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Creation with Entities - Day 2

Practice the Asking Exercise.

Practice asking who and what can contribute to your creations, daily. Refer to
your list of 5 things.

Read over the processes and notes to get clear on what’s required when
working with entities.

Clearings, Processes and Questions (on audio loop)

The ‘on steroids’ talk from call 1 was to get you all to create for real, not just
as a fairytale in your head; to get you from, ‘if I could only have’, to the reality
of truly creating what it is you desire, i.e. to bring it out of ‘the things that you
desire are impossible’ and into a real possibility.

Everything that is, let’s destroy and uncreate it. Right and Wrong, Good and
Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

All of the lies, superstitions, mythologies, legends and religions that have
created the give and take rather than gifting and receiving with the infinite
universe, will you destroy and uncreate all this please? Right and Wrong,
Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

You could be the very first humanoid, in a humanoid body, to gift and receive
as dynamically as nature. Everything that doesn’t allow that, will you please
destroy and uncreate it? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What have you made so vital about causal incarceration, causal incongruities
and causal incarnations that necessitate giving and taking rather than infinite
gifting and receiving? Everything that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it


please? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and

What have you made so vital about the causal incarcerations, causal
incongruities and causal incarnations that create giving and taking as the
separation from the gifts that the infinite universe desires to gift you for being?
Everything that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Is not believing in possibility, and feeling like you don’t have access to infinite
possibility, and feeling very alone and separate, the reality or is that the
pretense or the invention that we all agree upon in this reality? Let’s destroy
and uncreate all that. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9,
Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What have you made so vital about the causal incarcerations, causal
incongruities and causal incarnations that create give and take as the
separation from the infinite gifting that the universe desires to gift you for
being? All that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Everything you’ve done to shut the beings out who will support you, to push
them away, to judge them out of existence, and to separate from what you
could create together, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Creating with the universe is not a give and exchange, it’s a receive fully and
in the receiving, you are gifting, totally. This requires you be generous with
your being. When you are willing to have that generosity of spirit, what is
available to you?

Everything that doesn’t allow you to perceive, know, be and receive more of
that now please, will you destroy and uncreate it? Right and Wrong, Good and
Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What have you made so vital about causal incarcerations, causal

incongruities and causal incarnations that keep you always searching for the
reason why you’re stuck? All that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it
please? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and

What have you made so vital about causal incarcerations, causal

incongruities and causal incarnations that keep you always separate from
those beings that would assist you in creating a world beyond your wildest
dreams? Everything this is, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

How many programs or equations do you have in your universe about what
receiving is, and what you have to do to receive, and what’s going to have to
happen if you receive and what you’re going to have to give in exchange if
you receive, and you can’t receive because, because, because. Those are all

the causal incarnations, causal incarcerations and causal incongruities. All
that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and Wrong, Good
and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Everywhere that you aren’t asking for enough to create the life, living and
reality that would be fun for you, joy for you and great for everyone, will you
please destroy and uncreate all this? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD,
POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What would you have to receive that would create a greater world? That is,
what would creating a greater world necessitate you being able to receive?
Everything that brings up for you, destroy and uncreate it please. Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What would you have to choose to receive to have all of the support and the
contribution from the spirit world that’s available to you? Everything that that
is, will you destroy and uncreate it please?. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad,
POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Every lifetime that you had that connection and that support and the
cooperation with the spirit world and somebody told you that it was evil or
wrong or terrible because they were jealous of you or because they were less
than you and they desired to bring you down to their level, will you please
revoke, rescind, recant, renounce, denounce, reclaim, destroy and uncreate
everything that you did to be stupid enough to listen to them? Right and
Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

All the unconsciousness and anti consciousness attached to all of this for all
of you and everything that you are trying to hide from yourselves with all this,
will you destroy and uncreate it all please?. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad,
POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

All of the entities that do not desire to support you that you have taken on as a
way of preventing you from receiving the supporters, will you return them all
from whence they came, never to return to you, your body, or this reality ever
again? Return them all from whence they came, never to return to you, your
body, or this reality ever again and return them all from whence they came,
never to return to you, your body, or this reality ever again.

