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It is a natural process for animal species such as dinosaurs and dodos to become
extinct. There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening. Do
you agree or disagree?

Many believe that the extinction of wildlife species including dinosaurs and dodos to
be natural and this process should occur in the absence of human’s intervention. I
personally disagree with the idea of letting animals become extinct without any
interference from human beings.
Firstly, not only natural environmental factors but mankind should also be held
accountable for putting animals on the verge of extinction. Due to the excessive
demand for infrastructure construction or food, people cut down trees to build more
houses, bridges or even for cultivation. These industrial activities will lead to the
disturbance in animals’ natural habitats. In addition, poaching contributes
significantly to the loss of a countless number of species. The prime example of this
case is the rhinoceros, an animal species which is at the risk of becoming extinct in
many parts of the world because of illegal hunting.
Another possible reason for saving wild animals is their significant role in maintaining
the balance of the ecosystem. An extermination of a species might bring detrimental
effects on the food chain. In other words, an animal species will support the existence
of other kinds of animals or even plants. If an animal completely disappears from the
earth other species might have a lack of food and suffer from starvation. Human beings
will have the same fate as a result of a disruptive food chain. Furthermore, many exotic
animals have a vital socio-cultural status in society. In a number of religions, for
instance, certain animals might represent gods in the followers’ belief.
In conclusion, it can be denied that the existence of wild animal species is not only a
process of natural selection but also a consequence of human’s irresponsible
wrongdoings. It is humans’ responsibility to protect and conserve endangered animate
beings in order to foster a balance of biodiversity and preserve their importance in many
aspects of society. (311 words)

Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by parents.
Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free time.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

While many people believe that young peoples’ extracurricular activities should be
under parental guidance, others assert that they ought to be free to decide their own
personal habits. Both sentiments will be discussed; however, I would personally
contend that the former is of more vital significance.

Granting greater autonomy for children may help develop their sense of
independence and innate talents. The first result is that children may learn to prioritise
tasks and organise them on their own. They will likely be more independent when it
comes to solving problems and accepting new challenges which may arise during their
participation in an activity. In addition, children are born with unique sets of
characteristics that can differentiate them from others. Those who are more sociable
often gravitate towards sports and exercise, while the introverted and musically
talented may prefer reading books or playing a musical instrument. Thus, freedom to
pursue their hobbies may further foster inborn abilities.

Nonetheless, I would argue that children may take the wrong path without proper
supervision. Due to the advent of modern technology, young people are now more prone
to indulge themselves in playing video games or socialising on media platforms. This
highlights a number of valid concerns in terms of physical and mental health as well the
modern deficiency in terms of crucial social skills. Furthermore, activities organised by
older generations can protect young people from certain external threats. Social threats
pose major risks and can include abuse of narcotics such as alcohol. Thanks to strict
monitoring from their parents, they are more likely to divide their time into more
profitable endeavours which might aid their future development.

In conclusion, although children that autonomously opt for leisure activities can be
more responsible and independently nurture their hidden talents, I am of the opinion
that parental intervention is of paramount importance. This is because familial control
can bar the younger generation from breaking important societal barriers. (320 words)

It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep
animals. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

