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Change we can[t] believe in It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison, and yet not free to be un der no physical

l constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to t hink, feel and act as the representatives of the national state, or of some priv ate interest within the nation, wants him to think, feel and act. The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain und er the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mi nd-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his priso n are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is appa rent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective. Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley, 1958 Like I explain in my chapter; Why Obama was needed? The reason why they put u p Obama for President, was because they full well knew the American folk had had enough, as not only did Bush and his base administration rape and pillage and ba nkrupt the Federal Reserve, he didnt give a damn about the hundreds of thousands of people who were made homeless, and destitute in New Orleans following hurrica ne Katrina back in 2005, and it was because of this, the black African-American wa s ready to blow a fuse, they were on the verge of burning the USA to the ground. Bush had made so many deliberate and unintentional blunders and mistakes throu ghout presidency, that even the indigenous white American had had enough of the man, they wanted and needed change on a grand scale, and by putting Obama in his place was the best antidote for a country only minutes away from social upheava l. The establishments Freemasons could too see it on the horizon, and in additio n the whole of the Muslim world was pissed off, and hated the USA, and by simply replacing Bush with just another of his elk or cronies, [not that Obama has pro ved to be much different], would have been even more of a grave error, than that of putting Obama into power. Obama is a great orator, got a ring of Martin Luther King about him, and the air of JFK to his speeches and pose, [with oddly at times the stance of Benito Muss olini], hes of African descent and Barack Hussein Obama is much more sympathetic to the Muslim cause than any other previous American president. But anyhow, it lo oks like Obama, and as much as he would love to, will not be able to impose much ; Change we can believe in to the USA after all. As you may well have noticed, no t much has changed since his been in power, and his gone back on many a pledge i .e. the immediate closing of Guantanamo Bay prison, his stance on Iran, and he h as even reinstated illegal wiring tapping of the people. Who really knows what theyre up to, other than these bunch of corrupt bastards de stroying the peace in our world, and trashing the planet in the process whilst b laming us for doing it! Just look at them when their meeting at G20/8 summits o r UN meetings and NATO rallies etc., there like a bunch of school boys giving eac h other high fives and lining up for a photo shoot, after gorging on the most ex pensive of gourmet foods, driven about 100,000 plus cars, staying in the most lux urious of accommodations and hotels, whilst slurping the most expensive of fine wines and spirits on the planet, and all paid by you know who! The worlds finances are crippled, yet do they give a damn whilst hundreds of thou sands are being killed, murdered, maimed and or starved to death, but do they re ally care, do they fuck. They pose on their podiums with serious stern faces li ke they truly care as they break the news about the harsh austerity measures bei ng forced on our countries, like; things are going to be tough and difficult for y ears to come, -were all it together, not ask your country what it can do for you, but what can you do for your country kind of thing speeches, which is not much w hen crooks like these are presently running and ruining it at the same time, whe n all they are doing is lining their own pockets and making their own family dyn

asties and empires. I remember seeing Obama on his first world summit meeting in 2010 to discuss the global banking crisis met other G20 world leaders and on his introduction to Br azils President Lula da Silva, he quipped; Are all Brazilian women sexy? It looks l ike da Silva must have said they sure are, as I couldnt help noticing, that on the 20th March 2011, and whilst the UN, Cameron and Sarkozy were working on a plan o n how to force a coup detat and bomb the fuck out of Libyas weaponry, Obama was ba ck in Brazil playing footie at some kids school, so no doubt had some free time on his hands, though da Silva is longer in power, and Brazils new President is a women Dilma Rousseff! Then with Frances platform shoed Sarkozy at a G8 meeting to also discuss the bank ing crisis, Obama and he, looking more reminiscent to two schoolboys than that o r world leaders, were caught on camera ogling some womens arse, -what! What the hell is going through these peoples minds? On hearing such comments and seeing t he photographs and film footage all the respect I did have for Obama, went strai ght out the window, Im no prude, I too love women, but for fucks sake, keep things in perspective, theres millions of people suffering due to the economic crisis a nd all these lot can think about is doing a Bill Clinton! And if they behave like that in front of the worlds media, what must they be like in the privacy of the Berlusconi like parties they all attend, well what I write about Bohemian Grove, will soon give you a bigger picture. So it was due to this I realised that Oba ma was the same as them, as he too is one of them, a Freemason of the highest level, and a top [wag the] dog now. Many Americans from all creeds and races are beginning to see the Obama Deception f or what it really is, as it seems that by the illuminati giving the Blackman the r eins of power hes so long desired to hold, though deservedly so, as it could be a rgued even returned to them once again, which is probably nearer the truth, just t ake a look at ancient Africa/Ethiopia and Egypt for starters, where we can clear ly see they once had an incredibly advanced and civilised culture and society, o ften referred to as the bedrock and cradle of all civilisation. There are various claims and accounts as to what is what in history and all thin gs biblical, and there are many members of the black community who remind us tha t we cant forget those black Jews of Ethiopia, formerly known as Falashas, [aka t he forgotten Jews] [1] whom tradition has it, that after the Exodus from Egypt t hey broke off and made their way down the coast of Africa to Ethiopia, or they e migrated from Israel after the time of the destruction of First and Second Templ es. Falasha [Ethiopic for stranger] is the term by which the Jews of Ethiopia are commonly known as, however they refer to themselves as Beta Israel House of Israe l, and not aihud which means Jews. The entire community was airlifted out of Afric a to Israel in the early 1990s [1a]. Some rabbinical authorities have considered them to be remnants of the Tribe of Dan. Falasha synagogues are known as a mas jid, which means mosque. In ancient Egypt, examples of Egyptians with [dread]-lock hairstyles and wigs ha ve appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artefacts.[1b] Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with [dread]-locks, as well as [dread]-locked wigs, have al so been recovered from archaeological sites [1c] [1d]. The Rastafari movement o r Rasta is a new religious movement that arose in a Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s. Its followers worship Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, former Empero r of Ethiopia [19301936 and 19411974], aka Jah = God incarnate, the Second Advent. For Rastafarians, Zion is to be found in Africa, and more specifically in Ethi opia [2]. Some Rastas believe themselves to represent the real Children of Israe l in modern times, and their goal is to repatriate to Africa, or to Zion [2a].

