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1> write a c program to take inputs from the user and add
those two numbers.

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
2> write a c program to take inputs from the user and
subtract those four numbers.

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
3> write a c program to take one input from the user and
Divide that number by zero.

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
4> write a c program to take inputs from the user and
multiply those four numbers.

~ C code:


~ Explanation:
5> write a c program to solve the given equation: a+a-


add parenthesis to change the order of operation so that

the output will be -90.

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
6> write a c program for company profit, take the company's
revenue and profit in percentages from the user.

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
7> write a c program that prints even numbers using a FOR
loop, ranging from 31 to 81.

~ C code:

~ Output:
~ Explanation:

8> write a c program that checks if a triangle is equilateral,

isosceles, or scalene. The user will be prompted for the
triangle sides.

An equilateral triangle is one in which all three sides are the same

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two equal sides.

A scalene triangle is a triangle that has three unequal sides.

~ C code:
~ Output-1:

~ Output-2:

~ Output-3:

~ Explanation for output-1:

~ Explanation for output-2:

~ Explanation for output-3:

9> Write a c program to check whether a year is a leap year
or not.

~ C code:

~ Output-1:

~ Output-2:
~ Explanation for output-1:

~ Explanation for output-2:

11> Write a c program to print the Fibonacci series using the
FOR loop(take input from the user).

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
12> Write a c program to print a Multiplication table using
FOR loop.

~ C code:

~ Output:

~ Explanation:
13> Write a c program to print the descent order among the
three values.

~ C code:
~ Output-1:

~ Output-2:

~ Output-3:

~ Explanation for output-1:

~ Explanation for output-2:

~ Explanation for output-3:
14> Write a c program to create a Simple Calculator using a
switch case.

~ C code:

~ Output-1:
~ Output-2:

~ Output-3:

~ Output-4:

~ Explanation for output-1:

~ Explanation for output-2:

~ Explanation for output-3:

~ Explanation for output-4:

15> C program to make a pyramid.

~ Output:

~Explanation for the space:

~ Explanation for the (*) star:

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