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Department of Education

Department of Education
CARAGA Administrative Region
Taligaman National High School
Butuan City
Quarter 4
Periodical Test
Name:___________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________
Teacher: _________________________________ Score:

Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully and choose the letter of the BEST
answer among the given choices.
1. 1The period when the Christian church highly influence culture and political
affairs in Europe was the_____
A. Medieval Period C. Baroque Period
B. Rennaissance Period D. Romantic Period

2. 2Famous composer of Baroque period which is known as the “The Red Priest”.
A. Handell C. Vivaldi
B. Bach D. Palestrina

3. 3Which period is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages that started the
fall of the Roman empire?
A. Baroque C. Medieval
B. Classical Greek D. Renaissance

4. 4What is true about the music in Romantic period?

A. Composers interpret poems, mood, atmosphere and imagery into music.
B. Musical compositions such as the art song was written for group voices.
C. Mood of the music often set at the end with piano.
D. Vocal music in this period require singer to perform with less range of voice.

5. 5Which of the following statements is a characteristic of Romantic Music?

A. Has a shape and unity of the theme
B. Has no variety of piece types
C. The textures are less expressive
D. The compositions are purely old

6. 6Jona is a well-known singer and she sings with the highest notes, play heroines
and sweet things. What range of female voice does she possess.
A. Soprano C. Mezzo-soprano
B. Alto D. Contralto

7. 7It is one of Italian opera’s greatest tunes.

A. O mio babbino caro C. La donna e mobile
B. Bel canto D. Carmen

8. 8What classification of voice that is common to all males?

A. Alto C. Soprano
B. Baritone D. Tenor

9. 9What do you call the text of an opera?

A. Aria C. Lyrics
B. Libretto D. Score

10. 10What is a sung dialogue or a vocal part that is performed following the pattern
of speech rather than a melody?
A. Aria C. Opera
B. Libretto D. Recitative

11. 11The art song is a vocal music composition, usually written for one voice with
accompaniment. Which of the following instrument is used as an accompaniment
for art song?
A. Cello C. Piano
B. Flute D. Violin

12. 12.Which of the following statements is true about opera?

A. Opera technique is called bel canto, which means beautiful singing
B. Opera singers often sing in Italian and never French
C. Opera singers were trained only for a short period of time
D. Opera singers are only asked to sing short phrases and to sing loud.
13. 13Solo singing part in an opera.
A. Act B. Prelude C. Aria D. Postlude
Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully and choose the letter of the BEST
answer among the given choices.
1. 14Earliest theater forms were rituals and festivals, all an upshot of the following:
A. gods B. myths C. music D.

2. 15Armand used to be joyful, but this COVID 19 had been unforgiving. The time
he spent at home thinking about his future made him sad. He finally succumbed
to depression. His family misunderstood him as only having tantrums. Being
misunderstood and unable to control his feelings, Armand committed the grave
mistake of killing his mother. The other members of the family were very sad not
only for the death of the mother but also for Armand who now have to spend his
life living in prison. How would you classify this story’s genre?
A. morality play B. satyr C. tragedy D. mystery

3. 16 In Greek theater, performers were limited to only 3 persons playing different

roles, the transition between scenes and the storyline itself is taken cared of by
one of the following
A. the narrator B. the guest C. the host D. the chorus
4. 17The following are props used in the play Romeo and Juliet except:
A. Vial of potion B. dagger C. ship D.

5. 18In creating a stage design for plays and operas, what principles of art do you
need to consider?
A. Balance B. Emphasis C. Harmony D. all of

6. 19The following are duties and responsibilities of a play director except ____
A. Prepares the budget and financial plan for the show.
B. Organizes and designates members to their respective roles.
C. Prepares script of the play and writes the dialogue.
D. Comes up with the visual concepts for set, costume, and lighting.

7. 20Which of the following is the premier tool employed by actors?

A. make-up B. voice C. costumes D. none of these

8. 21Which one of these famous Filipino playwrights is known as the father of

theater design in the Philippines?
A. Severino Reyes C. Salvador Bernal
B. Dr. Ricardo Abad D. none of the above

9. 22Who is known as the Father of the Tagalog Zarzuela and for his masterpiece
Walang Sugat?
A. Dr. Ricardo Abad C. Severino Reyes
B. Salvador Bernal D. Francisco Balagtas

10. 23Why does choreography succeed in conveying its message to the audience?
A. Because of its artistic expression
B. Because it is a group of organized
C. Because it uses dialogue
D. Because it shows the theme sequences and patterns of bodily movements

11. 24How do dance steps contribute to the performance of opera and plays?
A. They provide visual impact
B. They help spectators perceive full aesthetic qualities
C. They compound the dramatic effect
D. All of the above
12. 25How did the eponymous Carmen emphasize her speech?
A. She danced C. She used hand gestures
B. She cried D. She used a mask

Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully and choose the letter of the BEST
answer among the given choices.
1. 26This refers to recreational activities that do not require organized facilities like
sports fields or pavilions and gym.
A. Active Recreation C. Recreation
B. Passive Recreation D. Sports

2. 27 the game of doubles in badminton, when a player wins a rally, how many
points can he or she get?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. none of the

3. 28Which term is used when a player violates the rules?

