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1. Specify the LDAP Naming Method in sqlnet.ora file You specify naming methods through the NAMES.

DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in your sq lnet.ora file. The keyword for directory naming is LDAP. By default a client attempts name resolution through the local tnsnames.ora f ile this is because NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in sqlnet.ora fole is set to TNSNAMES. So you need to change this to LDAP as follws: NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH=(LDAP)

The following parameter setting will configure a client to attempt name resoluti on through the local tnsnames.ora file first, and then through the LDAP director y. NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH=(LDAP, TNSNAMES) 2. Addressing an LDAP Server - (ldap.ora) Once you've specified LDAP as a naming method, you need to identify an LDAP dire ctory server for the client to contact. You do this in the ldap.ora file using t he two parameters DIRECTORY_SERVERS and DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE. Create a LDAP.ORA file in your $ORACHE_HOME/network/admin directory. Here is a e xample: DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT = "dc=uk,dc=capgemini,dc=com" DIRECTORY_SERVERS= (<OID Server NAME>:389:636) DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE = OID 3. Adding TNS Service Names to an OID There are several ways to add TNS service name entries into Oracle Internet Dire ctory. I assumes OID has been configured and an OracleContext within dc=uk,dc=capgemini ,dc=com has been created. cn=OracleContext,dc=uk,dc=capgemini,dc=com The Oracle Context (cn=OracleContext) is a default place where net service name and database service entries are stored in the directory server. How to create the OracleContext ----------------------The Oracle Context is created using Net8 Configuration Assistant as follows: 1. Lanuch Oracle NET configuration assistant $ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin $ ./netca 2. Select 'Directory Service Access Configuration' 3. Select 'Perform Directory Access Configuration for a Client'. 4. select 'Directory Type' as 'Oracle Internet Directory'. 5. Enter the 'Hostname' and 'Port' of where the OID server is running. At this stage NetCA will notice you have no Oracle Context in your DIT so it

prompts you to create one or wait until a later time. 6. Choose "Yes I want to create a new Oracle context" NetCA will ask you where in the DIT you want to install the oracle context. In our example the oracle context will be created under the administrative co ntext So enter the following in the text field: dc=uk,dc=capgemini,dc=com 7. Enter the userid/password for the OID administrator, Default is cn=orcladmin/<password> Click next 8. This sets your default administrative context to dc=uk,dc=capgemini,dc=com This will create an LDAP.ORA file in the ORACLE_HOME\network\admin, for examp le: # ldap.ora network configuration file: d:\ora816\network\admin\ldap.ora # generated by oracle configuration tools. DEFAULT_ADMIN_CONTEXT = "dc=uk,dc=capgemini,dc=com" DIRECTORY_SERVERS= (<OID Server NAME>:389:636) DIRECTORY_SERVER_TYPE = OID ----------------------How to enter Individual TNS Service Names into OID using netca -------------------------------------------------Once the steps above are complete it is possible to enter individual TNS Service Names into the directory via the Net*8 Assistant: 1. 2. 3. 4. Launch NetCA or Net Manager Click on 'Directory' in the pane on the left side. Click on 'Service Naming'. Enter the 'Username' and 'Password' where 'Username' is a directory administrator and follows the format 'cn=username' and is usually orcladmin. 5. Once the user has been authenticated, click the '+' button and add a TNS Service Name via the Wizard. 6. In NetCA or NetMgr, click on 'Profile' and select Naming' from the drop down menu. 7. Select 'LDAP' as the only selected naming method. 8. Try a connection in SQL*Plus from this client to prove the connection works. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to manually add Service Name Entries to OID LDAP Directory Service. Use a text editor to create an LDIF file called "test.ldif" # Syntax for the LDIF file dn: cn=<your alias>,cn=OracleContext,<RDN of the base DIT> objectclass: top objectclass: orclNetService cn: <your alias> orclNetDescString: <tns address> # The following example creates service name called prod in OID dn: cn=prod,cn=OracleContext,dc=capgemini,dc=com objectclass: top objectclass: orclNetService cn: prod

orclNetDescString: (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(H OST = sun_server)(PORT =1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = ORCL))) To add the new service name "prod" to OID, use the "ldapadd" command: # Syntax for ldapadd ldapadd -D <superuser> -w <password> -h <host> -p <port> -v -f <ldif file> # Working example of ldapadd ldapadd -D "cn=orcladmin" -w welcome -h sun_server -p 389 -v -f test.ldif

-----------------------Oracle Directory Manager The Oracle Directory Manager is the main directory administration tool. In this case we will use it to check that the Oracle Net Manager has entered our connect ion information into the directory: Start the Oracle Directory Manager. Log into the OID Server Instance using the correct user (cn=orcladmin), password , server and port (389). Expand the Entry Management node. Expand the cn=OracleContext node. Listed under this node will be an entry (cn=Service) for each service configured by the Oracle Net Manager. Exit the Oracle Directory Manager. 3. Using Oracle Directory Manger, locate the folder named "Entry Management" and add the following entries:

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