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PRACTICE DESCRIPTION – Key Facts & Info (specifics) SUSTAINABLE? Why or Why Not?

Clearcutting jeopardizes strong feasible economies, and

denies future eras of profiting from the same dynamic
Clear cutting is the process of cutting down every single tree that exists
environments and communities timberlands allow us
Clear-Cutting within a certain area. the harvesting/removal of all the wooden products
nowadays. Clearcutting crushes our woodlands and hurts
in that given area
all Californians by rapidly spreading fire. Quickening
climate alter.

This strategy includes collecting all but a couple of well-distributed trees

With proper management and careful thinning during the
of the required species to supply seed for common recovery. After
Seed Tree Harvesting next rotation, seed-tree cutting should be a viable option
satisfactory recovery has been built up, the seed trees are regularly
when regeneration is next required.

selective cutting could be a collecting strategy outlined to form an

uneven-aged or all-aged stand structure by gathering single trees or little selective cutting is a sustainable timber-harvesting method
Selective Cutting bunches of trees. It is accepted that this has environmental benefits, in forest management aiming to mitigate environmental
counting expanded carbon sequestration, as well as creating a more negative impacts.
steady stream of attractive timber.

Shelterwood cutting is the movement of woodland cuttings driving to the

foundation of an unused era of seedlings of a specific species or bunch of Shelterwood cutting could be a more economical way of
Shelterwood species without planting. This silvicultural framework is regularly collecting trees and protecting the environment. Be that as
actualized in woodlands that are considered developed, frequently after it may, clear cutting is quicker and can make more assets.
a few thinnings.

Slash-and-burn agriculture is a cultivating strategy that includes the Environmentally sound slash-and-burn agribusiness is
Slash and Burn cutting and burning of plants in a woodland or forest to form a field economical since it does not depend upon exterior inputs
Agriculture called a swidden. The strategy starts by cutting down the trees and based on fossil vitality for fertilizers, pesticides and water
woody plants in a region. systems.

In spite of the fact that the strip clear-cutting framework is

apparently attainable and feasible in hypothesis, we still
Strip cutting is the removal of the trim in strips in more than one
don't know its results in hone. Besides, an ideal strip width
Strip Cutting operation, for the most part for empowering normal recovery or
for this cutting framework should be decided. Figure 1 The
securing delicate destinations. Considered to be a variety of clearcutting.
plan of cutting frameworks in Phyllostachys glauca bamboo
Clear Cutting -
Selective Cutting - (sorry couldn’t find a good video – lmk if you find a better one)
Seed Tree Harvesting -
Slash and Burn -
Strip Cutting - (sorry nothing good but here’s a good site)
Shelterwood -

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