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Chapter Seven-Pages 142-153


1. Assessing the Impact of past events

a. It was shaped a lot by what the Big Four wanted. This meant that some countries
were happy with it, but others were really upset. This disagreement ended up
causing more problems later on, setting the stage for future conflict.
b. The Treaty of Versailles did contribute to the beginning of World War II. One of
the main reasons is that the treaty was very harsh on Germany, which left the
German people feeling humiliated and resentful.
c. The War Guilt Clause assigned full responsibility for World War I to Germany
and its allies. There could be an argument that even if Germany was one of the
causes that led to the war, it didn’t practically start it. Germany should bear the
consequences of its actions during the war, including paying reparations to the
Allies. Holding Germany solely responsible for the war, the War Guilt Clause
aimed to deter future acts of aggression but it also further divided Europe and
created lasting resentment and humiliation.
2. The treaty was very harsh on Germany, which left the German people feeling humiliated
and resentful. The treaty imposed heavy reparations payments on Germany, limited its
military strength, and took away important territories. This led to economic hardship and
political instability in Germany, creating fertile ground for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the
Nazi Party. I would implement more of the Fourteen Points idea into the treaty to make it
more fair.
3. likely believed that the treaty did not adequately address the root causes of conflict and
merely imposed a temporary halt to hostilities. Wilson's idea of "peace without victory"
emphasizes the importance of achieving a sustainable and just peace settlement that does
not humiliate the defeated party. He warns against the potential negative consequences of
imposing a harsh victor's terms, which could lead to resentment and instability.

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