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On the Voice: Breathing without Breathing: Incorporating Tai Chi into Choral Warm-

Author(s): Jong-Won Park
Source: The Choral Journal , FEBRUARY 2009, Vol. 49, No. 8 (FEBRUARY 2009), pp. 61-
Published by: American Choral Directors Association

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j_ Sharon Hansen,editor <sahansen(f >


Breathing without

Incorporating Tai


Jong-Won Park Park

Editor's note: Video links to some of My experiences with Tai Chi breath- for spiritual growth, (2) a martial art of
the examples in this column may be ing and singing improve natural breath- choice for many serious fighters, and (3)
found on ACDAWeb site. Click on the ing for singers, the body's alignment, and a self-healing tool,
interactive link on the Choral Journal the relaxation of the muscles around Tai Chi generally consists of 108
page, < the laryngeal area. Tai Chi movements separate movements that are connected
choraljournal>. can serve as a guide for singers, assisting together into a specific order All of its
them in directing airflow (breath man- movements are enhanced by the energy
agement) with little effort (this undue- mobilization and stamina of the body in
-1 he three keys to singing efforted attempt is often called breath coordination with respiration. This res
are commonly described "support"); and helping them to engage piration is based on Qigong or Chigong
as breath management, the vocal folds naturally or smoothly, (Chikung) that is a slow, deep, and rhyth
phonation (freedom or re- thereby avoiding forced phonation. Tai mic, but powerful, breathing. Without a
laxation of production), and resonance. Chi exercises act as an instrument to solid Qigong foundation,Tai Chi is simply
When singers naturally understand and give singers a chance to breathe as they a slow and gentle exercise. Qigong has
learn the perfect coordination of these are ideally supposed to breathe. The less complex movements than Tai Chi,
three elements, the resulting tone is a joy. exercises that I introduce in this column and is oftentimes referred to as "Chi
However my students often view breath improve choral tone and can be used as nese Yoga." It focuses on gentle stretch
management and relaxation in singing as efficient vocal warm-ups. ing, relaxation, and correct breathing to
if they were two opposing ideas. It takes increases the body's energy. Both Tai Chi
maturity to realize that these elements and Qigong work with energy flow to
are inextricably connected like links in a What is Tai Chi? harmonize body and mind,
chain. Singing is simply a reaction to in- Tai Chi, a Chinese form of physical The word "Chi" or "Qi" mea
halation.When singers breathe naturally, exercise, is characterized by a series of et~gy or c°uld be referred to as t
the other elements will follow easily. slow movements with soft martial art spark. It is difficult to unders
and dance-like actions. It is originally a existence of Chi; however, it is a key el
martial arts practice called Taichiquan. ment in the area of acupuncture, the re
jong-Won Park is director of Quan means fist or boxing. The his- flexology of feet and hands, and Qig
Choral activities at the University t°ry ofTai Chi is not well documented; massage. Chi circulates throug
of Wisconsin-River Falls, where he however in the thirteenth century A.D., body in pathways called meridians.T
teaches private voice lessons and aTaoist (pronounced DOW-ist) monk, are twelve main meridians that b
advanced choral conducting. Chang Sang Feng, developed what is *° smaller meridians (hands, f
<> known as Tai Chi.Tai Chi has evolved in and ears).The larger meridians
three different directions: (I) a method and nourish the organs of the body.The

