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GITA Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar

Java Assignment-2
1. Write down the difference Inheritance and Polymorphism.
2. Write down the importance of polymorphism and describe different types of
3. Define and use the java Abstraction of class and method. And write down the when and
why use Abstraction, give an example.
4. Why use Super and when to use super give example.
5. How overridden will happen. Discuss with example.
6. Write java code for run time polymorphism and also coed for abstraction class.

7. Write Down the difference between Class and interface.

8. Write down the extra features of interface in java 9 on word.
GITA Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar
Java Assignment-3

1. Explain the life cycle of an applet with state – transition diagram. Also discuss all 5
methods responsible for maintaining life cycle of an applet.
2. Write a Java program to copy contents of one file to another.
3. What is thread synchronization? Explain with example how thread synchronization.
4. Write a Java program using AWT components for displaying a login form.
5. What do you know by event delegation model? Explain all components of an event
delegation model with example.
6. What is the difference between exception and error?
7. Explain try, catch, throw, throws and finally keyword with example?

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