Many reggae songs include references to Zion; among the best-known examples are Bob Marleys, as in Zion Train, Iron Lion Zion: like lion in Zion. Locks are also kno

n as African locks, and a Rasta friend or mine told me the term dreadlocks, is in reference to them being; God fearing people that lived in dread fear of the Lord. He also had them cut off as a mark of respect when his grandmother died. The Himba people in the southeast of Congo-Kinshasa also dye their dread-locks red , but their style is thicker than that of the Maasai. Other groups include the Fang people of Gabon, the Mende of Sierra Leone, and the Turkana Nilotic people of Kenya, where historians believe that the Luo and other Kenyan Nilotic tribes originally came from the Nile regions of Sudan, entering Kenya through Northern Uganda, and where the late father of Barack Obama, also named Barack Hussein Oba ma Sr. was from the Luo tribe [2b]. Tradition states the Falashas origins are from that of the Queen of Sheba [named Makeda in Ethiopian], whom upon meeting King Solomon, converted to Judaism and bore him a son, Menelik I [Son of the Wise], the first Jewish Emperor of Ethiopia, w ho ruled around 950 BC [1e]. Tradition credits him with bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia [1f], following a visit to Jerusalem to meet his father upo n reaching adulthood. Sheba [Saba,Sh va] was a kingdom mentioned in the Jewish scriptures [Old Testament] and the Quran [1g]. Its location and with modern evid ence points toward Yemen in southern Arabia, though other scholars argue for a l ocation in either present-day Eritrea or Ethiopia. Since the two territories ar e separated by a narrow channel it is possible that at various times the kingdom included territory in both Yemen and Ethiopia, and may be equated with the Sabe an kingdom. As just mentioned, and I say elsewhere of the other reason why Obama was manoeuv red into office, such as the Black population was ready to torch the US followin g the Bush administration. They had to do this handing over of authority to Nel son Mandela in South Africa following the end apartheid, and who was then put in to power, though not before dismantling their Nuclear Arms program and other vit al infrastructures first. And look at the great job the despot of a Freemason, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe i s doing in ruining his own country, whilst wreaking havoc on most peoples lives l iving there, and lining the pockets of his own family and Illuminati friends. Zi mbabwe once known as Zimbia, when in the 1880s, the British arrived with Cecil R hodess British South Africa Company [BSAC], who quite liked the idea of calling a country after him-self so much, he did, and thats how Rhodesian first came about , when until 1980 it was reverted back to Zimbabwe [2d]. The problem for the majority of black [and Asian] people in general, is tha t they too have no idea that almost all of their black leaders are Freemasons an d whose descendants were all made Freemasons as far back as the 1800s. How this first came about was when colonialists such as Cecil Rhodes needed to obtain cer tain concessions for mining rights from black leaders like King Lobengula of the Ndebele peoples, they set their own network of Masonic lodges. And when Rhodes obtained various concessions, he presented them to persuade the government of t he United Kingdom to grant a Royal charter to his BSAC over Matabeleland, and it s subject states such as Mashonaland. Royal charters [2e] were used to create cities, [i.e., localities with reco gnised legal rights and privileges], and all throughout the colonies, where Maso nic lodges were also formed at the same time, and when many black leaders were i nvited to become Freemasons, and for a privileged few they did. And in doing so , they too adopted all things British, as they would dress in full western style clothing, live in stylised houses, drive the latest cars, and where as far away from the remaining black population, as were their white counterparts. The dat e that such a Royal charter was granted, is considered to be when a city was fou nded, regardless of when the locality originally began to be settled, and it wou ld have been very unlikely a Royal charter would have been granted before all th

e preliminaries, such as the establishment of a Grand Lodge, and that certain bu siness deals, contracts and concessions had been guaranteed to come to fruition, once the charter had been granted.