Choral Journal • February 2009

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key to good health is to keep the Chi he kept saying "it was great energy" danjeon, which is precisely what many o
flowing smoothly through the merid- afterward. Sure, he was impressed with us teach our students about low breath
ians. When the muscles tighten or the the performance, but he saw the per- ing.Tai Chi or Qigong practitioners also
bones lose alignment, these meridians formance as a great energy. The energy believe that lower breathing is the key
become pinched. When blockages oc- from the seventy voices, which was to bring Chi (energy) to our bodies and
cur in these meridians, internal organs united and focused in one direction, was help Chi circulation inside of the body,
becomes imbalanced and weakened, very explosive to him. It was interesting They believe that the state of respira
This may lead to a minor injury in the to see it in terms of energy, Chi. tion is directly related to human health,
short term or serious disease in the There is pre-natal Chi, post-natal Chi, For example, a newborn child breathes
future.The blockage can be fixed by a heaven (or universal) Chi, earth Chi, man naturally with her/his abdomen. When
healer (acupuncturist) or a Qigong/Tai Chi, and Chi in the air; food, herbs and we observe elderly people in a nursin
Chi practitioner Unsurprisingly, posture water In our daily living, we receive Chi home or hospital, or those very close
alignment is vital in preventing such from eating, drinking, and breathing. to death, they breathe only with thei
blockages.The joints of the body open throat with short respiration. Breathing
up to easy Chi circulation. Finally, com- lets one engage Qi.the energy from the
bining physical movement, imagination, Basic Breathing Exercises universe and the earth, into our
sensitivity, breathing, and relaxation make for Tai Chi just like eating and drinking,
a perfect circulating Chi. Normally, when a student first Q'§ong practitioners believe tha
In East Asian culture, everything is |earns about the breathing cycle, the human beings breathe naturally
perceived to be a part of one large teacher/director begins with inhalation abdomen when they are born. H
energy field that is connected to one |n contrast Tai Chi focuses on complete as t'me Passes on, this natural b
another: thoughts, emotions, sounds, exhalation first by emphasizing danjeon becomes lost because of lifest
and the human body are all just differ- breathing The danjeon is the area right Posture. Natural breathing is
ent forms of energy. When I invited my below the bellybutton Danjeon breath- served in a child. It is described as
Tai Chi master to my choral concert, ¡ng reqU¡res expansion all around the the abdomen, not high in the c
followingTai Chi breathing exercises will
guide singers to master breathing using
the lower abdominal muscles.

Crown Inhalation. Bring your tongue

Whitacre Conducts Whitacre to the roof of your mouth for
inhalation. Bring the tongue back
down by opening the mouth for
To order:
exhalation.This exercise leads the
Call (662)
(662) 915-5115
915-5115 or visit or visit ^ singers to breathe through the
nose.Tai Chi practitioners believe
that the mouth is for food and
nose for air The interesting thing
they believe is that universal en
ergy (Chi) and the earth energy

(Chi) circulate in our body and
the universal Chi comes through
the crown ("Backhoe") or the
back of the head.The crown, the
A New Recording Featuring
back of the head, is the air path
the University of Mississippi Choirs way for inhalation in Tai Chi and
"Conducting this choir is like driving a Ferrari. If you ever get Qigong breathing. Adopting this
a chance to do it, I highly recommend it." breathing called crown inhalation
- Eric Whitacre (2007) easily introduces how to raise

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the soft palate in singing, how that air passage, especially in the not affect vocalizing directly, but it does
the larynx relaxes to its lowest throat area. Exhalation should affect the singer's physical preparation
position, and how to expand the also take about six seconds, and condition for singing.
abdominal region. Inhalation and
exhalation take about eight to ten • Interval Breathing. Advanced Breath • Kyunghyul Meridians. Illustration I
seconds each. For a video link to ing Exercise. Use the same indicates acupressure points. Ap
this exercise, go to <www.acda. general Idea as the technique plying pressure in the exact spot
org.publications/choralJournal> in the last exercise (Full Chest can be difficult; however, pain
and click on the interactive link. and Abdominal Breathing), only is a good indicator of whether
the breath should not be one you have the right spot. That is
Abdominal Breathing. Place both big breath. Inhale through yourthe acupressure point. Follow
hands on abdomlnal/danjeon nose for one to two seconds, the dots with the same idea and

area (about three Inches below and then hold. Repeat this four stimulate those Kyunghyuls by
the navel.) Push on your dan- or five times until you have a full breathing out-The lines indicate
jeon as you exhale completely breath. Exhalation should also be the Kyungrack (the massage di
by shouting "t" or "ts." Release at "intervals," so exhale and hold rection) and the dots indicate the
the pressure on your abdominals four or five times in a row. Kyunghyuls (the pressure points.)
as you inhale slowly through Acupuncture and acupressure
your nose and crown so that are usually performed on those
you expand your abdominals. Physical warm ups points (Illustration I). If you
would like to see additional me
Repeat the exercise three times Warming up the body also warms
and then rest, then repeat three up the voice. Before a singer is ready ridians and pressure points, visit

