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Orellana, Lance Warren B.

BSOA – 1

Salvation History
The Bible tells the story of God’s plan to save human beings from sin and bring them to eternal
life. The history of that saving plan as told through the Scriptures is called salvation history.
Salvation history is the story of God and the story of man. It’s how God has loved and cherished
mankind since the beginning of time. Through the process of salvation, we are therefore freed
from everything and anything that could possibly prevent us from enjoying eternal life with God.
Salvation history comes primarily from the Bible.

Upon learning it in our Religious Education, I encountered a lot of things that I don’t have any
idea with. I thought that salvation history just focuses on Jesus Christ but then I was wrong since
there were other major accounts in the salvation history. If I were to pick one of these accounts, I
would pick the story of Egypt and Exodus. This is the event where the Hebrew people
(Israelites), who were living as slaves in Egypt, were liberated. God heard the cries of His people
and called Moses to lead them to freedom. Although there are many lessons I learned in knowing
other salvation history, I personally picked this story because it tells us to have faith in God in
trying times especially now that we are facing a world crisis which is the COVID 19. It teaches
us that no matter what problem we are facing, God is always beside us and always ready to guide
and protect us from any danger.

I truly learned a lot of things and it really helps me out in facing personal struggles this
pandemic. So how this helps me? By praying and reminding myself that God is always near me.
By remembering that God is only challenging us, every time He gives us problem since He
knows that it can only makes us stronger.

Even though I slightly know many things, of course, I still want to learn the detailed life of Jesus
Christ, on the day that he was born until his last breath. Aside from that, I still don’t have much
knowledge about the different prophets in the bible. So I think learning some them will enhance
my knowledge and I think that it will be a fun things to learn. It is essential to understand who
we were in the beginning and what we will be at the end of time because this sheds a clarifying
light on the mystery of the human condition.

If I can compose a prayer for myself and my family, it would be about safeties of everyone.

Dear Lord,

Please guide everyone in the family this trying time. Please help us to spread happiness,
positivity and love to each and every one of us. Thank you for the guidance that you have given
to us. Amen.
Salvation history is the answer to who we are as human persons. The answer to why we have
these longings that we don’t understand. The answer to how we can fill the restlessness in
our hearts.

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