Holby City is a British medical drama television series that airs weekly on BBC1, and actor Hugh Quarshie plays a doctor in that series. Quarshie is of mi xed Ghanaian, English and Dutch descent and was born in Accra, Ghana, to Emma Wi lhelmina and Richard Quarshie, and emigrated with his family to the UK when he w as aged three. [3] In September 2010, he appeared in an episode of: Who Do You Think You Are?, tracing back his Ghanaian and Dutch origins. And in the progra mme he appeared to be quite shocked to find out his was blood linked to an elite ruling family, and was shown photographs of his black ancestors, and with some of them in their Masonic garb, whilst others could be seen posing in a kind of 1 920s and 30s Eton, come Harrow, come Oxford and Cambridge kind of looking clothing , with their tweed waist coated suits, with Albert chains hanging and pocket wat ches attached, ties, cravats, straw hats, spatz shoes and walking sticks etc., a nd in poses more reminiscent to a flash looking stuck up member of the white gen try, and straight out of the set of films like; The Great Gatsby or Brideshead R evisited, as they even held the same kind of facial pose and expression similar to stately home butler, who looks down at nose at you, as opposed to the Ghanaia n Black men they really were. You could see they had been uncomfortably transformed into what they perceived a s being what an Englishman should look like. Dont get me wrong, as most of them looked dapper and very smart indeed, but even Quarshie himself commented that he didnt quite feel right as to seeing his relatives as being portrayed as somethin g, they quite really werent. Quarshies relatives belonged to the Good Templars Ma sonic Lodge in Accra, Ghana. And as I say, there have been many black Freemason s all over Africa, and have been so since at least the1800s, and still are to thi s very day where theres now thousands of black businessmen and women belonging to the Freemasons, and in total concealment from the millions of people in their ow n populations. And now in the USA with Obama being the first Black President, t he objective of this being is; We now give you the keys to city, whilst at the same time withdrawing all our major help, knowledge and more importantly money, and then see how well you can get on. Its a setup, the Masonic/Illuminati and its representatives are predominately contro lled by the whiteman, [thats why black men formed Prince Hall Freemasonry], and h e doesnt want to give up his power that easily, and by letting others now have th e prospect to take rule, gives rise to the opportunity to show how good and supe rior they once were, and perhaps in the longer term help silence their critics. As the black African people have no other choice or alternative other than to fa il, because all their leaders are corrupt and on bribes, and indirectly encourag ed to cause as much inner conflict and turmoil whilst destabilising the whole of the African continent, and whilst at the very same time causing as much problem s as possible to those like the Chinese who are out there investing trillions of pounds into the various regions, with the aim of trying to get the much needed resources for their own growing economy and country, and by doing this, then wha t you get is a double-whammy, and all part of the Illuminatis strategic plan. This is a long-term plan, and years will pass whilst untold numbers will continue to die in the process, as theres going to be some arse kicking going on all over th e African continent. Then in time, when the indigenous populations can take no ies for the Whiteman to take control again, as even now ishing that places such as Zimbabwe and South Africa were Whiteman. Then in America, the Freemason/Illuminati are more, there will be cr there are many black men w back in control of the that shrewd and clever

, they havent really handed over the keys to a Blackman in the Whitehouse, as all theyve really done, is put a black face on a Whitemans body, as Obama is no doubt a 32nd/33rd Freemason. Even once ardent followers of Obama have sussed out he isnt going to be able to d o anything significant for the black people, as the reality of the situation is th at a working class Blackman, is the same as a White, Chinese or Middle-eastern o ne, i.e. were all suppressed, though Obama is cosmetically good, it appears as if h e represents the underdog, and if the truth be known, he was the better bet than the others put on offer to vote for. And it must said Obama, single handily ha s restored the corrosive reputation Bush and Clinton left behind them, so yeah O bama good in many respects, yet all of them are still puppets of the Masonic/Ill uminati cabals. Rap singers such as Professor Griff [9] and Chuck D[11] of Hip-Hop group Public E nemy, or rapper Lawrence Kris Parker better known as KRS-One [12] from the Temple of Hip-Hop and the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for all his work and effort towards the Stop the Violence Movement as well as the overall pionee ring of hip hop music and culture, have said along the lines, that; the impression that prejudice no longer exists in America by appointing Americas first ever Bla ck president, when nothing has got any better for the actual Blackman, or in fac t any other race in the US, there all in as much shit now as they were when any of those other crooked presidents were in power, Johnson, Nixon, Regan, Clinton, Bush etc. and look what they gave to the American people! [10][11][12] And all have much more to say on the subject and the Obama Deception, as Professor Griff calls it, and if you want to hear more check out the source links. Unless of course, there is real change, and that change is not so much the co lour of a mans skin, but by how our world is run, then we are forever going to be t reading water. We need a real New World Change, not Order, our present system of democracy, has become a de-mock-racy, we need more than a tweaking of Political R eform, we need a Radical Reform of our present systems, and nothing short of a Revol ution, we need to sack and get rid of the corrupt Masonic elite presently fucking up our planet, the Masonic groups, organisations and business leaders whom job it is to keep us on a minimum wage, whilst they remain on a maximum one! What a bloody insult these thieving bastards conjure-up, a minimum wage! What, is tha t meant to give the badly educated an incentive to go to work? As after all its only been contrived so they can say; Well at least your getting the legal minimum wage, its so patronising as these fat cat punks who are paying themselves hundreds of thousands of pounds and millions in other cases-and who think theyre doing th e working classes a favour by paying them a paltry minimum wage, a wage impossib le to live on and the reason everyone needs debt in order just to survive. Just look at the one bonus alone paid to the disgraced Fred the Shred Sir F red Goodwin certainly was a Good win for him, the Bank of Scotland chairman-4,000,0 00. Who cares if his given it back, as no one knows for certain if he has, as hes had, and many like him have millions of pounds in share options and bonuses fro m the banks anyway, banks that presently have a majority holding by you the tax payer. You could employ 160 staff on 25,000 p.a. for one whole year alone for wh at that one greedy bastard got just as a bonus! So you can imagine how much, an d how many people could be paid and employed if these greedy lowlife scumbags we re satisfied with making say 250,000 p.a. The bank bonus bill in the UK for the year 2010 was around 7 billion, the total c ost of the complete devastation to Pakistan in 2010, following the floods was le ss than 10 million. 7 billion pounds for a tiny sector of people, thats an outrage ous sum to pay anyone, and on top of their already diabolically high earnings, a nd considering these are the same bunch of cunts who were directly involved and e ven responsible for the world financial crisis to begin with, and who have benef ited from a massive 45 billion in tax payers bail-outs, its positively criminal, p

