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Hi everyone, first of all, let me thank you all for coming here today. Let me
introduce myself, my name is Loc and I come from team 5. My team has 4
member. Today, we will talking about the digestive system.

As you can see, our presentation is divided into 4 main parts. The first part,
What is the digestive system is presents by me Loc, the second part,
Digestive processes is presents by Nhi, the next part, Lan is presents the
digestive system diseases – peptic ulcers, and the last part, how to
maintain digestive health is presents by Huyen.

Let's now look at the next slide which shows the main organs of the
digestive system. Firstly, we need to answer the question What is the
digestive system. It is a system consisting of many organs, with the
function of breaking down structures and absorbing necessary nutrients
from food for use in daily human activities. The digestive system inside our
body is divided into 2 main parts: the digestive tract and the digestive
glands. The digestive tract is a long, twisting tube of the hollow organs that
starts at the mouth and goes through the esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, rectum and ends at the anus. The digestive
glands are glands capable of secreting digestive fluids, which containing
enzymes to digest food. The digestive glands include salivary glands, liver,
pancreas, and gallbladder. In addition to that the liver, pancreas, and
gallbladder are also called solid organs.

Well, I have told you about the first part of our presentation. Now, we will
move on to the digestive processes presents by Nhi

The food enters our mouth and it is chewed into smaller pieces by the teeth
while saliva breaks down starch

The food goes down the alimentary tract: The muscular walls of the
esophagus make peristalsis to push the food down into the stomach.

The upper muscle in the stomach relaxes to let the food enter, and the
lower muscle mixes the food with digestive juice

The food stays there for 1 or 2 hours.

The food goes into the small intestine. There it is mixed with juices
produced by the liver, the pancreas. Liver makes bile which is stored by
gallbladder. Bile breaks down fat molecules.

Pancreas makes juices that help body digest proteins and fats

Nutrient is absorped into blood through tiny vessels in villi.

The unuseful substances pass on to the large intestine. There some water
and leftovers pass back into the blood

Peristalsis helps move the waste into the rectum

The rectum muscles help to remove the waste out of the body.

Digestive diseases are very diverse and can occur in any organ of the
digestive system. Among them, a common disease that is increasingly
affecting younger people is peptic ulcers.

A peptic ulcer is a sore that forms when digestive juices wear away the
lining of the digestive system.

Peptic ulcers include 3 types: duodenal ulcers ( occur on the inside of the
upper portion of the small intestine - duodenum), gastric ulcers( occur on
the inside of the stomach), and esophagus ulcers (develop inside the

Next, i will list the causes of peptic ulcers. I have a question to you: Do you
know which bacterial infection is often caused by peptic ulcers

→ Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori / HP)

That right. You’re so good

There are 2 main causes of peptic ulcers: infection with the H. pylori and
taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They damage the
lining of the digestive tract, causing ulcers. Other factors that may
contribute include smoking, drinking alcohol, stress and eating spicy foods.
While these factors aren’t enough to cause peptic ulcers all on their own,
they can combine with H.pylori and NSAIDs use to make peptic ulcers
disease more likely.

So, what are peptic ulcers symptoms? Up to 70% of people with peptic
ulcers don’t notice any symptoms. But others with peptic ulcers experience
symptoms such as: abdominal pain, fatigue, heartburn, loss of appetite,
vomiting, nausea, weight less, constipation or diarrhea,...

Especially, when there are serious symptoms such as vomiting blood, black
stools, or stools with dark red blood, the patient need to see a doctor

There are two most commonly used methods of diagnosing peptic ulcers
endoscopy and test for H.pylori.
When peptic ulcers are detected, the patient shoud be treated promptly by
taking medication ( use acid- reducing drugs, antibiotics, acetaminophen),
endoscopic or surgical intervention, avoid irritating foods , reducing alcohol
consumption and smoking.


We've just listened to Loc, Nhi, Lan talking about some aspects of the
digestive system. So, how can we maintain a healthy digestive system?
Let's explore together

First and foremost, a balanced diet is key to protecting digestive health.

Increasing intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-quality
proteins from foods such as fish, poultry, beans, and seeds helps provide
the necessary nutrients and fiber for the digestive process. Limiting fast
food, carbonated beverages, alcoholic drinks, and sugary foods also helps
reduce the risk of digestive issues such as constipation and gastric ulcers.
In addition to a balanced diet, consuming cooked food and boiled water is
also essential. Cooking food thoroughly helps kill harmful bacteria and
parasites that may cause digestive infections. Similarly, boiling water
eliminates potential contaminants and reduces the risk of waterborne

Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise is also

crucial. Exercise not only helps strengthen muscles but also enhances the
digestive process by stimulating bowel movements and increasing blood
flow to the digestive organs.

Furthermore, reducing stress also plays a significant role. Stress can lead
to issues such as anxiety, depression, and digestive disorders. Practicing
stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or focusing on deep
breathing can help alleviate stress and improve overall health.
Lastly, seeking regular medical advice from healthcare professionals is
important for early detection and treatment of digestive issues. Routine
health check-ups along with preventive tests help identify and address
digestive problems, thus keeping your digestive system functioning strong
and healthy throughout life.

And to conclude the presentation of group 5, let me summarize the outline

once again. First, Loc presented the anatomy of the digestive system, then
Nhi demonstrated the process of food digestion. Lan discussed some
common digestive diseases- peptic ulcers, and I presented some habits we
should adopt to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Thank you very much for your attention.

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