A. A mistake C. fault
B. Violation D. mistakes

4. 29Which body part generates the most force when hitting a shuttlecock?
A. Forearm B. Shoulder C. wrist D. feet

5. 30Ms. Joyce Faith, a PE teacher is preparing her visual aid for a lesson on Basic
Philippines Folk Dance. Which dance steps should not be part of her visual aid?
A. Brush Steps C. Slide Steps
B. Salok D. Arabesque

6. 31A classical dance form that employs synchronization, grace and precision.
A. Ballroom C. Ballet
B. Traditional D. Hip hop

7. 32An expressionist type of dance that originated in Egypt, it emphasizes complex

movements of the torso.
A. Modern Dance C. Belly Dancing
B. Tap Dance D. Zumba

8. 33When trying to plan for your recreational activity, which should be the best
thing to keep in mind?
A. The activity should be of your interest
B. The activity should be away from home
C. The activity will give you the chance to earn money
D. The activity is held within your comfort zone

9. 34The way we live our life reflects our lifestyle. Which of the following is a
healthy lifestyle that can maintain your desirable weight?
A. Exercise one a week
B. Proper diet and exercise
C. Attending to gyms and taking diet fads
D. Enjoying a balance routine in life

10. 35What is the most fundamental skill needed in orienteering?

A. Setting the map C. Locating the points
B. Running at a speed D. Communicating with group mates
11. 36Jam would like to be an ambassador of healthy lifestyle in their community.
How can she give justice to this?
A. Practice healthy lifestyle C. Write about healthy lifestyle
B. Talk about healthy lifestyle D. Disseminate healthy lifestyle

12. 37Lara is a junior high school student who loves to eat more than what she
needs. She takes in more chips, chocolates, cakes, and sodas while relaxing in
the couch watching her favorite movies in her laptop. What is the consequence
of this kind of practice in her weight?
A. She’ll gain weight C. She’ll maintain her weight
B. She’ll loss weight D. She’ll live healthy for a lifetime

13. 38Jeonn takes the lead in her team in planning the strategies to take in their
final game in volleyball. She thinks of possible ways on how to earn points and
win the game. This shows that,
A. sports develop physical dimension C. sports develop intellectual dimension
B. sports develop emotional dimension D. sports develop social dimension

Direction: Read and analyze each question carefully and choose the letter of the BEST
answer among the given choices

1. 39It is a general term that refers to damage caused by accidents, falls, hits,
weapons and more.
A. Injury C. Illness
B. Disease D. Sickness

2. 40What type harassment if you are forced to do malicious acts?

A. verbal bullying
B. physical bullying
C. forced to make sexual intercourse out of your will.
D. social bullying

3. 41What forms of intentional injuries is forcing someone to have sexual

intercourse forcefully?
A. Flaming C. Exclusion
B. Cyber Stalking D. sexual Harassment
4. 42Which of the following statement best describe state terrorism?
A. Is the intentional taking of one’s own life
B. Spreading rumors about someone
C. The threat of force, without declaring war
D. Embarrassing someone in public

5. 43Which of following statement is not grounds for nuclear terrorism?

A. attacking nuclear facilities, C. building nuclear weapons
B. Spiking tress to disrupt logging D. diffusing radioactive materials

6. 44The following are the five protective factors for intentional injuries, except
A. Social and Emotional Competence C. Physical Connection
B. Knowledge of One’s right D. Resilience

7. 45It is a characteristic, condition, or behavior that increases the likelihood of

getting a disease or injury
A. Injuries C. Precautionary measures
B. Risks factors D. Safety measures

8. 46’These are actions adopted beforehand against possible danger.

A. Injuries C. Safety measures
B. Hazards D. Precautionary measures

9. 47You heard your friend Ricky telling your other friends to shun Aaron because
they recently had a fight. What will you do?
A. Nothing. No harm will happen from it.
B. Nothing. I do not want to get involved.
C. I will convince all of my friends to shun Ricky instead because he is a bully.
D. I will confront Ricky and tell him to stop what he is doing because it is

10. 48You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do?
A. Report him/her to the school authorities.
B. Get even with him/her by asking friends for vengeance.
C. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like what s/he is doing.
D. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually stop when s/he finds someone else
to bully.
11. 49You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t
know. What will you do?
A. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer.
B. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you.
C. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker.
D. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person
following you

12. 50Donna finds out that her husband, Louie is cheating. When Louie comes
home, drunk from the bar. She decides to confront him, but the confrontation
turns violent. Louie punches heron the face and stomach and kicks her brutally.
What type of intentional injury is it?
A. Verbal Abuse C. Bullying
B. Domestic Violence D. Suicide

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