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Historically, stewardship was the responsibility given to household servants to bring food and drinks to a castle dining hall.

term was then expanded to indicate a household employee's responsibility for managing household or domestic affairs.
Stewardship later became the responsibility for taking care of passengers' domestic needs on a ship, train and airplane, or
managing the service provided to diners in a restaurant. The term continues to be used in these specific ways, but it is also used in
a more general way to refer to a responsibility to take care of something owned by someone else. It is also doing something
willingly without getting paid. Some religions consider humans to be stewards of the earth.

STEWARDSHIP in general terms means exercising the responsibilities of a steward; representing day-to-day matters affecting
workers in a unionized workplace.


Environmental stewardship, Fiscal stewardship, Health Stewardship, Religion, land claims, organizations, donor and sponsor
relationship and etc. product stewardship

These Product Stewardship guidelines set high goals for addressing the complicated challenges of research, development,
manufacture, quality assurance, distribution and marketing to products and services.

Guidelines for Research and Development

 Obtain information on all our products which enables us to identify and alleviate potential problems before they
become human or environmental hazards.
 Develop applications that permit the handling, use and ultimate disposal of our products without creating an
unacceptable level of risk to our employees, customers, the public or the environment.

 Provide information to production, distribution and marketing personnel so that employees, distributors and customers
may be instructed in the proper handling, use, storage and disposal of our products.

Guidelines for Manufacturing

 Carefully review product specifications or process changes which may alter product properties, utility or quality,
including product impurities.
 Design plants, operating practices, processes and employee training programs that will improve the work environment.

 Ship quality products in secure, accurately labeled containers and employ transportation equipment that is properly
maintained and cleaned.

Guidelines for Quality Assurance

 Assure the quality of products and services we deliver to our customers through a system of specifications and
standardized controls.
 Audit performance of systems and processes; monitor conformance to procedures and policies.

 Provide technical and practical assistance in quality improvement programs and resolve quality problems.

Guidelines for Distribution

 Determine that appropriate steps are taken to protect persons, property and the environment while our products are
being transported and stored.
 Select the proper containers for product distribution.

Guidelines for Marketing

 Furnish customers and distributors with appropriate information to promote the proper handling, use and disposal of
our products.
 Inform customers and distributors about known use limitations and encourage them to use our products in accordance
with label recommendations and safety data sheet guidelines.


Our Father, may everything I do begin with Your Inspiration, continue with Your Help, and reach
perfection under Your Guidance. With Your loving care guide me in my daily actions. Help me to
persevere with love and sincerity. Teach me to judge wisely the things of earth and to love the things of
Heaven. Keep me in Your presence and never let me be separated from You. Your Spirit made me Your
child, confident to call You Father. Make Your Love the foundation of my life. Teach me to long for
Heaven. May its promise and hope guide my way on earth until I reach eternal life with You.

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