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• Take a few minutes to learn more

about Ethiopia and its fascinating
• Consider its economic growth
over the last 20 years
• Economic stability considerations
• Historical trading relationships
• Current trading relationships
• Societal considerations
• Social (ish) enterprises

1. As a young consultant, you are delighted to have been assigned to work on the Chiban Leather project. The firm you work for is
noted for its expertise in small business, and has worked for a number of small businesses in developing countries. While this
angle appeals to you, you are building a reputation as someone who understands the sometimes harsh reality that good
intentions are not sufficient to ensure success.

2. Your job is to develop a 5–7-page report providing recommendations to Eden Gelan.

3. You have met with Eden on a couple of occasions. She has described the options she is currently considering. You believe they
are all viable options but two considerations are concerning you as follows:

1. It will be very difficult for Chiban to pursue all three of the options at the same time; and
2. Are there other options that should be pursued.

4. Your firm has indicated to Chiban that it will provide a growth strategy covering the next 5 years. The strategy will highlight which
of the three options should be pursued, and an outline of the actions necessary to lead to success. If you identify other options
to pursue, you will similarly outline the necessary actions.

5. You understand that Eden is talented and ambitious, but will need more ongoing support. Therefore, you committed to provide
her with a list of indicators or measurements that she can use to determine if she is making progress. Each option you
recommend pursuing should show some indicators to gauge success / progress.

1. As a young consultant, you are delighted to have been assigned to work on the Chiban Leather
project. The firm you work for is noted for its expertise in small business, and has worked for a
number of small businesses in developing countries. While this angle appeals to you, you are
building a reputation as someone who understands the sometimes harsh reality that good
intentions are not sufficient to ensure success.
A. Consultant, not a saviour

B. Power of people to do better

C. Financial imperative

2. Your job is to develop a 5–7-page report providing recommendations to Eden Gelan.

A. Single audience; don’t repeat what Eden knows

B. Usual format

3. You have met with Eden on a couple of occasions. She has described the options she is currently
considering. You believe they are all viable options but two considerations are concerning you as

A. It will be very difficult for Chiban to pursue all three of the options at the same time; and
B. Are there other options that should be pursued.

Consider the attractiveness for each option from both a revenue generation perspective as
well as the firm's ability to manage growth; the adequacy of raw material supply and how to
grow the workforce. If all are good ideas, where does she start? Also, there may be options
not listed in the case.

4. Your firm has indicated to Chiban that it will provide a growth strategy covering the next 5 years.
The strategy will highlight which of the three options should be pursued, and an outline of the
actions necessary to lead to success. If you identify other options to pursue, you will similarly
outline the necessary actions.

Each option being recommended should be specific in terms of the actions to be taken, and
generally in sequence

5. You understand that Eden is talented and ambitious, but will need more ongoing support.
Therefore, you committed to provide her with a list of indicators or measurements that she can
use to determine if she is making progress. Each option you recommend pursuing should show
some indicators to gauge success / progress.

As with above, try and identify what would be good indicators or measurements of progress.
If you can suggest actual targets, great

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