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Project Report

Open Source Development for Google Applications

During events, there is so much that needs to go into managing — from creating portals
and applications for the event to a whole mess of excel sheets that the organizing team
has to manage while scoring and ranking teams. To address this problem I created
Hackjudge, a platform to create and manage events from start to finish.

Tech Stack

The project is divided into 2 components:
1. The admin side to “judge”
2. The participant’s side for letting participants/teams submit their ideas [the “hack”
All the backend code can be found in the following links:

Version 1 ===>

Version 2 ===>

Version 3 ===>

Details on routes

Screenshots of the projects

The project is the backend for this app. So no screenshots available for it. Here is instead
an architecture diagram for Hackjudge.

1. Designed and worked on the models and relations

2. Worked on middleware

✓ To check if a user is admin or not

✓ To check if a user is authorized

3. Implemented CRUD for models like Auth, Events, Teams, Metrics, Scores, Comments
✓ Then finally implemented those routes that were specific to the project’s

✓ Getting statistics about events

✓ Getting all participants

✓ Getting all teams, qualified teams, evaluated teams, and unevaluated teams of
an event

✓ Getting all reviews about an event, and a separate route to get data for a review

✓ Several routes to manage how a user can join a team and how a leader of the
team can manage the team and make their submission

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