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Unit 4: Inheritance and Interfaces

1. Explain Interface in JAVA. How do interfaces support polymorphism?

2. Describe Inheritance and its types with suitable example.
3. Write two usage of keyword super.
4. List two characteristics of an abstract class.
5. Explain keyword final by giving examples.
6. Explain interface with usage help of example(s).
7. Explain instanceof operator
8. Explain dynamic method dispatch by giving an example.
9. Differentiate between Method overloading and Method overriding.
10. Explain following with example: super & final
11. Differentiate between interface and abstract class
12. Explain method overriding with example.
13. Differentiate: uses vs extends
14. Explain different usage of super keyword with example.
15. What is Compile time polymorphism? Write a java program that uses compile time
polymorphism to creates the objects.
16. Write a java program that Explain & implement runtime polymorphism using interface.

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