All of the demons that you have been creating with, or that you were fooled
into creating with or that you have called into creating with you that have
actually been destroying you rather than creating with you, would you return
all them from whence they came, never to return to you, your body, your life
or this reality again? And return them all from whence they came, never to
return to you, your body, your life or this reality ever again. And return them all
from whence they came, never to return to you, your body, your lives or this
reality ever again. Thank you. Good. Good.

How stupid do you have to make yourself to believe that a demon has your
best interest at heart? All that that is, will you destroy and uncreate it all

please?. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys
and Beyonds®

Open your eyes. Open your awareness. Be concise with yourself and claim
and own your clarity. All of you have it, you just won’t claim it. You’d rather
choose to be little and diminished than great and happy.

What have you made so vital about causal incarcerations, causal

incongruities and causal incarnations that justify your misery for all eternity?
All that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and Wrong,
Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What creation are you refusing with the misery you are choosing? All that this
is, will you destroy and uncreate all this? Right and Wrong, Good and Bad,
POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

What are you hiding from yourselves that if you would stop hiding it, would
make you happy? All that this is, will you destroy and uncreate it please?
Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and

Are you willing to do and to choose ‘what it’s going to take’ for you to not only
create but to be able to create everything that you’re capable of? Everything
that that brings up, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Right and Wrong,
Good and Bad, POD, POC, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Everything you’re doing to block asking for ‘who is available to create this with
me? Who is available to contribute with me? What is available that will assist
in creating this? And, What is available that will contribute to creating this?’,
destroy and uncreate it all. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC, All
9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

Anything that got brought up from any parts of any of the conversations on
cultures with strong connections to the spirit world and getting permission to
create and clearing or out creating entities in opposition to your creations, let’s
destroy and uncreate it please. Right and Wrong, Good and Bad, POD, POC,
All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds®

General Notes

True Creation

When you get the magnitude of creation and your part in creation, and what
true creation is, then and only then can creating the little things becomes
possible with any kind of ease and true effectiveness. I would like to get you
all to create for real, not just as a fairytale in your head; to get you from, ‘if I
could only have’, to the reality of truly creating what it is you desire, i.e. to
bring it out of ‘the things that you desire are impossible’ and into a real
Give And Take

A classic example of ‘give and take’ is: If I’m gifted or assisted in some way,
then what do I have to give in return? This reality is very much built upon this
type of ‘give and take’, not infinite giving and receiving. Look at the difference
between ‘give and take’ and the energy of a fruit tree, or the sun. The fruit tree
will give and give and give and give, then give and give and give and give, no
matter what, with no point of view; it will fruit and it will give, always, cyclically,
forever, depending on the health of the plant. The sun will shine and give to
everyone all the time. Does the sun ask for anything in return? Do fruit trees
ask for anything in return, or do they receive, a lot?

Unfortunately, mankind has become so far removed from the natural state
that we are insanely stupid. Nature is not stupid. What would it take for you to
seek the peace that the infinite universe is, and have the space and the joy of
consciousness and recognize that everything that’s dense and intense and
confusing and weird and complicated, is a lie.

If your point of view creates your reality, what’s it going to be? Are you willing
to be the source of gifting and receiving with the infinite and from the infinite
universe; ie create with the universe? It’s not a give and exchange, it’s a
receive fully and in the receiving, you are gifting, totally. This requires you be
generous with your being. When you are willing to have that generosity of
spirit, what is available to you?

If you start going into ‘give and take’, which is ‘what are you going to give me
for this?’, ‘how much do I have to give you for that?’, you’re not in generosity
of spirit.

As a practice, notice when you are in ‘give and take’ and ask, ‘if I had
generosity of spirit, what would that be like?’ (not what would this look like).
The more generous you are in your spirit, the more generous spirits you’ll get
for you.

How Consciousness Tends to Function Vs How ‘Not Consciousness’, Or

This Reality, Tends to Function

This reality tends to function from ‘give and take’ and then there is the infinite
gifting and receiving of consciousness. It is only mankind that does ‘give and
take’. Animals gift and receive. Nature gifts and receives. The infinite universe
gifts and receives. So you need to choose for yourself what you want to be.
Do you want to be part of mankind? Or do you want to be something
different? You could be the very first humanoid, in a humanoid body, to gift
and receive as dynamically as nature.

