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The Bloom's Taxonomy

Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

- recall - describe - utilize - analyze - assess - create

- locate - relate - implement - examine - critique - concoct

- identify - distinguish - practice - scrutinize - justify - fabricate

- recognize - summarize - engage - differentiate - discuss - invent

- memorize - catch - assign - study - debate - make

- list - sense - execute - debate - evaluate - design

- cite - contrast - complete - categorize - analyze - compose

- state - outline - employ - differentiate - appraise - produce

- match - follow - translate - integrate - argue - begin

- define - explain - experiment - appraise - grade - collect

- quote - note - calculate - figure - manage - reorganize

- retrieve - convert - demonstrate - compare - appraise - invent

- label - associate - apply - criticize - rate - forecast

- show - paraphrase - bring to bear - evaluate - hypothesize - propose

- refresh - determine - choose - test - recommend - fashion

Bloom's Taxonomy table arranged vertically:

- recall
- locate
- identify
- recognize
- memorize
- list
- cite
- state
- match
- define
- quote
- retrieve
- label
- show
- refresh

- describe
- relate
- distinguish
- summarize
- catch
- sense
- contrast
- outline
- follow
- explain
- note
- convert
- associate
- paraphrase
- determine

- utilize
- implement
- practice
- engage
- assign
- execute
- complete
- employ
- translate
- experiment
- calculate
- demonstrate
- apply
- bring to bear
- choose

- analyze
- examine
- scrutinize
- differentiate
- study
- debate
- categorize
- differentiate
- integrate
- appraise
- figure
- compare
- criticize
- evaluate
- test

- assess
- critique
- justify
- discuss
- debate
- evaluate
- analyze
- appraise
- argue
- grade
- manage
- appraise
- rate
- hypothesize
- recommend

- create
- concoct
- fabricate
- invent
- make
- design
- compose
- produce
- begin
- collect
- reorganize
- invent
- forecast
- propose
- fashion

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