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(Styu-dent: hai, aym Andrés Hernandez.

(A-lex: So, let mi tel yu abaut a dilema I ikspeereeenced. It hap-ened for yirs ago at skul.)
(A-lex: I waz on de socker field during P.E. clas, pleiing width mai frends. Saddenly, wail trying to stil de bol,
I fel and felt a sharp pein in mai arm.)
(A-lex: I realized I had sustained an injuri, probabli a fraekchur. Mai frends keim over, conserned, asking mi
wat had hapnd.)
(A-lex: Az dey helpd mi ap, I wanderd wai dis had tu hapen rait at dat momen. Wai during de socker geim?)
(A-lex: I rimember I waz ranin to intercept de bol wen it hapened. I waz focusd on de geim and not peiing
much atenshon tu mai sorraundings.)
(A-lex: After de insident, I waz quikli taken to de nurses ofiss, wer mai arm waz examind and I resivd
medikal atenshon.)
(A-lex: It waz a chalenging momen, bat I lerned de importens of biing atentiv and tekin ker of mai seifi wail
plei-ing sports.)
Andres: Hi my name is ...

Depues de JUAN.

Andrés: Have you ever had any emergéncy?

Despues de JUAN.

Andres: Oh, Juan, something similar happened to me so, let me tell. It

happened four years ago at school. I was on the soccer field, playing to steal the
ball, I fell and felt a sharp pain in my arm. I (rilaiz) I had sustained a fracture.
Despues de juan.

Andres: Yes, and I was Jospitalized.

Despues de Daniel.

Andres: Daniel, after you fainted at home, how did your family REAKT?

Andres: in my case it was scary and frustrating for the hours of waiting.

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