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MODULE 1 Why called Innovators?

INTRODCUTION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP Because they recognize opportunities where others

see chaos, contradiction and confusion.
Task No. 1
Think of an instance where you have engaged in How is Entrepreneurs distinguished from Small
money-making activities. At the end of the Business Owners?
discussion of module 1, be able to: Small Businesses are independently owned and
§ Discuss briefly the profitable activity in terms of operated, NOT dominant in their fields and do NOT
nature, income and duration; engage in innovative practices. They manage their
§ Determine whether it was an entrepreneurial business by expecting STABLE SALES.
activity or a small business activity and explain;
§ Create a unique and experience-related On the other hand, Entrepreneurs are those for which
definition of entrepreneurship. the prime objective is innovation, profit and growth.
They seek for RAPID GROWTH or immediate profits. In
Entrepreneurship defined. fact, they may even sell the business itself if there is a
It is the dynamic process of creating incremental potential for large capital gains.
wealth. This wealth is created by individuals who
assume the major risk in terms of time and/or career The Modern Entrepreneur.
commitment of providing value for some product or It comes from the Latin word “entreprende” which
service. This term is synonymous with enterprise and means to undertake. An entrepreneur is one who
capitalism. In a modern view, entrepreneurship is undertakes to organize, manage and assume the risk
termed pioneership. of a business.

A more comprehensive view on entrepreneurship Today, an entrepreneur is one who:

reads: ü Recognize & seize opportunities;
It is a dynamic process of vision, change and ü Converts opportunities into marketable ideas;
creation. It requires an application of energy and ü Adds value through time, effort, money or skills;
passion towards the creation and implementation of ü Assumes risk in the implementation of these ideas;
innovative ideas and creative solutions. and
ü Realizes the rewards from these efforts.
Avoiding Myths on Entrepreneurship. overcome the lack of money while establishing
their ventures. To those entrepreneurs, money is a
There are various myths about entrepreneurship - resource but never an end in itself.
probably due to lack of researches conducted All that Entrepreneurs Need is Luck. Being in the
about it. Here are a few: right place at the right time is always an
advantage but luck happens when there is:
Entrepreneurs are Born, not Made.
Entrepreneurship can be learned. Like other
disciplines, entrepreneurship has models, OPPORTUNITY + PREPAREDNESS = LUCK
processes, and case studies that allows it to be
studied and knowledge to be acquired.
Entrepreneurs are always INVENTORS. A “Prepared entrepreneurs who seize the
contemporary view on entrepreneurship is that it opportunity when it arises seem “lucky”.
covers more than just an invention, it requires a
complete understanding of innovative behaviors Theories of Entrepreneurship.
in all its forms. This is exemplified by McDonalds. It It is a verifiable and logically coherent formulation
was not invented, rather, innovated. of relationships, or underlying principles, that either
Entrepreneurs are Extreme Risk takers. Taking risk is explain entrepreneurship, predict entrepreneurial
an element of entrepreneurship. But what activity, or provide normative guidance.
entrepreneurs actually take are calculated risks,
not a mere gambling on a wild chance.
All that Entrepreneurs need is Money. It is true that Schools of Thought Approaches to
a venture needs capital to survive; it is also true Entrepreneurship
that a large number of business failures occur
because of a lack of adequate financing. Yet Macro View Micro View
having money is not the only bulwark against 1. Environmental Schools of 1. Entrepreneurial Trait
Thought Schools of Thought
failure. Failure due to lack of proper financing 2. Financial Schools of 2. Venture Opportunity
often is an indicator of other problems: Thought Schools of Thought
managerial incompetence, lack of financial 3. Displacement Schools of 3. Strategic Formulation
Thought Schools of Thought
understanding, poor investments, poor planning,
and the like. Many successful entrepreneurs have
Macro View a. political;
It presents a broad array of factors that relate to b. cultural - religion, race or sex, or ethnic
success or failure in entrepreneurial ventures. These background; and
arrays include external factors that are beyond the c. economic - concerned with recession or
control of the individual entrepreneur for they exhibit bad times.
a strong locus of external control.
Micro View
1. Environmental Schools of Thought. - Deals with This view examines the factors that are specific to
factors that affect a potential entrepreneur’s entrepreneurship and are part of the internal locus
lifestyle; the focus is on values. Example: if a of control. Each potential entrepreneur has the
manager of a company experiences support ability or control to direct or adjust the outcome of
and freedom of his ideas, initiate contracts and each of the major influence of this view.
initiate new methods, the work environment
will serve to promote the person’s desire to 1. The Entrepreneurial Trait School of Thought –
pursue an entrepreneurial career. This approach focuses on researches about
successful entrepreneurs and recognizing
2. Financial Schools of Thought. This thought similar traits and characteristic that if copied
deals with the capital seeking-process. It deals could increase success opportunities for the
with the different stages of entrepreneurial emulators. They believe that certain attributes
venture, i.e. are usually exhibited by entrepreneurs
a. start-up (creativity, determination etc.). The influences
b. ongoing of family and education are also examined.
c. decline/succession Some researchers argue that educational
involvement challenges entrepreneurial nature
3. Displacement Schools of Thought. This thought and kills creativity. The family development is
focuses on the negative side of phenomena in considered very important in the creation of
which someone feels out of place or is literally entrepreneur; certain traits established and
displaced. It holds that there are some supported early in life will lead eventually to
phenomena that hinders a person from entrepreneurial success.
advancing. Here are some examples of 2. The Venture Opportunity School of Thought –
displacement: Opportunity aspect of venture development is
the main focus in this school of thought and the
interest areas are the search for idea sources,
the development of concepts, and the
importance of venture opportunities.
Developing the right idea at the right time for
the right market niche is extremely important
for the entrepreneurial success and creativity
and market awareness are viewed as
3. The Strategic Formulation School of Thought –
This approach emphasizes the planning
process in successful venture development.
The effective venture formations are
constructed by unique markets, unique
people, unique products, or unique resources.
Each of these unique aspects has its own

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