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1. Do you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?

→ think → most people prefer → tranquil / quiet places → I’m no exception

→ cannot put up with incessant noise → find it annoying + gives me a headache

2. How do you feel about people making noise around you?

→ cannot stand it when people → noisy around me

→ most of the time → distract me TO THE POINT THAT → cannot focus on my tasks

→ at times → makes me feel like → on the verge of exploding

3. Do you like geography?

→ have never been particularly drawn to this subject → even → at school

→ too many facts to memorize → teachers → never → anecdotes/ stories → related to geography → lessons →
uninteresting/ underwhelming

→ back then → studied the subject only FOR THE SAKE OF IT

Hold a grudge

At fault → “uncle Tom’s cabin” → slave trading




Keep smb’s words

Stick / register

How do I put it?

4. Do you want to be a geography teacher?

→ honest → has never crossed my mind

→ at the risk of sounding arrogant → actually pretty good at geography → back when → school

→ won a lot of prizes in contests about geography

→ however → being good at smt and being able to teach people that subject → 2 completely different things

At the risk of sounding cocky/ …

5. Do you like robots to work at your home?

→ yes → the idea of having a mechanical helper to take over mundane tasks like sweeping…. → has crossed my
mind many times

→ the near future → would love to get a robot vacuum for my house → could spend the time cleaning → doing
other things that I enjoy

6. Where do you usually go on vacation?

→ opt for a beach destination → whenever I can break away from the daily grind for a few days

→ between mountains and beaches → choose beaches in a heartbeat → not only → seafood → there’s smt about
the fresh air and the sounds of waves that make me feel at ease

7. What kind of public transportation do you usually take?

→ honest → have never taken public transportation before → even if I want to → no options other than the bus

→ IT’S NOT LIKE → I’m badmouthing/ speaking ill of Vietnamese public transport system → BUT frankly →
a lackluster system

→ daily mode of commute → my motorbike → more convenient → don’t have to depend on the bus’s timetable

8. Do you play any kinds of musical instruments?

→ honest → don’t think → musically talented/ gifted enough to even learn how to play an instrument

→ remember struggling quite a bit → with reading music sheets back when I was at school → FOR THE LIFE
OF ME → cannot retain information about notes, chords and stuff like that

→ with that being said → still find music beautiful → enjoy listening to and singing along my favorite songs

9. Do you think your city is too noisy?

→ luckily → the place where I live → not really buzzing with activity

→ in a way → really like that → bcz of the tranquility → however → there’s not much going on → could get a
bit boring/ sleepy sometimes
10. What is the noisiest place you’ve been to?

→ come to mind

→ a New Year countdown festival in Hanoi → last year → had a whale of a time/ had a blast

→ downside → whirlwind of sounds → at times → deafening music → overwhelming → next day → woke up
with a pounding headache

Make a snide comment

Respect your elders

On board with smt

To a certain extent

A pounding headache/ migraine

11. Do you think Geography is useful?

→ definitely → geographical facts and knowledge → help us understand the characteristics of each area → predict
natural phenomena → may affect agricultural or industrial activities

→ for example → insights about the terrain and landscapes of a region → help make decisions about what kinds
of crops to grow → ensure productivity and avoid crop failure

12. Have you ever watched a film about robots?

→ maybe one or two → honestly → not a big fan of sci-fi in general and robot-centric films in particular

→ even if I try to stay focused → can never follow the mind-boggling plot lines → mainly → vibrant visual and
loud sound effects

13. Do you want to take a car in which a robot is the driver?

→ would say so → guess → self-driving/ driverless cars → safe and convenient

→ instead of driving → can be more productive and just read, watch a movie or simply enjoy the sights → which
→ cannot do → in charge of driving

14. Who do you like to spend your vacations with, friends or family?
→ honest → have never had the chance to go on a long holiday with my friends
→ are all busy with our own commitments/ all have our own things going on → cannot set aside the time to travel

→ since forever → have only spent my vacations with my family → which → could be boring sometimes →
mainly bcz of our differences in interests

15. Do you like vacations? Why? → I mean who doesn’t, right?

→ think → even the biggest workaholic → need a respite/ break from the hustle and bustle of routine sometimes

→ of course → I like vacations too → break away from the daily grind and recharge my energy → so → come
back (being) more productive and energized

16. When was your last vacation?

→ the most recent one → would be 3 months ago → independence day holiday in VN → when → was off for
about 4 days → cannot remember exactly THOUGH → been too long

→ holiday → my family and I → went to my hometown to visit my grandparents and spend quality time together

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