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1. CHRIST-CENTEREDNESS: To personify God’s image and likeness through

implementing his teachings in the image analysis.
2. CHARISM: To exhibit their communication skills in giving their insights and
opinions on the given situation.
3. COMMITTED TO MISSION: To exemplify the mission of St. Paul through the
bold and firm -----
4. CHARITY: through the urge of love, the candidates will showcase the equality of
all through the warm embrace of unity

This pageant, “Mr. and Ms. Spaulify 2023,” aims to help candidates discover their
personalities, their own strengths and weaknesses as individuals, boost their self-
esteem, build confidence, and show others that it is possible to have both beauty and
intelligence with the help of God’s guidance.

The “Mr. and Ms. Spaulify 2023,” is a social activity that aims to showcase the house
candidates’ cognitive and physical capabilities as a Paulinian role model. Through
embodying the 5 Paulinian Core Values, the house candidates will embody CHRIST-
CENTEREDNESS in personifying God’s image and likeness in how they uphold
themselves. With the “Question and Answer Portion,” the candidates can exemplify
CHARISM, exhibiting their communication skills, eloquently articulating their thoughts
and ideas zeal of the Paulinian Vision and Mission.

The “Mr. and Ms. Spaulify 2023” is a social activity designed to showcase the essence
of a Paulinian role model. This activity aims to introduce and instigate the Paulinian
identity through the chosen candidates of each House as harbingers of the 5 Paulinian
Core Values. In this activity, the candidates will embody CHRIST-CENTEREDNESS in
personifying God’s image and likeness in how they uphold themselves. With the
“Question and Answer Portion,” the candidates can exemplify CHARISM, exhibiting
their communication skills, eloquently articulating their thoughts and ideas as a
Paulinian of COMMISSION. The candidates will form a sphere of COMMUNITY through
epitomizing the common Paulinian identity to one another inspired by the value of
CHARITY, love and simplicity.

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