The topic of which subjects should be included in a school curriculum has gained
increasing attention in present day society. Certain people are of the opinion that
elementary schoolers should acquire skills regarding horticulture and animal
husbandry. The benefits which result from social skill development and improved
health, in my opinion, will outweigh the shortcomings of this practice in terms of
disease susceptibility.
On the one hand, children might be susceptible to certain potentially infectious
diseases. This is because many living animals and plants may be host to pathogens,
germs, and viruses. Ringworms, for example, is a skin infection from a parasite caused
by close contact between humans and infected animals. Hence, children’s health is of
great concern when it comes to the application of gardening and domesticating in
Cultivation and domestication, on the other hand, may develop greater children’s
social awareness which will be crucial for them later in life. A child who learns to care
for an animal and plant may get invaluable training in learning to treat people the same
way. They could, in turn, gain a deeper sense of responsibility and understand the
consequential effects of their action to others.
These activities, in addition, play an important role in encouraging students to
participate in physical exercises. Notoriously hectic school curricula with academic
exercises and homework are positively correlated with students’ sedentary lifestyle.
Consequently, many students are predisposed to ophthalmic and osteoarthritis
diseases. Moreover, this trend might give them opportunities to be more physically
active and reduce the risk of developing many chronic conditions.
In conclusion, although growing vegetables and raising animals can possess certain
drawbacks such as exposure to contagious diseases, I am more inclined to the view that
the sense of social responsibility and a healthy well-being they instill are of more vital
significance. Where possible, schools should only include these activities in the course
designs. (277 words)

In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on television and the general
public can watch them. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the

Recent decades have witnessed certain television channels opting to broadcast criminal
trials to the public audience. I am more inclined to the view that the benefits resulting
from improved legal knowledge and a deterrence from crime will likely outweigh
the disadvantages in terms of a disclosure of victims and witnesses’ identities and
potential social distrust.
One the one hand, court trials shown on television highlight a number of valid
concerns for the public. First, there might be a risk that victims' and witnesses’ privacy
will be revealed to the public. In some circumstances, the defendants’ side might
threaten or intimate these people, their friends or family. It, thus, could impinge on the
fairness of a trial and in extreme cases invoke them to withdraw a statement or give a
false one. If the case, additionally, involves public figures, it might provoke
reactionary unrest in society as in some cases the judges’ decisions might not always
be true and fair, even in the presence of a trial jury. Therefore, it could lead to
distrusting the fairness of the legal system.
On the other hand, people can gain an insight into the law and many criminal activities
can be inhibited by means of telecasting public court hearings. The main purpose of
televised public hearings is to educate individuals with sufficient legal knowledge so
that they can be better prepared for unexpected situations which pertain to the law. For
example, when a landlord breaches a rent contract, the tenants might resolve it with the
full knowledge of their legal rights and without the intervention of the court.
Furthermore, people might more forcefully understand the consequences of law
violation and avoid any future wrongdoing. This could, in turn, deter any law-violating
activities or misdemeanours.
In conclusion, although televising criminal trials may possess many drawbacks
regarding a revelation of the plaintiffs as well as the polarisation of public opinion, I
am of the opinion that they will certainly prevent crime in the long-term and provide
insightful knowledge of the legal code for the average citizen. (361 words)

Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think
people should have freedom to do any sports or activity. Discuss both views and give
your own opinion.

There are those who hold the belief that the authorities should impose a prohibition on
these sports, while others are against this opinion. Both views will be discussed and I,
personally, believe that the freedom to participate in any sports activities is a matter of
choice and should not be interfered with.
The proponents of this trend may argue that people who take part in adventure sports
are more likely to be exposed to injuries or fatalities. This is because these activities
are often associated with extreme conditions such as weather or complex terrain. For
example, mountain climbers tend to scale in remote geographic locations where
medical assistance may not be readily available in case of emergency. Therefore, due
to all the risk elements pertaining to action sports, outlawing this practice would be a
feasible measure to mitigate the life-threatening issue to members of the society.
Nonetheless, I would argue that prohibiting people from practicing these sports is
illogically unrealistic and may even violate the unalienable right of human beings.
Realistically, many popular sports carry a certain degree of risk even in the presence
of protective gear such as muscle strain or concussions in American football.
However, the government will unlikely ban them because of their profitability and
popularity. Moreover, a regulation to ban extreme sports can lead to much controversy
in public in terms of human rights. Hence, an individual’s freewill toward playing
dangerous sports activities should be upheld rather than being forbidden.
In conclusion, people might argue for banning dangerous sports due to the high
vulnerability to accidents of the participants. Nevertheless, I contend that this policy is
unfair, and sportspeople should have full autonomy to play any ones and activities as
they wish. (283 words)

Nowadays people waste a lot of food that was bought from shops and restaurants.
Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food
they throw away?

