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I Open the gift, inspect the stocking hanging on the fireplace, and we have dinner
as a family

Abro el regalo, inspecciono el calcetin colgado en la chimenea y cenamos en



We gather to share special meals, participate in easter egg hunts, and attend
religious events.

Nos reunimos para compartir comidas especiales, participar en búsquedas de

huevo de.pascua y asistir a eventos religiosos.

Memorial Day

At 15 hours. We hope that the national service will be held with a minute of
silence in honor of the deceased

A las 15 horas. Esperamos que el servicio Nacional se realice con un minuto de

silencio en honor de los fallecidos.

Labor Day

We walk, give and listen to speeches, and set of fireworks

Caminamos, damos y escuchamos discursos y lanzamos fuegos artificiales

Mother's Day

We prepare a surprise breakfast for mom and in the afternoon we have a picnic
for her

Le preparamos un desayuno sorpresa a mamá y por la tarde le hacemos un picnic

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