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1. INTRODUCTION (10-15 seconds)

Start with a friendly greeting or a simple introduction of yourself.

"Hi, I'm [Your Name], and I [briefly mention your role or background].”

2. GRAB ATTENTION (15-20 seconds)

Clearly state what you or your business does and why it's relevant or valuable.

"I work with [Your Company/Yourself], and we specialize in [mention your core offering or service]. This is
important because [briefly explain why it matters or the problem it solves]."


Highlight what sets you or your business apart from others in your field.

"What makes us unique is [mention your unique selling points or what makes you different]."


Share relevant accomplishments, awards, or customer success stories.

"In fact, we recently [mention an achievement or a success story], which demonstrates our ability to
[highlight your credibility or expertise]."

5. CALL TO ACTION (10-15 seconds)

End with a clear call to action, encouraging the listener to take the next step.

"I'd love to [explain what you'd like them to do next, e.g., set up a meeting, try our product, visit our
website]. Can I provide you with more information?"

6. CLOSING (5-10 seconds)

Finish with a polite and professional closing.

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"Thank you for your time, and I look forward to [mention what you'll do next, e.g., speaking with you,
sending you more information]."

Example Elevator pitch:

"Hi, I'm Sarah, and I'm a digital marketing specialist. I work with small businesses to increase their online
visibility and drive more leads. What sets us apart is our data-driven approach and our proven track
record of doubling website traffic in just three months for our clients. In fact, one of our clients recently
saw a 50% increase in online sales. I'd love to set up a call to discuss how we can help your business
too. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you."

Remember to practice your elevator pitch until you can deliver it confidently and naturally. Keep it
concise, engaging, and tailored to your audience. Adapt the template to fit your specific situation and

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