The predicament regarding consumers discarding a high level of food has existed for
many years. This might be the consequence of kitchen behaviours and mass buying;
however, intervention from the authorities can help mitigate the problem.

Perhaps, the main causes for this food-wasting society are large serving sizes and
irresponsible shopping habits. One possible catalyst is oversized meals. In fact,
restaurateurs often ask their kitchen staff to cook big portions or promote the sales of
food combos for profit maximisation. Thus, the large serving portions often exceed
the stomach capacity of most diners, resulting in many of them being unable to finish
their dish, particularly children and women. Another cause is bulk purchase deals from
grocery stores. Supermarkets are notorious for discounting products that are bought in
higher quantities. For example, Costco often sells five packs of chips for a discount
price. However, because of having a short shelf life, a household may not be able to
finish the excessive quantity of chips before its use-by date.

Nonetheless, these problems can be effectively countered effectively by actions from

lawmakers. The first solution should be the promotion of educational campaigns. The
government needs to run public service advertising to educate people about the need to
avoid thoughtless shopping and ordering. A public awareness campaign is organised
in many states of America to list down any necessary groceries on paper note or mobile
applications to avoid making unnecessary purchases. Another solution involves the
operation of law. Food retailers and food vendors should be legally required to cease
the promotion of bulk offers. As a result, these actions can help them to avoid
impulsive shopping and by extension food waste.

In conclusion, the disposal of a large level of foodstuffs may be caused by the sales of
large meal portions in restaurants and quantity discount. Where possible, consumer
education about the risk of food waste and a ban on bulk pricing can effectively tackle
the problem. (322 words)

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in our life." However, some people think that
the present time is more important. How important is it for individuals and the
country to think and do something for the future? What is your own opinion?

It is of paramount importance for human beings to focus on the future, in contrast,

others believe that paying attention to the present might provide more value. I
personally believe that planning for the future is beneficial for mankind in terms of
crisis response, both on the personal and national level; however, I believe that it is
more important to focus on the present.
Undoubtedly, being future-oriented helps individuals and a nation to handle
upcoming calamities, which will help to buffer some of the negative impacts on
human beings. It is undeniable that many simmering situations have become
catastrophes because people underestimate the importance of future planning. Several
enterprises, for example, have become insolvent during the breakout of the novel
coronavirus pandemic. In addition, on a state level, it has resulted in a high death rate
in many parts of the world because of a shortage of respirators for their patients.
Although concentrating on the future might bode well for individuals and the country
in terms of responding to crises, I believe that being present-focused is a precursor
to sustainable future development. It, therefore, is necessary to be realistic and engage
in current actions as their consequences might not only be immediate but also have
repercussions for the future. Many ongoing travesties which humankind are
encountering in the present-day society were caused by the former generations. The
deterioration of biodiversity is a major instance of how human activities in the past
may affect the future. A large number of animal species, as a result, are on the verge of
extinction due to the calamitous impacts of poaching.
In conclusion, it is my opinion that both future and present orientation are evenly
crucial for humankind to a certain extent. While future planning might prepare
people for any critical situations that might occur, being present-oriented, on balance,
will reduce the detrimental impacts of current human activities on the sustainability
of societal growth. (320 words)

One of the most important issues facing the world today is a shortage of food and
some think genetically modified foods are a possible solution. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Many believe that genetically engineered foods are an effective measure to counter the
problem of a lack of food supply in many parts of the world. While this might be a
viable solution in a few areas, I somewhat disagree with this notion because of cost-

The main reason to support the use of genetically modified crops is the improved
outputs of certain crops. Due to the development of biotechnology, agricultural
engineers have been successful in altering the physical traits of many plant and animal
species, leading to stronger resistance against inhospitable weather or pests. For
example, an engineer in Vietnam has invented a salt-tolerant rice variety which can
be planted in typical saline soil in the southwest region of Vietnam. As a result, this
variety not only provides the locals with a means of sustenance but also contributes
greatly to the national agricultural productivity.

