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Hello ,

Good morning everyone. First of all I wanna thank you given me a golden
chance to showcase myself. So today I am
here to talk about my hobbies and activities that I used to perform in my daily
life. "Workout", it not only maintain you in shape but it also makes you mentally
strong. Whether its lifting weight or doing cardio, they gives us a tons of
benifits to our body. I would like to share you some of the benifits that I
experienced ,
firstly ithelps you to be physically fit, secondly it helps you mentally strong,
thirdly it improves your immunity, fourth, it helps you to maintain a good posture,

after that it also helps you be self-confident, then it helps as a stress reliving
activity and at last it boost your enery levels and your overall endurance. All
these benifits improves your quality of life as well. As you all know I am working
in an IT company so this activity helps me lot as all the day I am sitting in front
PC which which not only disturbs my body posture but also makes me inactive
somehow. So to overcome this problem I do workout on daily basis with discipline
and consistency. I not only focus on the workout part but also look after my diet
as it plays a very important role. Mainly I am more focused on weightlifting rather
than cardio. But to complete the task for the cardio I used to walk some kilometers
after my dinner as it helps to burn some extra calories.

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