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EGG Helps in cellular function

1. Bread It is a complete source of protein
May support weight management
2. Egg They are a source of choline
May support immune system
3. Oil
4. Tomato TOMATO Aid Immune Function
Have Been Shown To Lower Cancer Risk.
5. Onion Help Improve Heart Health.
May Prevent Constipation.
6. Chili
7. Coriander powder ONION They are low in calories but high in vitamins and fiber
May benefit heart health
8. Cumin Contain anticancer compounds.
May boost bone density.
9. Salt

CHILLI may have analgesic properties (relieves pain)

It may have anti-inflammatory action.
It may have antimicrobial activity.
It may have antioxidant

BREAD It Contains Fiber

Bread Has a Prebiotic Effect
Bread Contains Protein
Bakers Can Enrich Bread With Micronutrients

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