more times and rest. Students will for rehearsal, he or she has to be physi the following Web site <http://
easlly understand which muscles cally "loose."When singers are physically
are Involved In lower breathing, tired or ill, coordination of singing be tial/kempo/points/points I ,htm>.
For a video link to this exercise, comes difficult.Tension in the shoulders,
go to < the neck, and the facial muscles should • Fold the ears rapidly in any direction

tions/choral_journal> and click be addressed before students sing in a

on the interactive link. rehearsal. For example, my choir meets
Illustration 1 Kyunghyul Meridians
at four o'clock in the afternoon after
students have finished all of their classes
Full Chest and Abdominal Breath- (during which many have been sitting for
ing. Stand up, put your hands on a long period of time). By the time they
your danjeon with your fingertips come to rehearsal, they have quite a bit
facing each other Inhale only of accumulated muscle tension from In
through your nose as you pull efficient posture and sitting. I always look
the hands apart. As you inhale, for something to refresh their minds and
laterally extend your hands and physical condition,
imagine the air traveling through Barry Morrel, the Metropolitan Op
your air passages starting with era Singer in the early 1960s, chopped
your nose, and then filling up wood before his performance. Many of
your throat, lungs, abdominals us are familiar with backrubs and mas
and then finally to your danjeon. sage to activate muscles for singers, but
This should take about six sec- by understanding Chi circulation and
onds. Exhale slowly through your purposely stimulating specific pressure
mouth, being sure not to push points (called "Kyunghyul"), Internal en
the air As you exhale and bring ergy will be gained and a singer's tension Circulation, almost all organs.
the hands back together think reduced. Using "Kyungrack" massage
about reducing the tension along (acupressure on the reflex points) may

Choral Journal • February 2009 63

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for twenty seconds.This is a very

popular practice by Japanese
acupuncturists. It helps singers re
boot their Chi or energy quickly. Hum - a hum - a hum

For a video link to this exercise,

go to < Figure 2. Circle stretching.
tions/choral_journal> and click
on the interactive link.

Rub your hands fast enough until interactive link. you were drawing the outside
you feel the body heat on your of a circle counterclockwise, us
hands and then massage around ¡ng your elbow as a pivot. Pause
the neck (laryngeal area) with Stretching Exercises as y°ur arm is st
the heated hands. Repeat this your head. Exhale as you bring
three or four times. This action we a'ready know, alignment and r arm ^
stimulates the circulation of Chi breathing are closely related in singing. Qf yQu and
in your body, as well as helps to Body al'gnment has a very same
^ da
relax the laryngeal muscles. For rale inTai Chl as welL A|most al1
a video link to this exercise, go Tai Chi exercises start first W
to < in&The chest 15 comfortably high
choral_journal> and click on the to° higb), and the we'ght °fth
interactive link. ,s camed in a well-balanced line of
feet. If the alignment fails, proper lower H
On one hand, bring all five fingertips breathing cannot be expected.
together Use the fingertips as an • Planting a Rice Grain. Put your hands
acupressure tool and apply to * Sword Stretching. Put your hands on by ^ |eft pa|m
the neck, head, face, and shoulder danjeon/abdominal area,up,and
and fingers of the right hand
area. Follow the dots on the pic- hold the toP y°ur left wnst in the palm of the left. Pret
tures of the Kyunghyul meridians. w'td y°ur d§bt band like a sword. pick one grain of rice from
For a video link to this exercise, Pu" this sword al1 the way left band w¡tb yQur r¡gb
go to < across the body to the right side and inhale as you bring the
tions/choral_journal> and click while inhaling; exhale while bring- of nœ stra¡ght ¡n front o
on the interactive link. in§ y°ur hands back to the initial and abovg yQur headi a$ t
position. Then pull the sword yQu wgre try¡ng tQ exam¡ne ¡t
Do "choir" backrubs using the Kyun- up above your head sun.
while jnexhale,
Then thg while
ghyul pressure points. The choir inhaling, and exhale as you bring yawn-sighing and bend
may stand to the left or right. For y°urs bands back to their initial at tbg wa¡st and reach¡n
a video link to this exercise, go position. Switch hands and do the way down tQ tbg ground
to < same Pattern on the other side. tbg r¡ce^ ^ggpjpg y0ur
choral_journal> and click on the blum gently as you exhale (Figure straight as possible. Co
I ). (Note:Tenor and Bass sing 8vo tQ b ¡m¡ pos¡tjon an
basso.) For a video link to this hdd for a momentThen switch
exercise, go to <
Tenor hands and inhale as you repeat
Bass ^ publications/choralJournal> and with "the left hand. '
click on the interactive link.