eople should be rioting in streets, and many of these same people should be char ged with fraud and jailed, but no, as in this Masonic world theyre patted on the back and rewarded instead! And nothings changed Barclays bank chief executive Bo b Diamond received a smaller-than-expected 6.5m annual bonus in February 2011. Ive already said about the levels of some peoples pay, that surely a quarter of a million pounds a year is more than adequate to have a fantastic life to live on . In return everyone in society would and could be given a very decent wage as well, none of this 5.50 per hour bollocks, [I understand this might have to be th e case in very small one man band operations and businesses, but shouldnt apply t o any other companies that have a much higher threshold of income], the country would save billions of pounds in state benefits, because people would want to wo rk and could afford to do so, we could have many public workers, as long as thos e at the top take a drastic pay cut. With our present system, and the present w ages on offer, the majority of those currently on state benefits simply couldnt a fford to come off the dole even if they wanted to. And incredibly there have ev en been calls to scrap the minimum wage, so they can lower it! The real reason why there are so many illegal immigrants in the country is because they are willing to work for so much less, and you could then argue, wel l if they can work for these low sums of wages, then why cant you? Well the reas on why they can afford to do this is because in many cases they live up to 30 pe ople in one three bed house, as was the case my next door neighbours, and withou t the knowledge of the landlord. There were mattresses spread out in all the roo ms, bar the kitchen. So if thats the case, and obviously our governments have al ways been aware of this, so how on earth is this system going to ever alter if n othing radical is done to change things from how they presently are? Simply cut ting the public sector, and hitting the working classes, isnt going to solve the problem. Yet despite all this, we are now going through the biggest reform in o ur benefits system, and perhaps rightly so in certain respects, but theres no poi nt rattling the cage if theres no work available for those currently on benefits to go to, and now the countrys going to gradually see around 500,000 or more join the dole queues throughout 2011. In October 2010, the Chancer of the Exchequer G eorge Osborne, announced 6.2 billion in cuts, and that youve got worked until 66 y ears old before youre entitled to drop down dead or retire if youre lucky.

We have to look upon these cuts from the public purse, as being literally a pers onal attack against each and every one of us, as thats what it truly is. Our own Masonic MPs have ganged up against us, as theyre not going to let us forget their anger about how humiliated we all made them feel during the expenses scandal, a s candal that revealed their true colours, that showed us and the rest of the worl d, how pathetically greedy and trivial they all are. And its because of such hum iliation, they are enjoying every little bit as they set about to rob us of bill ions of pounds, whilst at the same time dragging our lives back 30 years or so. As yet again, were all put back to the starting line, while theyre all still on the second last bend. And what proves their all in it together, is the silence from the opposition, of cou rse theyre shouting out some kind of bollocks or another during their Punch and J udy side-shows, that Cameron said he wanted an end off, yet seems to relish at g etting the opportunity to struggle with the crocodile across the water, but its n othing of any real substance, and total silence when it comes to insisting we go after the real criminals knowing full well that half of these scoundrels are sitt ing right next to each other, and if not there then in that other house of crook s, officially referred to as the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and if not there, t hen in their lodges all over the country.

There really is no need to cut one single pound out of our economy, and if I was in government, Id prove it, as I know for certain, I could pull in at least doub le of what they are proposing to cut back. The follow statistics speak for them selves and prove that, that lot in the just mentioned places are indeed as bent as a horse shoe. According to the HM Revenue & Customs own data system, with re gard to individuals, and in the accounts of the 50 largest companies in the UK i n regard to their corporate tax. That tax avoidance is commonplace and is costi ng us in the UK billions of pounds every single year, and not less than 25 billio n a year at that. Then at 30 billion per year, fraud in the UK is more than twic e as high as thought, with tax evasion, not to be confused with avoidance, also costing the public purse over 15 billion per year, and benefit fraud just over 1 b illion. So the answer to the problem is simple, Id setup immediately a special team and s ystem to be able to combat this problem head on, and whereas Id jail anyone or an y company earning in excess of 100,000 who is caught out trying to avoid paying t heir tax, for a minimum of 5 years in jail. If they earn in excess of 1,000,000, and try the same thing, theyll be birded off for 10 years. I stop all the looph oles and tax avoidance schemes, whereas there would be no such schemes to put an y money into, as the money would first go to the treasury, then straight back ou t to public spending. Id bring in stiff jail sentences for anyone caught out ill egally claiming expenses from the public purse such as many the MPs did during th e expenses scandal. The same would apply if any minsters or civil servants and a like, who sign us up to any contracts that prove to cause detrimental circumst ances to the public purse, like that of the two aircraft carriers, were allegedly b ound by contract to build, as it would cost as much or more not to! Jail them a ll, would I. Now thats what I call real Change! What should be cut are the extortionate wages that many fat-cat bosses are being paid, in fact right across the board wages have to be revaluated and not just p oliticians and bank bosses, but many other certain employees have to be singled out as well. Including those in all sorts professions and positions, such as ci vil servants, head teachers, NHS administrators and managers, sports persons, [p articularly footballers] bosses at the BBC, high ranking policemen and many othe r persons in power and control of positions where theyre earning ridiculously obs cene amounts of money, when after all theyre only doing a job, while quite often their subordinates are carrying them and expected to scrap by on a mediocre wage . Believe me, like Ive said before, theres absolutely no foundation whatsoever as to them saying: Well, if you dont pay the right kind of money, there be a brain-drai n, and theyll go somewhere else, bollocks will they, you will always be able to fi nd, and if not better, but equally as good as those who proclaim this propaganda bullshit. Its the same with politicians, theyre all at it, so they also come out with this same kind of rhetoric; If we dont get enough money as a MP, youre lose us to industry, Yeah, well fuck off then! Its more of the case, they cant get a job in industry to begin with, and why they then had to choose the old school tie or M asonic network route into becoming career politicians instead. Theres a good scr ew to be earned as a parasitical politician and they know it, and have done so f or many, many years, the dirty slimy ball-bags, well their times coming to an end ; Viva Revolution!

