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Allotted time: 10 minutes

Name: Grade: VI


Think about your experience with the Square Breathing Technique.

Choose the best answer for each question.

1. Date and time:

When did you practice the Square Breathing Technique?

A) Morning B) Afternoon C) Evening

How long did you practice?

A) Short time (5-10 minutes) B) Medium time (10-15 minutes) C) Long time (15+ minutes)

2. Setting:

Where did you practice the Square Breathing Technique?

A) Inside B) Outside C) Both

Did the place around you affect how you felt?

A) Yes B) No

3. How your body felt:

How did your body feel before starting?

A) Tense B) Relaxed C) Normal

What happened to your body during the practice?

A) Heartbeat got faster B) Muscles felt loose C) No big changes
4. Your mind and feelings:

How did you feel in your mind and heart before starting?
A) Stressed B) Calm C) Okay

Did you notice any special thoughts or feelings during the practice?
A) Yes B) No

5. Challenges and successes:

Did you find anything hard while doing the Square Breathing Technique?
A) Yes B) No

What did you do to make it easier?

A) Changed how I breathed
B) Thought about something specific
C) Something else (write it down) _____________________________

6. Using it every day:

How can you use the Square Breathing Technique every day?
A) In the morning B) During the day C) Before bedtime

Where do you think it might help you the most?

A) When feeling stressed B) When trying to sleep C) Just to feel relaxed

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Facilitator’s signature: Date:

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