Circle Stretching. Hold your hands by Relaxation in the
the danjeon.two or three inches
Upper Laryngeal Area
Figure 1. Sword stretching. below your belly button. Inhale
The combination of inefficient
as you bring your right arm up
breathing patterns and posture creates
in an arching pattern as though

64 Choral Journal • February 2009

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High School Singers:
tension in the upper laryngeal area. Many
of us introduce the idea of yawning to
our choir But one must exercise caution
with this concept. Full yawning does not
* j _/ %\ i.. \ ' i
achieve a vocal benefit.What is desirable
is the space that is formed immediately A i
before the full yawn.The idea of yawn
ing as it pertains to "freedom" might
be appropriate in singing. We can easily
adopt the idea about relaxing the upper
laryngeal area from Tai Chi breathing,
which utilizes a slower and smoother
breath. Breathe slowly and feel the air
passage from your inhalation, then sing
gently back through the air passage.

• Bring the tongue to the roof of your

•«# * . 4
mouth for inhalation and drop GI m5
the tongue back down for exhala
tion. When you drop your tongue
down, make sure you drop your
jaw straight down and sighing "Ha" Learn, perform and have the experie
without pitch. Repeat this 3-4
times and feel the jaw in a natural

• Elimination of tension during breath

ing. Imagine a peaceful scene or
place that you remember as you do
this basic breathing exercise (e.g., Choral SSAND
running water; birds singing, smell
of pine trees.) Hum some basic
warm-ups as you exhale. Lift your
left arm all the way up during inhala
tion, and gently float it back down
with exhalation. Feel the air passage • 12-day summer experience
from the nose, to the throat, to the June 25-July 7, 2009 in Eugene, Oregon
lungs, to the abdomen, and to the
danjeon. If you feel any tension in • Work with Anton Armstrong (conductor of

the air passage, allow a relaxed state the St. Olaf College Choir) and Helmuth
to enter by imagining the peaceful Rilling, pre-eminent Bach conductor

scene or sounds.
• Auditions February-March 2009

Exercises Related to Space Factor UNIVERSITY

and Energizing the Voice Auditions live or by CD OF OREGON

Tai Chi breathing generates open

ness in the air pathway by taking and
releasing the air through the nose and
the "Backhoe" (the crown or back of the
head.) It provides a wonderful sensation
800.457.1486 • www.singb
Choral Journal • February 2009 65

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Catching a fish. In
bring your hands
11J J i J 11 (like bird wings)
Ah Ah facing down and
you were going t
Figure 3. Horizontal movement.
Exhale as you qu
hands down to
one), then bring
(beat three) and r
for singers to feel the soft palate raise or slow movements, however, require an fermata, slowly b
the back of the throat open. energy that feels like pushing against an The final motion w
However; a voice without enough imaginary wall, hands to the cent
energy will not be expressive, and will together (Figure
sound breathy and lethargic. Energizing • Horizontal Movement. Place hands to this exercise,
the voice will facilitate a crystal clear at face level with palms facing each org.publications
tone quality as well as excitement in other They should be close but not and click on the in
one's performance.Some voice teachers touching. Inhale as you move your
emphasize relaxation for their students. hands apart in a sideways motion. Drinking Pitche
This may be the proper diagnosis for Exhale as you bring hands back hands out in fron
students who exhibit undue strain and together Move your hands down you were going t
tension. However; focusing purely on to your chest area and repeat the a pitcher of wate
relaxation does not allow the voice to same movement/breathing pattern, up to your mouth
reach the level of energizing required Move your hands down to your "drink" from the
to achieve a beautiful tone. The act danjeon and repeat again. Sing sing'Vivavi" as you
of singing involves increasing air près- on "Ah" as you exhale (Figure 3). back down (Figu
sure enough to cause the vocal folds For a video link to this exercise, link to this exer
to vibrate. Some Tai Chi movements go to <
will enhance both the resonance and choral_journal> and click on the nal> and click on the interactive
energizing factors. The following Tai Chi interactive link, link.

movements are slow and gentle; these

Figure4. Catching a fish.
4. Catching a fish.

