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Food in healthy life,

what does it influence?

¿WHAT IS healthy food content healthy food in sports
HEALTHY FOOD? and its explanation
• A healthy diet consists of eating a variety of • Nutrition is of utmost importance for
foods that provide you with the nutrients you Protein: These are another source of energy and people in general, and in particular for
need to stay healthy, feel good, and have are essential for the growth and restoration of all athletes, since food provides the source
energy. These nutrients include proteins, tissues in your body. of energy necessary to carry out physical
carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, and
activity. Food impacts strength, training,
minerals. Nutrition is important to everyone.
Vitamins and minerals: vitamins and minerals performance, and recovery.
• Eating a well-balanced diet can help you lower are important to keep your body healthy and
your risk for various diseases and help you functioning well.
maintain a healthy weight.
Fats: They are a highly concentrated source of
• There are certain times when it is particularly energy and have other functions as well, including
important to make sure you eat a healthy diet, helping to transport essential vitamins throughout
for example if you want to lose weight or if you your body.
are watching what you eat because you are
pregnant. However, it is important to eat a Carbohydrates: These give you energy.
balanced diet throughout your life, no matter • Finally, we must emphasize that healthy
how old you are, it is never a bad time to make
sports nutrition implies a set of healthy
changes and improve your eating habits. • Another important element in your diet is
habits that, if adopted, can improve your
fiber. Fiber is not classified as a nutrient,
life. Following a balanced diet requires
but it is critical to keeping your digestive
willpower, rigorous discipline and a lot of
system healthy, and certain types of fiber
effort, which will be amply compensated
can help control your blood cholesterol
by good physical performance and optimal
results in the gym.
Examples healthy food ¿what not to consume in a how it influences mental
healthy diet? health
1. Salmon 6. Tomate Highly processed foods: those that are made
with very low-quality ingredients, rich in sugars, • It happens that the human brain
2. Egg 7. Almonds saturated fats, preservatives and chemicals that has a very high energy
3. Milk 8. Oatmeal in the long run could negatively affect health.
requirement and well-defined
4. Aplee 9. Asparagus
Alcohol: provides "empty" calories and nutritional requirements. "A
5. Avocado 10. Banana
increases the feeling of hunger. good nutritional state is very
important for mental health and
The meals presented are foods that Industrial pastries: they hardly provide
for the maintenance of brain
nutrients, they have a high sugar content.
should be in your life as long as connections so that neurons
you can consume them, since they Sausages that are too fatty: mainly because remain healthy, protected and in
are totally beneficial meals for a they provide fats of animal origin (saturated). balance"
healthy life.

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