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1.Introduction to barbering
i. Overview of the barbering profession
ii. Importance of hygien and sanitation in barbering
2.Tools and Equipment
i. Identification and explanation of essential.barbering tools and
ii. Proper handling and maintenance of tools
3.Basic Haircut Techniques
i. Understanding different hair types and textures
ii. Introduction to brsic haircutting techniques such as clipper over
comb,scissor over comb and tapering
4.Hand on practice
i. Demonstration and supervised practice of basic haircut techniques on
studen+s heads
1.Advanced Haircut Techniques
i. Introduction to more advanced techniques such as fade,blending,and
ii. Understanding facial shape and how they influence haircutting
2.Beard Grooming and Shaping
i. overview of beard grooming tools and products
ii. Techniques for shaping and styling different beard styles
3.Practical Se.sions
i. Hand on practice of advanced haircut techniques and beard grooming
on model under the super of instructor
4.Client communication and customer service
i. Importance of eff zctive com.nuniceion with clients
ii. Providing excellent customer service and building client relationship
5.Business Basic
i. Introduction to the Business side of barbering including setting prices,
managing appointment and marketing oneself as a barber.
6.Filling of log books and prerentations.
i. The student present what they have learnt by barbing and styling any
hair style of their choice
ii. They student fill their log books and attach their passport to the log
iii. Recap and questions and answer

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