The thing that we are taught away from, or trained away from, or tricked away
from, or brainwashed away from, is that us being us is the gift! When we are
‘being’ the universe will provide. As Gary says, the universe is a smorgasbord

yet most are starving to death! I’ve gone from not believing in possibility and
not really feeling like I had access to infinite possibility and feeling very alone
and separate; we’ve all felt that. But is that actually the reality or is that the
pretense or the invention that we all agree upon in this reality?

In truth, when you are ‘being’ the universe provides; we do live in an infinitely
possible universe. It is our points of view and, more importantly, our choices,
that provide or withhold the providing that is available to us. Remember from
call 1, you change the world by going within; don’t go outside of you, go inside
of you to change the world. You go within to do the surgery on yourself to find
where you are creating what you are creating and to find the choices that you
are making to create the reality that you are experiencing. This takes a level
of courage because it is a very unpracticed way of being. What you see
mostly in this world is people who avoid, pretend and never look within and
what’s that going to ultimately create? What do you want to create?

The causal processes are hopefully accessing and getting to all the places
where you are looking for the reasons, and once that’s gotten, it’s deeply
profound and changing.

You don’t have to trade anything with entities. Your presence is a gift!
However, what I always say about entities is you want to be aware who you
are dealing with; it’s the first rule of Talk To The Entities, just like it’s the first
rule of being alive on earth – be aware of the people you are dealing with,
especially when you are going into cooperation with these beings, whether
they are an entity with a body or an entity without a body. You want to be
honest with yourself about who you are dealing with, which is a big thing in
and of itself. How many of you are brutally honest with yourself about what
you’re aware of in people’s universes versus how much do you try to avoid
what you’re aware of in other people’s universes? That is what people do with
entities as well, because people are even less desirous of being aware of

Start with these simple questions, asking the spirit world:

Who would like to create with me? Who’s available to create with me?

Sometimes you’ll have tricksters/pranksters show up and you might even

have demons show up, but you’re also going to have these amazing beings
who truly, deeply desire to contribute and play with you. That’s just the nature
of it. I don’t really have any tricksters/pranksters/demons show up anymore
because I don’t require that wake up call; I’m aware of what I’m dealing with. If
you have a lot of these tricksters/pranksters/demons showing up, it is because
you have some awareness, some ability and some potency that you still have
to claim and own for yourself. They will show up to push you into getting and
owning more of you. You don’t accidentally get bad entities showing up.

In asking ‘who’s available’ you might discover some beings that have always
been there and were just waiting for you to turn towards them and cooperate
with them. Who is asking for you to turn towards them and receive more from
them? And what can you create together?

This becomes less of a random entity selection and more of an articulate
receiving on your part from the beings that are great and will support you. Are
you willing to receive that support?

Counseling With Entities

Firstly, take what I’m saying and add it to what you know for you; don’t think
that the way it is for me needs to be the way it is for you. I’m a very specific
case because I run an entity business; that is not true for everybody. We all
have different keys and create different pathways.

There are a lot of beings available to us that we just don’t receive from
because 1. receiving just isn’t done here and 2. we have lost connection with
the spirit world, which has made people so much less capable and so much
less, period. Having access to the spirit world is a tremendous potency that
religion has desperately attempted to separate us from. I counsel with these
beings without bodies.

The Three Most Important Points For Creating With Entities

The things that you’re going to require to effectively work with the beings that
can and will create with you are:

1. awareness; be aware of the beings that are there for you.

This isn’t a teammate conversation. This is a ‘you receiving from the

universe’ conversation. And creation can only succeed when you are
receiving; receiving all of your awareness.

2. claiming and owning what you know; you have to trust yourself.

All of you have been aware of beings and you probably told yourself
that you’re making it up or you shut away from it instantaneously
because it doesn’t match your picture of reality, or you just pretend
you’re not aware of it. There is no reference point with how to be with
this kind of awareness, but does that matter? You have to ask yourself,
what do you know, and what are you capable of creating and receiving,
that only you can? What you’re capable of creating, no one else is
going to understand. If you look to others to understand it and to see it,
you will be missing it yourself. It is only for you. It is totally up to you.
Only you’re going to get it. The responsibility falls squarely on your
shoulders. You cannot put awareness in other people’s hands.

