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Adding Evaluation to C-C Essays

A comparison-contrast style essay/discussion naturally/intuitively leads to an evaluation of

the two subjects being studied. This evaluation of the two things compared (choose the
overall the “best” one) is usually done in the concluding paragraph, especially if it's a shorter
essay and the concluding evaluation is relatively simple. As such, the conclusion paragraph
may be a little more complicated and lower than the standard/basic conclusion:

1. Identify the “best one”

2. Explain the reason for your evaluation, don't just restate their benefits, etc. Think
about the quantity of its benefits/drawbacks or their quality or the
relevance/importance to a particular situation or person. See the styles below for
more details.

Basic Evaluation Styles – Evaluations may be one of the following:

Style 1: The two subjects are essentially (overall) very similar or very different.
That is, the differences/similarities are significant/important enough to
outweigh/overshadow the similarities/differences?

E.g., While there are many similarities between X and Y, the two key differences of F1 and F2
make it a significantly different product.

Style 2: State which subject is better overall and explain why.

Note that the “why” may be based on a value ranking of features, such as price, convenience,
future proof, etc.

Style 3: State for whom or for when (situation/purpose) is the subject(s) better and explain

E.g., if you are looking to create things, then Android is better. However, if you mainly just surf
(read) information and media, then Apple is the choice for you.

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