In May 2010 the number of registered political parties is 347 in Great Britain, and 46 in Northern Ireland. Three parties dominate politics in the House of Comm ons Labour now has 258 seats, Conservative Party 307 seats and the Liberal Democ rats 57 seats. [28 seats out of the total 605 are held by other independent par ties.] And according to which one of these parties are elected by a pissed off v

oting public, clearly shows its always been a two horse race that has remained th is way for the last 100 years, and since Labours formation in 1900. Many now th ink the situation has changed following the recent coalition, but all its done i s made a distorted view of what really has happened, as we still have a two hors e race, though this time using a Pantomime horse, with the Tories as the front h alf and the Lib-Dems at the rear, whilst Labour is plodding along to the knacker s yard! Prior to Labours rise in power around the 1920s, the Liberals were in fact the ot her second horse in this two party race, with the same old Conservatives who hav e been knocking about since 1678 and always part of the field. The Conservatives /Tories have always been for the rich, in the interest of businesses as opposed to the workers. The Liberals appear to have changed their name as often as traf fic lights such as; the The Whigs, the Radicals and Peelites were a breakaway fa ction of the British Conservative Party, and existed from 1846 to 1859. They we re called Peelites because they were initially led by Sir Robert Peel, the same man who set-up the first British Police Force, whose officers were aptly called Peelers, and who was also the Prime Minister and Conservative Party leader in 18 46 The Peelites were often referred to as the Liberal Conservatives. The LibDems/SDP etc, have always been middle of the road in their politics, and a bit scared to upset anyone. Labour was brought about to protect, stand-up-for and represent the working classes, they were brought to power by the workers op posed to the deplorable working conditions and wages companies and industries ha d on offer, the unions made Labour what they are, the weekly funds and contribut ions that was/is deducted from the workers/members of a union, is/was what finan ced and paved the way for Labour to rise to power. Though look how they repaid them, and perhaps its the reason they lost the 2010 election. The rest of the existing 343 [figure for 2009] political parties have got less c hance of being elected to power, than you have of walking on water. So even tho ugh on the surface it looks like were living a free and wonderful democratic coun try with the opportunity for anyone to enter into the political arena, this real ly couldnt be so far from the truth. Okay, so you might get the Greens, the Farright, Communists, Socialist Workers, Euro-sceptics, the Raving Lunatic party an d other independents getting the odd seat here and there, but presently none of these are ever going to be able to change the face of politics, other than perha ps the rise of the extreme Right parties such as BNP, though they were wiped-out in the recent elections. Though I believe its only a matter of time when you wi ll see an increase in these kinds of right wing groups once again.

If you back a rat into the corner of a room, it will try to escape, and in that process of it trying to jump up and get a way, its very likely youll be bitten or scratched as it goes flying past you. And this is what happens to an indigenou s population, by their ruling elite. You have to understand the ruling elite ar e not racist as such, or like what we think they are, and what were made to think we should be like, as Ive said before, they really couldnt carless if a two heade d, black, yellow, white or green one eyed monster does their chores for them whi lst making and saving them money in the process, as for who or what does it is t otally irrelevant to them, as long as it all gets done. The only person who is affected by someone else doing the work, is the person who was in line to do it first. If a family starts having too many children and their income is not enou gh to cover the cost to survive, theyll soon become impoverished. Of course youll always get those with the odd entrepreneurial spirit, who will soon learn how t o beg, borrow or steal. Rogue parents or brothers will soon realise money can b e made from the prostitution of their daughters or sisters, the selling of drugs , or other kinds of illegal activity will also become the norm, and a reason why many boroughs, regions and places fall into steep decline and even in some case

s become no-go areas, not because people so much cant go there, but they wouldnt w ant to be seen dead in some of these areas. However the majority of law abiding citizens want to work, whilst others will be dependent on benefits in order for their family to survive. Either way, each g roups standard of living will differ according to their income as opposed to the outgoings, so the family with two children on an income of 300pw will have signif icantly more to spend on themselves, than a family with four kids, who are also on the same income. Now, when you have a country with a population well in exce ss of 60,000,000, with approximately 3,000,000 unemployed and on benefits, the c reated income from the workforces tax, will pay towards keeping those unemployed fed, clothed and housed, and this system can work quite well as theres an abundan ce of wealth and income that actually goes into the government coffers that shou ld allow a rich nation such as ours to be able to maintain the forever changing numbers of unemployed and sick people as and when they arise. However, due to o ur present and past governments continuous incompetence, stealing, wasting, mism anaging and their sheer negligence of the billions of pounds of money that goes through the governments treasury and out from the publics purse, is the true reaso n as to why were forever kept at the starting blocks of life and waiting for the starting gun to be fired. This continuously pillaging and raping of the publics funds, keeps us forever nee ding to replace the church roof, thus the shortage of this despite all our money , the country is forever in debt and even more so now, than perhaps at any other time of our history. So, knowing all this, living and going through it generat ion after generation, experiencing the lack of services, council houses, schools , hospitals, old people homes etc., then how on earth can you then expect to all ow those others to come in the country, invade, and in many cases completely tak e over certain areas, as millions of people from other countries already have, a nd who too all now need to be fed from the same cake, when, its not as if the cak e as got any bigger, and in fact its obviously reduced in its original size, but the amount of mouths expected to be fed from this very same cake, has grown beyo nd all reasonably expectations, and it is due to this and this alone that is cau sing the upsurge and growing support of the rightwing parties in general. But the Masonic/Illuminati elite know all about this, our countries have been pu t through all this turmoil before, but what it really does is it takes the light away from them and their thieving and bungling of our money and the running int o the ground of our country, and which is the real cause of poverty, high unempl oyment and the influx of immigrants, either genuine and illegal, our financial c risiss, and the increase in so called wars, terrorism, etcetera, etcetera. And t here you have it, the making of and reasons for it to kick-off into civil unrest , World War III to start and another mass culling of the human race is about to come about, and the clocks of time are just reset, and the nightmare starts all over again; Tick, tick, tick We desperately need CHANGE, with capital letters, real change, as it has never com e about in the last 500 years of politics, they alter, vary, tweak, adjust, amen d, modify or shift, but never actually change in the kind of change we are screa ming out for, our country and the world political systems need true change, such as a drastic revolutionary change, a transformation, conversion and totally new rewritten rules, regulations, laws and statutes. None of the continuous three h eaded hydra of LibCon-Lab that can never lose, as theyre all in the same win, win, win situation, being as theyre all fucking Freemasons who went to the same blood y schools, universities or colleges such as; Charterhouse, Eton, Harrow, Lancing , Marlborough, Repton, Rugby, Tonbridge, Wellington, Westminster, Cambridge, Tri nity, Oxford, Gordonstoun etc, have all produced and churned out this elitist Ma sonic Brotherhood of brown nosed yes men, so whenever the country has a General El ection, with the help of the paid by us, to screw us BBC, which promotes this tw o party system, to look like three promotional farce from the very start of proc