Regarding ‘trust’: trust can be like a causal incarceration or a causal

incongruity because lack of trust is always a reason and justification for
not claiming and owning what you know.

3. receiving.

The reason the causal processes are so relevant is because, how
many programs or equations do you have in your universe about what
receiving is, and what you have to do to receive, and what’s going to
have to happen if you receive and what you’re going to have to give in
exchange if you receive, and you can’t receive because, because,
because. Those are all the causal incarcerations, causal incongruities
and causal incarnations.

Causal Incarcerations And Causal Incarnations

Causal incarnations is when you go, ‘oh this happened again’. It’s something
that occurs in your life again and again and again. You’re causally incarnating

Causal incarcerations are where you limit yourself or imprison yourself

through your justifications, your ‘because’s, your reasons. It’s where you do
not function from choice; you’re incarcerated. Look at an area of your life
where you feel like you don’t have a choice, where you don’t tend to function
from choice, and how many reasons and justifications and causes do you
have to justify that lack of choice? ‘I can’t because ..’ This can be cognitive or
energetic, like where you go pathetic or just don’t be present.

What Is Receiving?

Receiving is something I don’t have words for. When you push down your
barriers and you really relax and you experience an entity touch you, that’s
the beginning of receiving; those are the energies I can indicate to you. When
we practiced with the tree or the plant, those energies were ‘receiving’.

For those of you who are seeking to get more aware about what receiving is,
literally ask the universe, ‘show me what receiving is’. ‘Knowing’ was quite
easy for me. ‘Receiving’ has been quite challenging for me. I have been
getting it more and more, but not in a cognitive way. It is completely other
sensory perception through which you’ll get receiving. It won’t make sense to
your mind; your mind can’t actually process the energy of receiving, but your
being will know it.

Question, ie asking, is one of the primary elements of the beginning of


Everything that you ask for will come. Gary said in class recently, when he
realized that he had gotten everything he had asked for, then he had to start
asking for more! So it’s like, ‘am I asking for enough?’

One possibility is to start looking at what you desire to ask for more of; ‘What
would it take to create this?’, ‘What would it take to have this?’, etc. Ask for
more and get more specific. For example, my sister receives a lot naturally.
She creates it from her being.

Asking is not give and take. If you feel this way, it’s what you are doing after
you ask that’s the problem. The universe is an infinitely gifting space; not a
place, but a space. Unfortunately, what happens when we are children and
ask our parents for stuff, they contract us down so that they don’t have to
deliver more; more of them and more, period. So, we’re taught that
contraction is an appropriate response to request, which is an insane world. In
a conscious world, request would be met with an expansion. The expansion
could have any of the following qualities: enthusiasm, excitement, sexual
stimulation, joy from the heart, health in the body, etc. So the expansion that
occurs with the request of the asking can have different qualities depending
on what you’re asking for and depending on what is being created. But the
first step is to expand with the asking, not to contract into the inevitable ‘I’m
not going to get it anyway, I might as well just collapse in on myself’; because
that’s the only option most of us are given. We’re basically told ‘no you can’t’
by our parents often enough that it breaks our being into believing that we live
in a limited world. It is not so! We must now resuscitate your being through
exercising expansion when you ask. So, ask for the thing you’ve been asking
for and expand; relax around it.

If it’s hard for you, practice. If it’s easy for you, good, keep asking for more.

Every question that you ask today and every choice that you make today will
create now and into the future. So you want to be aware of what questions
you’re asking today and what choices you’re making today. Are they going to
create the future that you desire to live? Plant the seeds of your future today
with your being; ask for what you truly desire.

You will have a life that works for you if you are willing to be happy.


If you’re actually creating you’re going to be happy and if you don’t want to be
happy, you’re going to avoid creating. It’s the tangled web we weave for
ourselves. What is available to you, who is available to create with you and
what would you like to create? Getting clear with yourself about what you’d
desire to create is like a bit more of a mission or an uphill climb than you
might have initially recognized. Which isn’t really good or bad, it’s just, are you
willing to do and to choose ‘what it’s going to take’ for you to not only create
but to be able to create everything that you’re capable of?

