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Ortiz Quiles 1

Alberto J Ortiz Quiles

Prof. Cruz


Monday, February 5, 2024

Writing Assignment 1: "What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky"

In Leslie Nneka Arimah's "What It Means When a Man Falls from the Sky," the

speculative setting is not merely a backdrop but a critical lens through which the narrative

explores the intricate themes of grief and the quest for healing. Arimah crafts a world where

mathematicians can manipulate equations to alleviate emotional distress, symbolizing humanity's

relentless pursuit to overcome sorrow. The protagonist, a mathematician, embodies the

intersection of this futuristic endeavor with the universal, timeless nature of grief. Through her

journey, Arimah delves into the complex relationship between memory and sorrow, encapsulated

in the poignant reflection, "You could not pluck the grief without unraveling the weave of

memory itself" (Arimah). This statement highlights the story's central premise: the difficulty of

memory from grief, suggesting that to attempt to detach one from the other is to risk losing a part

of one's essence.

Arimah's speculative fiction transcends the boundaries of its setting to offer a profound

commentary on the human condition. It posits that despite technological advancements capable

of quantifying and mitigating human emotions, the essence of human suffering and the healing

process remains unchanged. The narrative critiques the notion of technology as a panacea for

human anguish, proposing instead that healing is a nuanced process that cannot be simplified or
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expedited through mathematical formulas. Through this exploration, "What It Means When a

Man Falls from the Sky'' invites readers to contemplate the nature of grief as an essential, albeit

painful, facet of the human experience, emphasizing that true healing necessitates acceptance and

understanding rather than mere eradication. This analysis demonstrates how speculative fiction

can serve as a profound medium for examining human emotions and relationships, adhering to

the assignment's guidelines for a concise and insightful examination of a specific theme within

the story.

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