niin c6 thé xy dn bd ctl hie nto rong ndim va gfy ra cinh khén clung, ‘y, ling phi, phung phi The teenager squandered his weekly allowance away at the mall Cau thidu nién da phung phi s6 tién titu vat héing tudn ca minh & trung tam mua sdm, adj. biéng nha, khOng Iam gi Itis important to get daily physical activity because being idle makes us unhealthy. Vide host dong thé chét mdi ngay la diéu réit quan trong vi sy biéng nhac khién chung ta trd nén 6m yéu. v. thay 46i, chuyén hoa The lizard transformed the colour of its skin in order to match its environment. ‘Thin bn thay 4: mau da di ph hap v6 moi rubng cba nd adj. tiét kigm He believes regular servicing often proves more economical than repair following a breakdown, ‘Anh y tin rang vige bao tri déu dn thutng tit kigrm han la bj hang r6i méi sta chda. veya chon I you had opted to open the door to your left, you would have won a car. Néu chon md cénh cila bén trai thi ban da c6 thé gianh dugc mot chide xe hoi. v. h6iha, Kh trzong You'll have to hustle if you hope to make the train on time. Ban phi khdn trugng lén néu muén lén tau ding gid. adj. bit dong, khéng thé di chuyén Her neck was immobilized by the safety collar the paramedics put on her. CO Ay khong thé cit dong cé6 vi chiée nep bo ho ma cde nhan vidn y té deo ho minh, 1. se manh, sinh Wye Vigour of mind can make you a leader when you get the chip off your shoulder. ‘Sic manh tam tri c6 thé gidp ban trd thanh mot ngudi Kinh dao khi ban lubn aim ché duge sy tae gin 331 WORD TRAINING TO EA} lane 1. con dung hep, lan duang, tuyén dung [ern] a | will follow traffic rules from now on to avoid a bus lane violation. 1 ti nay, ti 88 tutn thi TUB 9 giao thng 46 teénh vi pham vio tan

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