eedings and keeps it up to the very end.

As does the rest of Britains media, who act as a Masonic circus for the so called o pposed candidates, that on camera battle it out and fight over supposedly two or three different agendas, when in fact theyre all controlled at the top by those Freemasons who have already vetted and weeded out the bad apples, ensuring only the indoctrinated safe men are up for election, as were egged on and supposedly le d to believe were having a change of party and government, is the worlds biggest sca m, next to that of manmade religions and Hulk Hogans wrestling. This present corrupt system couldnt work without the full cooperation and endorse ment of our heavily censored media, whose Masonic owners and editors are part of the establishment and controlled behind the scenes by the Masonic structure tha t has over the centuries done enormous harm to the lives and fortunes of Britains long suffering people. When will the population begin to wake up to the fact, that our mass media are providing a platform to let this fraud and corruption co ntinue? Its the proprietors who members of the Freemasons who own and control th e UK, USA, Europe and ultimately the worlds media outlets and in all their variou s forms, as they have meticulously manufactured this same illusion thanks to the ir control over our media, and especially the supposed public broadcaster the BB C alias the Big Brother Cover-up. [4] Our present leaders and the majority of politicians are all bed-mates snorting t he same line of cocaine, singing from the same goodbye Mr Chips song sheet, and the reason why many can cross the line and go from one party to another if and w hen it so pleases them. They just swop hats, and this would even happen if ther e ever was a drastic overnight change of government say, to communism, as those ruling elite families will have secured their own so-called turncoats acting out as if they have changed, and will just go along with this charade, trick and con and our new leader will simply still be a Freemason in sheeps clothing, or should I say a lambskin apron. Like I said before and used the same kind of analogy as to when George Orwell cl early shows in Animal Farm, that its not before long when the pigs are back at th e trough stuffing their faces and sleeping in comfy beds, whilst their so called comrades have to eat potatoes and sleep on the stable floor. Even those not in power, are on such a good screw earning 65,000 p.a. in wages, t hen with all their other expenses and scams, it comes to about 250,000 each a yea r, not bad considering your party lost the general election! There really is no d ifference between them, because as soon as the other lot get into power, it now gives rise and the opportunity to steal and milk dry all the departments theyre h eading, and to corrupt the system even more than the previous lot did. Its now t he winning partys time to ride the gravy-train, whilst lining their own pockets and securing their family dynasties and fortunes, and to fuck-up our countries infr astructures so badly, that we want and need to change them all over again, and o nly a few years later on, and on this same old predestined Merry-go-round, these stinking parasites merrily do go! Well never be able to get into the position to come up with a new party as such, on e that could fairly compete and have any real chance of winning enough seats to become a majority party, and they know that. The only way us the people, can pe rhaps get some kind reassurance of a real and fair representation from these pre sent lot of hangers-on, who are after all meant to be working for and representi ng us, is to fast-track and change our present political structure and to then i ntroduce new and specific criminal laws to the system, so that whenever anyone h as been found in breach of these new laws and regulations, they will without dou bt be jailed.

Then apart from that, the introduction of a new Peoples Bill needs to be addressed , whereas the governing party in power and no matter who they are will all have to maintain certain principles that does not interfere or affect the; Peoples Rig hts, a Constitution like they have in the USA, is whats needed here in the UK and other countries. Yet even in the USA, their Masonic brothers are abusing and forever trying to am end the Constitution to the detriment to the people; The United States Constitut ion was adopted on September 17th 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Phil adelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in each US state in the name of The People. The Constitution has been amended twenty-seven times; the first t en amendments are known as the Bill of Rights, but even still this Constitution is slowly being eroded by the boys from the brotherhood. Thats why we need laws to be passed so no amendments can be made if they prove to be detrimental to the people. The people must always come first, as after all whoever is in power, is there as a servant to those who put them there in the fi rst place, this is of course meant to already be the case, but you certainly wou ldnt think so, and theres no apparent indicator of this happening and their curren t behaviour certainly doesnt reflect it.

