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**Identify the Parties**: Start by clearly identifying the business entity granting the
authority and the manager receiving it. Include full legal names and titles.

2. **Specify the Authority Level**: Clearly outline the extent of the signing authority. This
includes specifying the types of transactions the manager can execute, such as signing
checks, withdrawing funds, or making deposits.

3. **Account Details**: Include details of the bank accounts to which the authority applies.
This might involve account numbers, the bank's name, and the branch location.

4. **Duration**: Specify if the signing authority is for a fixed term or indefinite. If it's for a
fixed term, include the start and end dates.

5. **Conditions or Limitations**: If there are any conditions under which the authority is
granted or specific limitations to the authority, detail these in the document.

6. **Revocation Clause**: Include a clause that outlines how the signing authority can be
revoked or altered by the business entity.

7. **Execution**: The document should be signed by a duly authorized representative of the

business entity, such as a company officer or board member, and the manager receiving the
authority. It's also a good practice to have the signatures notarized.

8. **Bank Acknowledgment**: Some banks may require the document to be submitted to

them for acknowledgment or approval. Check with the bank for any specific requirements or
forms that need to be filled out.

Here is a simple template to get you started:

**[Your Company Name]**

**Bank Signing Authority Grant**

This document serves as official authorization for [Manager's Full Name], holding the
position of [Manager's Position] at [Your Company Name], to execute and endorse checks
and conduct transactions as a signatory on the following bank accounts:

- Account Name: [Account Name], Account Number: [Account Number], Bank: [Bank
Name], Branch: [Branch Location]

This authority is granted starting from [Start Date] and will remain in effect until [End

Conditions and Limitations:

- [Any specific conditions or limitations]

This signing authority can be revoked or altered only through written notice by [Your
Company Name].

Acknowledged and agreed:

By: ___________________________ Date: ____________

[Authorized Company Representative]

By: ___________________________ Date: ____________

[Manager's Full Name]


Please note, this template is a basic starting point. Depending on your specific needs and

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