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1. What did Muhammad Ali deliver to Harvard's graduating class in 1975?

A. A boxing demonstration
B. A message of unity and friendship
C. A poem
D. A speech about his boxing career

2. According to the video, what are some recognizable characteristics of poetry?

A. Musical qualities and condensed language
B. Intense feelings and visual art elements
C. Line breaks and vivid images
D. Rhyme, rhythm, and meter

3. How do prose poems differ from traditional poems?

A. Prose poems use paragraphs instead of line breaks.
B. Prose poems have more intense feelings.
C. Prose poems focus on visual art elements.
D. Prose poems are longer than traditional poems.

4. What does the word "poetry" mean in its ancient Greek form?
A. To create
B. To sing
C. To write
D. To perform

5. According to the video, what did Dartmouth researchers test robots' ability to do?
A. Write sonnets
B. Distinguish between man-made and machine-made poetry
C. Pen prose poems
D. Create visual art

6. Which genre is NOT mentioned as blurring the line with poetry?

A. Prose
B. Song
C. Visual art
D. Journalism

7. What did journalist Joanna Smith use to describe her experience during the earthquake in
A. Haiku
B. Sonnet
C. Prose poem
D. Lyrical song

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