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English Practice #2
Starfish/Sea Stars
Name: Date: October 25 List #: 2

Important: Don't forget to add your information below.

I. Determine the Central Idea: Read the poem by Lorna Dee and then read the essay
by Barbara Hurd and complete both charts about identifying Central ideas and
supporting details to support your answers.
Central Idea: The poem is about how Lorna represents the baby Starfish and
the Adult Starfish.
22 pts

Detail In the poem she describes the baby Detail

She refers to tge adult starfish as specimes,
starfish as they have a soft body. maybe because of thier diferent sized arms.

Detail Detail She also refers to the adult starfish as

In first lines she describe them(babies) with
beautiful body. “They were lovely in the quartz
“little martyrs, soldiers, artless suicides”
and jasper sand as if they had created
terrariums with their bodies on purpose”
Sea Star
Central Idea: Not sure, but I think the central idea is about how we see animals as insignificant lifes,
but as they are we are also insignificant, because they are happening a lot of Amazing
things outside this planet, but “the universe” do not care about us. 23 pts

Detail: When she call the star fish in her hand Detail: the way she explain things we all want, a
insignificant is a detail. great person, place, or poem.

Detail: when she think about the eclipses that Detail: how she explain that this planet do not care
happen outdide this planet and we just do not who or what you are at the end you will disapear...
know it is happening.

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