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Name: Justine Estante Date: 12/09/23

Program: BSIT Section: 1-YA-6


Title: Exploring Bt Corn: A Comprehensive Overview


This research paper provides a straightforward analysis of Bt (Bacillus

thuringiensis) corn and its impacts on the environment, agriculture, and human
health. The study aims to present a balanced view of both the positive and negative
aspects of Bt corn, drawing information from reliable sources. The paper concludes
with an impartial evaluation of the overall effects of Bt corn adoption.


Bt corn, designed to resist certain pests, has become common in agriculture. This
paper looks into how Bt corn affects the environment, farming, and human health.

Environmental Impact:

We explore how Bt corn impacts the environment, including soil health,

biodiversity, and the potential for pests to develop resistance. We also look at
how Bt corn fits into sustainable pest management.

Agricultural Practices:

We examine the economic and practical effects of Bt corn cultivation, considering

factors like increased yield, reduced pesticide use, and the economic benefits for
farmers, both big and small.

Human Health:

We assess the potential impacts of Bt corn on human health, focusing on the safety
of Bt proteins in our food. We also consider the effects on non-target organisms in
our food chain.


This paper offers an unbiased look at Bt corn, aiming to inform teachers,

policymakers, and anyone interested in GMOs. The information is sourced from
reliable scientific studies, ensuring credibility and trustworthiness.

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