If you really want to know why our economies are in such a bad state of affairs, and wonder where all the money has been disappearing to, then perhaps some of t he following figures might help us towards trying to understand as to why there h as been such drastic cutbacks and long term recessions, alongside trillions of p ounds, dollars and Euros being stolen from our countries coffers, and why smokesc reens have been erected, and the spotlight and blame squarely put upon the banks ters, as opposed to the Politicians and the Military Industrial Complex [MIC] of Masonic owned companies, is the reason Ive added these statistics. Perhaps we can also see why the banksters are being paid so well in bonuses, so as to keep quiet and take all the flak and make it look like, that yes after all , it is their fault as to why the worlds in such a financial mess, when the real reason is all our money is being spent on wars. So when you next here of them c losing down a hospital, school, nursery or old peoples home near you, just bear i n mind these following figures. Before you read these mind boggling sums, consider this, how is it possible were expected to spend millions of pounds, that will likely transform into billions, sticking our noses into Libyas problems, and when after all the countrys meant to be supposedly broke? Yet miraculously were told we have a contingency fund for eme rgencies! Surely thats what our banking crisis exactly is, and again it just goes to show how slippery these lot are. I really am all for humanitarian needs and actions, but why isnt the African Unio n, the Middle East Union and Arab League, whos probably got more money in their b ack pocket, than we have here in the UKs Bank of England, dealing with Libyas trou bles? Their closer to the ground, share the same religions and know the regions well, and dont need or even want our intervention and interference in the first place, which proves one thing, they just wanting to spend-off some rounds of weapo nry, so us the mugs over here and in all the other busy-body countries, will hav e to again pay for and replenish the used stocks; Simples!

At one time the British had at least 27,000 troops in Iraq, and as from the 23rd of August 2010, the total US troops was 49,700, though all other nations, inclu

ding the UK have since withdrawn virtually all their troops from Iraq. Lets not forget we were out their during the Gulf War in 1990/1, and its been estimated it cost $60 billion, with Saudi Arabia contributing $36 billion, for a war that la sted just 6 months. According to the Congressional Research Service [CRS][5] the cost of deploying a single US soldier for just one year alone in Iraq is a staggering $390,000, and our British troops and the allied forces had been in Iraq for well over six yea rs, as have and still are the Americans, which comes to trillions of pounds, dol lars and euros spent so far, and with no end in sight on the horizon as our troop s are now out in Afghanistan, which seems to be heading also deeper into Pakista n. The cost of training, equipment, healthcare benefits, tax breaks, life-insura nce and disability insurance, wear-and-tear of equipment, ammunition, moral and transportation costs a minimum of 250,000 for a year period per British soldier,[ 6] thats 1 million pounds for just 4 men. Ive had more difficulty in obtaining figures for the UK, but here are just few ex tra financial costs, that can help give you an idea as to the kinds of fees bein g spent by the USA alone, and that how many billions the UK might have really sp ent, and not forgetting all those other allied countries, that I have no data on . The CRS report state: Spent & approved war-spending was around $900 billion of U S taxpayers money spent through Sept 2010. Lost & Unaccounted for in Iraq: $9 bi llion and $549.7 million in spare parts shipped in 2004 to US contractors: 190,0 00 guns, including 110,000 AK-47 rifles. Gone missing; was $1 billion in tracto r trailers, tank recovery vehicles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and other equipment and services provided to the Iraqi security forces. Mismanaged & Wasted in Iraq: $10 billion, per Feb 2007. Congressional hearings: Halliburton Overcharges Classified by the Pentagon as Unreasonable and Unsupported: $1.4 bi llion. Amount paid to KBR[7] an engineering, construction and services company supporting the energy, petrochemicals, government services and civil infrastruct ure and a former Halliburton division to supply US military in Iraq with food, f uel, housing and other items: $20 billion. Portion of the $20 billion paid to K BR that Pentagon auditors deem questionable or supportable was $3.2 billion. US 2 009 Monthly Spending in Iraq: $7.3 billion as of Oct 2009. US 2008 Monthly Spen ding in Iraq: $12 billion. US Spending per second: $5,000 in 2008.

Like the doctors who need patients, the undertaker who needs bodies, just the sam e as the pickaxe and shovel makers still need gullible miners long after the gol d rush is over, and knowing full well theres not any gold left, yet will still se ll them all the tools, the arms dealer needs wars, as does the uniform makers an d equipment suppliers to the military need soldiers, wars and campaigns in order to become rich and earn their easy guaranteed tax payers money. And thats not e ven including the mega amounts of money other countries such as us in the UK are additionally spending, in which again results to trillions of tax payers money being wasted on non-wars, and wars made by us, whilst destroying and destabilisi ng the worlds peace, and all of our countries infrastructures in the process, sim ply because theres not enough money remaining in the pot to spend on what it cost s to maintain these kinds of wars and run our own countries. So called trained economist, Gordon Brown alone lost the UK economy billions of pounds by selling the publics gold reserves for a pittance, and at todays present go ld prices, if we still had it in the Bank of England vaults, wed be billions of p ounds better off. And if that balls up wasnt bad enough, his government then annou nced selling-off our countries assets, and indirectly helped open the door to in vite Camerons and Cleggs Masonic chums to then be able to slice up the cake by buy ing up profitable and stable companies such as the Royal Mail, and other organis

ations whom supply all the goods and equipment to the NHS, and as we know this t oo is on the cards to be sold off, broken up and destroyed. With the scary outc ome being that the majority of the spending power and decision making will be ha nded over to the doctors, whom many GPs dont like prescribing expensive drugs to t heir dying patients at the best of times. Now were have Harold Shipman like desp ot doctors, thinking Do you know what, Ive never quite liked this fucking miserabl e bastard of a patient, sod him, Ill just let the fucker die.

