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Stories from the Stars

Text by B.Brady & D.Gunzburg, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2021
I. Introduction
This short extract allows you to get a taste of your personal horoscope "Stories from the Stars" by
Bernadette Brady and Darrelyn Gunzburg. Small samples taken from the individual chapters will give
you a glimpse of the horoscope as a whole, which comprises approximately 25-32 pages, and can
be ordered as an E-Horoscope or bound booklet in the Astroshop.

The vault of the heavens is a lacework of stars that people find awe inspiring. The starry sky,
however, is more than just beautiful. It also carries wisdom contained within stories.
This report explores those stories. It offers you information that enables you to actively work
with your stars. Its aim is to help you understand how the stars contribute to your actions, your
choices and your attitudes. For by understanding the role of the stars in your life you can step
upon a path that allows you to be in greater harmony with them.
This star report contains three sections – the stars that shape your character, the stars that
shape your vocation, and the stars that shape the journey of your life. 
II. The Stars that Shape your Character
This chapter describes certain qualities that your stars contribute to your personality. They show
themselves in your life through parans - a connection of this star with your birth chart. The five stars
discussed in the full report can be gifts as well as challenges for you to work with and profit from.

This is the starting point for discovering your stars. Your journey begins with focusing on the
stars and their myths that add their unique qualities to your character. Star qualities are
particular features that contribute to your seed potential. They become apparent as your skills
and resources through your life's experiences, for it is only
by using them to deal with problems that you discover the
potentials they offer you and how you can handle them
Zosma in the Lion
Zosma is a small white star on the back of Leo the lion. The
Greeks saw this lion as female and called it the Nemean
Lion and its killing was a task given to Hercules as one of
his twelve trials. The strength of the lion was so great,
however, that the only way Hercules could kill her was to
place his arms around her body and crush her. So Zosma represents the lion's spine where it
was broken and its star quality belongs to those who are directly or indirectly rendered
powerless [...]

[..] In your younger years you, or another member of your family,

could have suffered from low self-esteem or even depression,
resulting in feeling unloved by the world and incapable of
reaching out to others. Your family could have been of a different
race or creed and suffered persecution, or just uncomfortable [...]
In the full version, this chapter discusses five stars and five parans,
which are the star's connections to your personal birth chart.  

III. The Stars that Shape your Vocation

The third chapter of this horoscope gives you information on the stars
that are connected with themes you care and feel passionate about in
the world, with your vocation.

The themes of your vocation stars are fundamental to your idea of what you stand for and
what is important to you and how you spend your life, far more than just your job or career. It
could, however, become your career or surface in your life as your passion or a cause to
which you devote your free time. Hence your vocational stars suggest how you can lead a
meaningful life. Pursuing the themes suggested by these stars may not bring you riches but
they will allow you to feel that you are in your proper place, living a life of purpose. No matter
what other paths you take in your life, your vocation stars will always pull you back to their
Sualocin in Delphinus
Sualocin is a small blue-green star in the western side of the dolphin, Delphinus. The Dolphin
is a small constellation next to Aquila the Eagle in the northern hemisphere. The Dolphin has
maintained its present form and shape for the last two thousand years and its stories are
associated with helpfulness and playfulness. Thus the quality of this star gifts you with a
natural talent or consummate skill in some area. Such skills develop into hobbies in your
younger years [...]
[..] You experience this side of the star when from time to time you can tap into instinctual
knowledge, experienced by you as insights, or insider perspectives that appear to drop into
your mind as you are going about your normal day. You consider these fanciful thoughts of
little consequence but they will [...]
In the full version, this chapter discusses two stars and parans.  

IV. The Star Stories in Your Life

The star stories in this chapter contain different themes and characters that you recognize and identify
with, at different times and to different degrees. Knowing them allows you to use their resources
consciously rather than following them blindly.

Your star stories are the narrative which provides the stage for your star qualities and your
vocation stars. Some of these stories come from the stars and will make themselves apparent

through re-occurring patterns of events. Knowing your star stories enables you to be alert at
the beginning of the cycle before you find yourself slipping into old habit patterns with their
predictable outcomes.
Looking for Eternity: The scorching fire of creativity 
This story is of a star that is so bright
the Egyptians called it The
Scorcher. The name of the star
is Sirius and its story is about the
refusal to accept endings and the
creation of something that lives on. The
Egyptian version of the story was of a
widow, Isis, who would not
acknowledge her husband's death. Instead she found his body and, with her magical powers,
breathed enough life into it for them to make love. From this union of life and death a child was
born and this child, named Horus [...]
As you build your ideas and work on your dreams this star story will turn your achievements
into great foundation stones, structures on which other people will stand. In many ways you
are a leader, a rock for people, but this has not come easily for you. When younger you
struggled with institutions, [...]
In the full version, this chapter discusses three star stories and four parans.  

V. Conclusion
In the face of the starry heavens you may feel that you are small, but by understanding your
personal relationship with the stars, you can step upon a path that allows you to gain a greater
harmony with them. This harmony can give you insights about what it is to be a part of a living
cosmos. As you come to understand your stars through this report, go outside on a clear night
and learn to see your stars in the night sky. Visually connecting with them can help you to
understand their union with your life.
Personal Star Map
The "Stories from the Stars" report contains your personal star map. It shows all interpreted stars in
colour and their positions at the time of your birth. The star map of this free try-out version only
contains a reduced number of stars, and is reduced in size.

Please read a complete sample report (of a different person) to get an overview of the extent of the
complete horoscope, including the full star map.

The upper part of the image shows the eastern hemisphere of the sky, as seen at the time and
location of your birth. It is centered on the east point (E).
The lower part of the image shows the western hemisphere of the sky, as seen at the time and
location of your birth. It is centered on the west point (W).

The highlighted stars play a key role in this astrological

reading. The red ones appear in chapter II, the blue ones in
chapter III and the green ones in chapter IV.
The bright halves of the diagrams show the sky above the
horizon; the dark halves show the sky below the horizon.
The horizon is indicated by horizontal lines, the boundary
circles themselves represent the meridian. The planets
(drawn red) move along the band of the zodiac. Dashed lines
indicate the celestial equator and circumpolar circles.

These small samples from different chapters convey a glimpse of

your personal horoscope Stories from the Stars which comprises
25-32 pages. It can be ordered as an E-Horoscope or bound
booklet in the Astroshop.

Please read a complete sample report (of a different person) to

get an overview of the complete horoscope.

You may wish to take a look at the large selection of other reports.

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