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In today's world, where life seems to move at an inordinate speed, physical exercise has become

an excellent way to escape from this reality and obtain various health benefits. But what exactly is
the importance of physical activity in everyday life?

Although most of us may not realize it, we find ourselves engaging in physical activity all the time.
Just by talking, blinking, or breathing, we are constantly moving and exercising our bodies.

In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), physical activity can be defined as any
action, task, or body movement performed by skeletal muscles.

The question that arises after hearing this would be why is it important to exercise in a specialized
way if I am in motion all the time? The answer is simple: because of its many health benefits.

Helps control weight

Exercise can help prevent excessive weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you are
physically active, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn.

Strengthens the mind

Physical exercise not only strengthens the body's muscles but also helps a person feel good. By
this, we mean that when a person exercises, it generates chemicals that induce happiness and
helps relieve stress, increase self-esteem, relieve anxiety, and increase memory, among other

Helps prevent the development of diseases

It has been scientifically proven that physical exercise regulates the risk of certain diseases such as
diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. This is because physical activity helps keep the body at a
healthy weight. Hence the importance of physical activity for health.

Promotes better sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, exercising may be the key to overcoming this problem. Constant
physical activity can help you sleep faster and more soundly. Keep in mind that it is not
recommended to exercise before going to sleep or you will cause the opposite.

Decrease injuries.

Exercising daily and maintaining a good physical shape allows for a decrease in injuries, both in
sports activities and in our daily life activities (making the bed, bending, imbalances...).
Maintaining proper muscle tone and good postural habits will prevent ailments and injuries.
Likewise, working on strength and coordination will be essential to avoid injuries in our daily

Strengthen your bones and muscles

Regular exercise can help make the bones of children and adolescents stronger. Over the years, it
can also slow age-related bone density loss. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help you
increase or maintain muscle mass and strength.
Considering all the health benefits of being physically active, it's easy to see why exercise is a good
idea. And the best thing about exercise is that it's never too late to start. Even the smallest things
count as exercise, like taking a short bike ride, walking the dog, or raking the yard. If you're just
starting to exercise, start with a few minutes a day and slowly build up to the recommended
amount of at least 60 minutes a day.

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