T > n TTn

vi va vi va vi mo mo mo mo mo vi va vi va vi

Figure 5. Drinking pitcher breath

66 Choral Journal • February 2009

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Ma Ma

Figure6. Tiger

Arms moving down , Arms pushing forward.

j j j
Ah Ah Ah

Figure 7. Dep

Tiger Breathing
your danjeon w
fingertips poin
while reaching u
Exhale as you s
hands back down
tion as if you
window (Figure
to this exercise
and click on th
in a bright


Bae, Kyuwon. Qi Exercise. Seoul, Korea: Hanam Publishing Go., 2000.


Cheng, Man-ch'ing & Robert W. Smith. T'AI - CHI. Rutland, Vermont:

Vermont: Charles
Charles E.
E. Tuttle
Tuttle Co.
Co. 1967.

Haasemann, Frauke & Jordan, M.James. Group Vocal Technique. Chapel

Chapel Hill,
Hill, NC:
NC: Hinshaw
Hlnshaw Music
Music Inc.,
Inc., 1992.

Jones, Ira Lee. The Keys to Singing: Enhanced by Yawn-sigh Vocal

Vocal Pedagogy
Pedagogy -A
-A Practical
Practical Treatise
Treatise on
on Developing
Developing Voices,
Voices, DMA
Thesis, University of Washington, 1986.

Kauz, Herman. Tai Chi Handbook. Garden City, New York: Doubleday
Doubleday &
& Company
Company Inc.,
Inc., 1974.

Lee, Seunghun. Danhwak Qigong, Seoul, Korea: Hanmunhwa Publishing

Publishing Co.,
Co., 2002.

Leyerle, William. Vocal Development Through Organic Imagery. New

New York:
York: College
College Printing
Printing Shop
Shop of
of the
the State
State University,

Lie, FoenTjoeng. Tai Chi Ch'uan. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 1988.

McKinney, James. The Diagnosis and Correction of Vocal Faults. Nashville,Tennessee: Genevox Music Group, 1994.

Choral Journal • February 2009 67

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oi\ tK<?Voic<?

vocal line and phrasing are determined tension required for breath manage- healthier; and more supple voice,
by how we articulate breath: fast or slow, ment and freedom in the laryngeal area. Breathing is the most expressive
loud or soft, legato or marcato. I believe that using visual Imagery to il- thing humans have to portray their
As the title suggests, these exercises lústrate breath management for singing emotions. We must know how to direct
attempt to get singers to breathe with- can enhance the tone production of the singer's energy—every single breath
out thought. It Is my hope that these your choir Adopting Tai Chi breathing —Into one great energy pool, as my Tai
exercises and their corresponding and movements into vocal warm-up ex- Chi master said,
movements assist your students in al- ercises allows the singers to strengthen
lowing breathing to become second na- their muscles, which expands their vital
ture.This sort of natural breathing brings capacity and extends breath manage
about the perfect balance between the ment. The end product is a smoother;

Be inspired by world-renowned musicians.

Study with acclaimed faculty.
Let music surround your life.

Joe Miller James Jordan

Summer 2009 choral offerings include:

|nne 22-26: Beginning Choral Conducting with James Jordan and Giselle Wyers

June 28-July 3: Westminster Conducting Institute with James Jordan,

Charles Bruffy Bruce Chamberlain, Sabine Horstman and Weston Noble

July 5-18: Westminster Vocal Institute for High School Students with James Jordan

July 6-IO: Rehearsal Techniques with James Jordan

July 13-17: Jazz Choir with Steve Zegree &

Emphasis on Working with Male Voices with James Jordan

July 13-25: Westminster Chamber Choir with Joe Miller

July 20-25: Westminster Choral Festival with Joe Miller

July 27-31: Intermediate Choral Conducting with Elizabeth Schauer

CHOIR COLLEGE For complete information go to: Office of Continuing Education 101 Walnut Cane
call 609-924-7416 Princeton, N.J. 08540

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