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When we talk about literary adaptation, we're essentially talking about taking a story that already exists

and reimagining it in a different form or context.This involves changing various elements of the original
story, such as its style, setting, or characters.For example a famous play like Shakespeare's "The Taming
of the Shrew," which is set in olden times. Now, imagine taking that same story but putting it in a
completely different setting, like a modern high school. That's what happened with the movie "10 Things
I Hate About You" – it's a new version of the old story, but with a modern backdrop and high school
A literary text is just any kind of written story or poem that's considered to be part of literature. This
could be anything from a novel or a play to a poem or a short story. They're usually written to express
ideas, feelings, or tell a story in an artistic way.

1. Choose a literary text to adapt: Select a story or piece of literature that you want to transform into a
multimedia experience.It means that you should choose a book, a short story, a poem,it could be
anything from a classic novel to a contemporary short story that you like and want to turn into
something that people can interact with using different forms of media.

2. Encode the literary text on the slides. Do not crowd the slides: Take main parts from the original text
and display them on slides. When I say "don't overcrowd the slides with text," I mean that you shouldn't
put too much writing on each slide. Keep the amount of text you use, short and direct to the point so
that it would be easier for people to read and understand.

3.Add pictures related to the text on the slides:It means that you should include images that match the
story or text you're adapting. These images could be photographs or graphics that help to show what's
happening in the story or set the mood or setting.For example, if your story takes place in a forest, you
might include pictures of trees, animals, or a forest landscape to help the audience visualize the setting.
Or If your story is about a specific character, you could include pictures of that character to help the
audience connect with them.

4. Record your voice / narration.It means that you should speak the words of the story out loud and
record it. This recorded narration will accompany the text and images in your adaptation.Let's say you
have a picture of a castle in your adaptation. You'd record yourself talking about the castle and how the
main character feels as they approach it. This helps the audience understand the story better and feel
more connected to it.

5.Add music related to the text. (optional): it means including background music or sound effects in your
adaptation to enhance the atmosphere and mood.For example, if your story is suspenseful, you might
choose music with a mysterious or tense tone to highlight the suspense. The key is to choose music
that fits the tone and themes of the literary work you're adapting. However, adding music is
optional—it's up to you whether you think it will improve your adaptation.
6. Properly acknowledge sources It means giving credit to the creators or sources of any external
materials you use in your adaptation, such as images or music. This is important to respect copyright
and intellectual property rights.For example, if you use a picture from a website or a song from a music
artist, you should include a note or citation acknowledging where you found it and who created it. This
ensures that you're not taking credit for someone else's work
7.Save the powerpoint as Windows Media Video (wmv): It means converting your PowerPoint
presentation into a video format called Windows Media Video (.wmv)To do this, you would typically use
the "Save As" or "Export" feature in PowerPoint and select the option to save the presentation as a
video file. Then, choose the Windows Media Video format (.wmv) from the available options. Once
saved, your adaptation will be in video form, making it accessible for others to watch and enjoy.

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