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 Nathaly Tenelema
 Johana Tixilema
 Axel Vargas

A) Hi Ana, where are you going on holiday?

B) Hi, I am travelling to Scotland. I booked my flight yesterday.

A) Oh, that sounds wonderful

B) Thanks your It's my biggest dream

A) And how are you going to move around the country?

B) Scotland is a beautiful country, so I don’t mind travelling by coach

A) OK, and what do you plan to do there?

B) First, I plan to visit all the castles around the country, as I like going shopping, I like going
shopping, I'd like to buy something special for me in Edinburgh. Second I want to try new things.

A) That sounds like a great plan! Scotland is famous for its stunning castles, so I expect you'll have
a fantastic time exploring them. Since you mentioned shopping, what kind of things to you wants
to buy?

B) I'd love to choose some traditional Scottish souvenirs like tartan items, Kilts, or maybe some
locally made crafts.

A) Those are excellent choices! I'm sure you'll find everything you want in the shops there.

B) I hope so. I plan to finish my visits to the castles first and then spend some time shopping. I
don't mind spending a few hours exploring the stores.

A) It sounds like a very complete plan.

B) Besides that, I also want to explore the beautiful landscapes. I would love to stop at Lake Ness
and try to spot the famous Nessie. In addition, I would like to plan a tour of the Highlands and
experience first-hand the breathtaking natural beauty.

A) I have no doubt about it. Scotland has a lot to offer, and I am sure you will love it. I hope you
enjoy your stay, embrace the culture and have a fantastic vacation.

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