What Jake the Peg with his extra Glegg will do as from now on, is let certain pr oposed companies theyve had their all seeing eye on, be starved of the required cas h-flow and investment needed to run these sorts of companies, and will purposely let them go to the wall. So when it comes to revaluing these companies, they w ill be worth sweet fuck all, and thats when their Masonic brothers shall go chargi ng in, and will be able to buy them for a song and at the expense and downfall o f us all. Look what happened to the coal industry, the railways, and our utility companies such as the electric, gas and water boards, who are all making outrageous massi ve profits yet were all being ripped off with such astronomical bills! Why is it , were having too sell-off the countrys assets in order to pay for Brown & Co mist akes? Which after all, were not mistakes but obviously bloody intentional, as j ust look how rich their all becoming in the process, just look at the millions t hat war criminal and contract assassin Tony Blair is now worth, yet his missus i s still trying nick, the odd 10 here and there by trying with not too much succes s, flogging off her husbands autograph on eBay. She said it was a joke, thats for sure, whereas I think, he thinks so much of himself, he really wanted to see ho w much his signature would fetch on an open worldwide auction site, and the answ er was, just a tenner! For real political reform lets seize back our countries industries, as the above aforementioned groups should be in private hands anyway .

Whats the difference between the Taliban, the Republican Party, the Socialist Wor kers Party, the IRA-Sinn Fein, Hamas, the Conservatives, ETA, the Liberal Democr ats, or Israels far right Kach and Kahane Chai, al-Qaeda, Herut and the National Movement whom are another far-right Israeli group, Hezbollah, the Labour party, the SDP, the PLO, Lega Nord-Berlusconi IV Cabinet, the BNP, Hezbollah, National Front, the Italian Radicals or any other political group around the world? A wo rld where a man branded as a terrorist can be imprisoned for 27 years then sudde nly released and made President of it. A world that wouldnt let the voices of th e leaders of a certain political group be heard via the TV or radio on the mainl and of the UK, but pathetically couldnt prevent an actors voice being used and dub bed over the politicians own voice, so we still heard exactly what they had to s ay, and yet in the same breath accuse countries such as Russia or China for supp ression on the freedom of speech, and that just mentioned suppressed group; the Sinn Fein, now sits side by side with the other political parties in the House o f Representatives in Ireland. So whats the difference between all those various political groups and parties, a bsolutely nothing! Other than some of them are regarded as legitimate, whilst f or the time being, the others are looked upon as either extremist groups or terr orists. Whereas if the truth be known, all of them, whether regarded as legitim ate, extremist or terrorists, and all of their leaders have one thing in common, theyre all Freemasons, or belong to one kind of Masonic club, brotherhood, secre t society, group and fraternity or another and are basically just legalised gang sters.

Lets face it, smart criminals become politicians, or worse ways join the police f orce, or worse still the army. I know Ive gone over this before, but I wish to d rive it home how worthless are politicians are, out of all those hundreds of MPs presently in opposition here in the UK, [and which is the same the world over], are all still earning a small fortune in wages, in comparison to everyone else, with all their other expenses on top, youre looking at about 250,000 per year to r un a one man [or woman] band office, how bad is that then, and you can actually pay your own wife, husband or partner and pretend theyre your personal secretary, paid courtesy of the tax payer, and even if their partners are not working dire ctly for them, then you can bet your arse their working for or with a nepotistic friend of a friend of a friend. Again I reiterate, until we have real, and just laws, laws that pay more emphasis on those who have been caught fiddling expenses, avoiding paying taxes, deliberati ng wasting funds or fraudulently stealing money from the public purse in general , as opposed to much more trivial everyday crimes committed by the masses, becau se after all, many of these so called white-collar crimes, amount to billions be ing stolen from the public and economy, in contrast to the many so called crimes committed by the working classes. We need laws, that when these white collars are felt and caught red-handed, that extra heavy sentences are imposed on these kinds of criminals, purely because of their positions of trust, and more importa ntly to send out a wider message to the rest of them in Whitehall and other simi lar places where the stealing and corruption is rife, they need to be sent to pr ison and rehabilitated, and shown how theyre meant to really behave in society.

[1] Shas to help speed up Ethiopian Jewry immigration to Israel Israel Insider [1a] [1b] Online Etymology Dictionary, article Dread. [1c] Image of Egyptian with locks. [1d] Egyptian Museum -Return of the Mummy. Toronto Life 2002 [1e] Menelik I (Ibn El-Hakim) (deceased). -El-Hakim/6000000002518586281. Retrieved 2010-05-19. [1f]The Ark of the Covenant: The Ethiopian Tradition. cles/articles_issues4.php. Retrieved 2010-05-19. [1g] Comay, Joan; Ronald Brownrigg (1993) (in English). Whos Who in the Bible:The Old Testament and the Apocrypha, The New Testament. New York: Wing Books. pp. O ld Testament, 351. ISBN 0-517-32170-X. [2]Jah the Rasta name for God incarnate, from a shortened form of Jehovah found in Psalms 68:4 in the King James Version of the Bible [2a] [2c] [2d] <>. [2e] <>. [3] Hugh Quarshie Photos, Biography, <>.

[4] -. <>. [5] Councilmember Ervin sponsors Resolution to Cease Combat <http://archive.const>. [6] What is the cost of training a soldier in the <http://wiki.answers .com/Q/What_is_the_cost_of_training_a_soldier_in_the_military>. [7] US Labor Against the War : Iraq War Results & Statistics at <http://www.uslabo>. [8] What is a Political Party? <> . [9] [10] [11] [12] KRS-ONE Hip-Hop Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World - uk

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