Asking Permission Of Entities To Create Classes

This is particularly relevant to Talk To The Entities facilitators. There are

places where you need to ask permission of the entities; not all places
however. For example, Aboriginal spirits still basically run Australia and native
spirits are also very active in Canada; they still run the place to a really large
degree. This is also very true in Asia, where the people still believe in it and

they talk about the ‘spirits of the river’ and how particular cities have spirit

When you go to certain places, you have to ask permission of those

authorative spirits eg ‘will you allow me to come to your land and facilitate this
work? And will you please assist me in succeeding?’ Some will and some
won’t. For example, the Aboriginals are very difficult but I do have more
success with the spirits in Asia; for some reason they are way more
cooperative with me. Canada I don’t even try; I’m not invited or welcome
there, yet – it will come, but not right now.

The supremacy of the white European body is a very new thing in the history
of mankind. Before that, there were a lot of indigenous culture that were very
sophisticated and had incredibly long histories and connection to the earth. It
is the spirits who are connected to the earth that you need to work with when
you desire to create on the earth. It’s not necessarily that they have jobs to
protect the earth but that from their point of view they are the earth.

There have been many beings that have had bodies on this earth who desire
to create the earth in ways that white people do not. In this day and age it is
all about consuming and taking from the earth. That has not always been the
case. It is many of the cultures who were in communion with the earth, who
gifted and received with the earth, that have been genocided out of existence.
Their beings, their spirits, their consciousness still lives on earth with us and
they are contributing to the health and the immune system of the planet. It is
important to recognize their power. Spirits can have a huge influence on

It is stronger in some places more than others but when you are going to
cultures that are still very spirit world oriented, like Asia, India, New Zealand,
you would be wise to honor the spirits of that land and ask them for
assistance. In places like America and a university, yes there are lots of spirits
and there might be spirits that you need to ask permission from, but it might
also just be about out creating people’s small mindedness.

The people in Asia, for example, give a lot of power to the spirits, so that’s
one part of it, which I think is a choice, but there’s another part of it where
spirits are still a very present part of what creates those cultures. There would
not be one single Asian person who does not believe in spirits and a
recognition of what is; just like recognizing that the sun can burn you.

What would it take for you to get all the indigenous spirits who desire for
consciousness to thrive on earth to work with you? And that’s how you create
with entities. You ask, ‘who desires what I am offering in the world to succeed,
work with me now. I am here. What can we create?’ It’s not about creating
from a point of view or a vested outcome, it’s about receiving beyond what
you may have already established as real or true.

For practicalities, in truth, what you need to get from this is to recognize that:

 there are beings,

 you can work with them,
 they have a point of view, and
 how do you get to work with beings that have a point of view?

You’re not creating the spirit world. It exists, with or without you. They’re
already communicating with everybody anyway, it’s just that no one realizes it.
The acknowledgment from you can be what you are aware of. You have to
have acknowledgment in order to have any kind of competency in this
particular area. First step, you have to acknowledge that you’re aware of
entities. Next step, it’s like holy shit they’re everywhere, what do I do with this
big mess? Then, ahh, what can I create? Who’s here to help me create? It’s
like, ‘this is what’s available, what can we do with it?’ If there are entities that
are opposed to you creating something, then you have to clear them, out
create them, get them out of the way; you apply the basic tools.


Study the calls and read through the processes and the notes because this is
a practical conversation. Although it might feel very ‘beyond’ right now, it’s
probably good because this is about creating beyond what you presently are
capable of creating. We want to go bigger, better, greater and for real, so that
you are capable of having and creating more.

It is important that you get clear on what you desire to create on a personal
level and on a global level. You don’t need to worry about how or why, or the
steps. For now, it is most relevant to simply ask for it to be so and then you
must choose. Each and every one of you has choice abundantly.

What choice can I make today that will create all of this right away? What
choice can I make today, what choice can I make today, what choice can I
make today? and then make it. And notice if there’s stuff that you are
avoiding. The people who succeed are the people who choose to go forward;
it’s as simple as that. If you are unwilling in some way, it will be very difficult
for the entities to create with you. So, it is also important that you become
willing. That’s your responsibility and that’s your choice. A lot of that
willingness is that space; becoming space. Practice asking as space, as that’s
the first step.

