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Influential Scholars
E.B.Tylor (1832-1917)

Edward Burnett Tylor Definition

● He is the founding father of cultural anthropology.
● Believed transformation from Savagery to Barbarism to Civilization
of any culture.
● His book Primitive Culture (1871) said that culture is that “complex
whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom,
and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member
of society.”
● Tylor reintroduced the term animism (faith in the individual soul or
anima of all things and natural manifestations) into common use.[5]
He regarded animism as the first phase in the development of
L.H.Morgan (1818-1881)
Lewis Henry Morgan
●A railroad lawyer
● Considered one of the founding fathers of modern
● Introduced the theories of social evolution.
● Morgan's ideas about the development of technology over
time have come to be regarded as generally correct in their
fundamental aspects.
● His theory that human social life advanced from an initial
stage of promiscuity through various forms of family life that
culminated in monogamy has long been held obsolete,

Franz Boas (1858-1942)

● Father of American Anthropology
● He is a Physicist and also a Geographer
● Introduced Cultural Relativism - cultures should be
studied from their own perspective.
● He disagreed to the concept of cultural superiority
and inferiority. He believed that all people have equal
capacity for development and there are no separate
Bronislaw Malinowski (1884 - 1942)

● He is known as the father of social anthropology

● Responsible for establishing the concept
participant observation.
● He argued that only through direct and da
contact with a culture, could you come
understand it in all its varied facets.

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