However, genetically engineered foods are closely associated with high production
costs and prohibitively expensive prices. The invention of a genetically engineered
variety often takes years and costs millions of dollars before launching the product into
the market. Moreover, the intellectual property of these new variations is often a
monopoly of a few corporations, and they may not want to share their patents with
others for free. In extreme cases, they even set a high listing price to maximise their
profit margin. This might lead to the retail price escalation that exceeds the
affordability of many individuals, particularly people living below the poverty line
who are desperately in need of food supply.

In conclusion, I somewhat contend that the financial disadvantage poses a challenge to

the use of bioengineered foods though these foods may have higher crop yields. In the
foreseeable future, it is forecast that genetically engineered foods may not be a feasible
solution to the world’s famine. (303 words)

Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’s
police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these
kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The predicament of gender equality in every aspect of today’s society has gained a
high level of controversy. While many assert that males and females are of equal
importance in the sector of law enforcement agencies or the defence force, others take
the stance that women are not suited for these roles. Both views will be discussed, and
personally, I contend that the former is more significant.
The cogent reason held against female constables and servicewomen is that their
performance might be adversely affected by their natural physical and mental ability.
There is no doubt that such jobs often require a high level of strength and stamina which
women are sometimes unable to meet. A prime example is that when chasing a suspect,
a policewoman might not run as fast as their male counterparts. In addition, those who
serve tend to encounter heavy occupational pressure. Females might fail to tolerate
the situation that may result in fatigue or depression.
Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that job opportunities in these fields should be equally
assigned to both genders. The major rationale is that women have certain sets of
valuable personal traits when dealing in sensitive circumstances. For example, when
conducting a body search on a suspected female, female officers might be more
comfortable to perform the task. Furthermore, this practice might help eliminate gender
inequality. Many nations such as Australia or the UK have allowed female officers in
the armed forces and the results have proven to be significantly positive in terms of
mission accomplishment.
In conclusion, although women might not have comparative advantages regarding their
in-born abilities, I believe that gender-bias should not exist when considering a
candidate to the law enforcement agent or the army. This is mainly explained by female
role in certain situations and the elimination of gender discrimination. (303 words)

Some people think that mental strength is the most important factor for success in
sports. However, some others believe that it is more important to have strong and fit
people. Discuss both views and give your opinions.

The topic of whether mental or physical characteristics of an athlete is more crucial

in determining the success in sports has become debatable in present day society.
Certain people are of the opinion that mental strength is a decisive factor for an
individual to succeed in sports, while others claim a more essential role of physical
strength for sports success. This essay will discuss both views, then I will give my
personal perspective, which is that the strength of mind is of more importance for
sportspeople in order to be successful.
On the one hand, physical fitness is an indispensable requirement for players to win
competitions. Comprehensive training programs which include stamina and
endurance might be indispensable parts of a sports plan so that players might be
physically fit on the fields. The Tour-de-France, for example, is a prestigious multiple
stage bicycle race which is famous for its severity. It is evident that without a perfect
physique, many cyclists might give up in the middle of the tournament.
On the other hand, mental toughness is also a prerequisite for sports professionals to
excel their performance during their games. It is undeniable that most of the elite sports
players possess an incredibly strong mentality to overcome any hardship that they
might encounter when playing high-performance sports. Roger Feder who is an
eminent tennis player is a prime example of an athlete with a strong will. In many
matches when he was led by his opponents, he tried maintaining his composure and
confidence and, eventually, won a victory over his competitors.
In conclusion, while athletes need physical prowess to participate in high-intensity
activities during matches and training, on balance, I tend to believe mental strength is
more crucial for a success in sports. This is because only strong-willed players can
activate their full ability in order to achieve honours and rewards in the long run. (312

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