After this call, I will be present with the entities from the call and with the
energy of all you and what’s been created from the call and I will capitalize on
that. In just being present (not thinking a lot) with all this energy and all these
entities, I know a lot will be created. But that’s a muscle and a skill that I have
developed because I will be present with entities and energy without it being a
mental process or something that I’m wanting to control or understand. So I’m
willing and able to be present with energy and in that presence, much is
created because the universe is energy, not thoughts, feelings and emotions.

It is the energy that will always create greater; follow the energy and
everything will succeed. Follow your mind and you will get fucked right out of
everything, all the time.

Following Up With the List of 5 Things That You Want
For each of the five things you wrote down for you from call 1’s homework:

Ask: what would it take (not how or why) to have all of these 5 things with

Then, when you’re really willing to receive, all you have to say is ‘can I have
this please?’ and you will never be refused. The more you are willing to
receive, the easier it will come to you.

Awareness, claiming, owning and receiving tend to go hand in hand; it’s very
difficult to have one without the other. What would you have to receive that
would create a greater world? That is, what would creating a greater world
necessitate you being able to receive? What would you have to choose to
receive to have all of the support and the contribution from the spirit world
that’s available to you?

Ask: who is available to create this with me? Who is available to contribute
with me?

This means both entities with bodies and entities without bodies. Can you see
how much more is available to you if you are also willing to include the
disembodied? Most people in this world will only work with the embodied; look
at the advantage that you have if you’re willing to work with the disembodied.

Ask: what is available that will assist in creating this? What is available that
will contribute to creating this?

And everything you’re doing to block this, destroy and uncreate it.

You need to keep asking this frequently, until the things that you’ve got written
down there become, which will happen if you are persistent and consistent
with those questions and in the receiving (to the best of your ability right now;
ie everything you do to block it, stop it, resist it, avoid it, etc, you’ve got to do
your part in stepping back, pushing down the barriers, expanding out).

NB: This list will change and evolve. It’s only the beginning to practice with, for
now. Don’t be shallow. It’s got to be something that you are consistently
desirous and willing to create. Pick something that you’re willing to commit to
seeing through; something that you are willing to actually have in your future
and in your life, and you are willing to stick with it until it is achieved.

It never will show up the way you think it going to look, so it always has to be
this willingness to have it be what it can be; not the way you think it should.

Your job is to process your projections and expectations and all your hopes
and dreams that are in the way, and all your insanities of not receiving and
where you’re not willing to be happy; because if you’re not willing to be happy
and you’re more invested in being sad, it’s going to be almost impossible for
you to create in the world, because your actualizations will create this side

effect of creating joy in your world. If you recognize this in you, run the
process, ‘what do I love about being sad or miserable?’ until you get over it; or
you can just choose to get over it!

Being happy is a big part of creation; it’s going to make or break it for you!

Exercise in Asking

The following exercise will bypass the confusion or the contraction you might
have with asking for stuff.

Expand out really far, including down into the earth. As you expand out, push
down any barriers you might have; they might be mental barriers, cognitive
barriers, energy barriers. Just noticing if you have any barriers up and really
pushing them down. Keep expanding out, becoming really, really spacious.
Going out beyond all walls that you perceive. Becoming infinite. Bigger than
the universe.

Noticing all the density and the walls and the contraction that exists for others;
just perceiving it, allowing it to be so and going beyond it. You be more
spacious than their contraction; more vulnerable than their resistances. Be so
open, so relaxed and so spacious. No control, just space.

Now, as space, ask for something and stay space. notice what happens when
you ask. Does your space collapse or contract? If so, practice asking, and as
you ask, becoming more spacious.

Only ask once; you don’t need to beg and pray - knowing that you have asked
for it and it will be done.

If your space collapses when you ask, you have gone into the ‘give and take’.
If your space becomes even greater, you are in gifting and receiving.

This will become a practice for you to ask as space and make sure that as
you ask the space becomes greater. If the space becomes greater when you
ask, you will have it! It is your joy in having that is the gift. When you have
space and joy when you ask for things, it will come; and it is that joyful energy
that is the receiving.


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