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Good morning- my name is Layton Selk.

I'm happy to talk today about how living the

gospel brings us joy.

Have you ever wondered why we are here on earth? In second Nephi chapter 2, verse
25, the prophet Lehi taught that "men are, that they might have joy". Heavenly Father
created us because He wants us to be happy. He wants us to find joy in our lives.

Now, you might be wondering, how do we find this joy? King Benjamin, another wise
prophet, gave us a clue. In Mosiah chapter 2, verse 41 he invited his people to
"consider the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.
For behold, they are blessed in all things". So, keeping the commandments of God is
like a guidebook to happiness!

Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, love each one of us so much. They want us
to be happy, and they have a plan for us – the "great plan of happiness". It's like a big
map that shows us the way to true joy and fulfillment. Part of my great plan of happiness
is that I know I am part of an eternal family- I love knowing that we are sealed together
forever because of the temple and I’ll get to see my Grandpa Selk someday and I will be
with all my other family too forever.

Following Their plan and living by Their commandments is like following a treasure map.
Each commandment is like a clue that leads us to joy. When we choose to be kind, help
others, and keep the promises we make, we are following the path of joy that our
Heavenly Father has set for us. I love being part of the young women’s program and
having leaders that help us to figure out how to follow the treasure map to joy.

Living the gospel means living the teachings of Jesus Christ. It means loving others,
being honest, and treating everyone with kindness. When we do these things, we are
not only following the plan of happiness, but we're also spreading joy to those around
us. I feel happy when I serve others- I like volunteering at the soup kitchen and I’ve
gotten to go do baptisms for the dead twice already since becoming a young women- I
love that I get to serve people who didn’t get the chance to be baptized when they were
on earth.

Let’s always try to remember that Heavenly Father created us to have joy. By following
the great plan of happiness and keeping the commandments, we can experience the
greatest joy in our lives. And always remember, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love
you so much, and they want you to be happy. Living the gospel truly brings us joy!

I’d like to bear my testimony that I know President Nelson is our prophet today and I’m
thankful for the temple and I know I can be with my family forever because of it. In the
name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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